Workouts right before bed...

:smile: I want to knw everyones opinions on workouts right before bed. I did it last night for the first time and woke up feeling pretty good...let me know what you guys think!



  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    It might depend on the workout. For me personally, it would have to be something like yoga or stretching that would allow me to wind down before bedtime.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.

  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    That's the only time I have to workout. I love it. I wear myself out so when I hit the pillow, I crash. I wake up with a clear mind and feeling awesome.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.

    He is pretty good at it too.
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.


  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    Between the time my boyfriend's son goes to sleep (between 8-9pm) and my bedtime (10pm) is the best time for me to work out. I feel exhausted and accomplished when I get done. The only downside I have found is that I have to go to bed with my hair wet (I don't blow dry my hair), I have to get up to use the bathroom a million times because I guzzled a bottle of water during the workout, and sometimes I get tight while I sleep if I worked out super-hard. But I would encourage it whenever it is convenient.
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Must be hump day because I thought this thread was going somewhere else! LOL.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    generally not a good idea because it will make it difficult to sleep but if its works for you keep at it!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I do it because it's the only time I have to go. I can't do it in the morning because my husband leaves for work very early and I have to get the kids to daycare (I mean, I could, but I'd literally have to get up at 3:45am...I'm sorry, that may work great for some people but it's not happening for me, lol) and then I work all day, and then I need to come home and do dinner and hang out with my kids (NOT giving up any of my precious time with them in the evenings - that's the ONE thing that a workout will NEVER be more important than!!), and they go to bed at 8:30 or so, so that's when I go to the gym. I usually get there at 8:45 or 9 and get home around 10 and try to get to bed by 11.

    It takes me a little longer to wind down at night when I work out that late, that's for sure. Plus, I'm usually starving when I get home so my little snack (some cheese or something) doesn't help that. But, it's absolutely 100% better than no work out at all, so I roll with it. I'd probably prefer to do it earlier if I could, though.

    I think in the end it's all personal preference. If it works for your schedule and your sleep and everything, there's certainly no reason *not* to do it then, you know?
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.


    Working out in bed:


    I have limited room.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    Night time is the only time I have to actually work out. Since I usually don't have the energy on an empty stomach, I exercise after dinner and before bed. I've been doing this for a year now, and I haven't encountered any problems with it--aside from the fact that post-workout gives me unwarranted boost of energy.

    Another benefit of working out before bedtime (at least for me), is that my mind doesn't even consider eating back the calories I burned since 1) I just had dinner, and 2) getting stuffed at night is never good. Also, I feel completely refreshed the morning after.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Whenever I do this before bed I have trouble sleeping. Unfortunately I must live with it because I can't wake up early no matter what.
  • Heather032190
    Heather032190 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your opinions they all sound great. LOL :wink: but I found that I slept a little better last night I think I will keep it up and see how it goes.

    And yes today is literally "HUMP DAY" lol

    & workouts in bed do a body good too hehe
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member

    I have limited room.

    This made me laugh.. a lot.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.


    Working out in bed:


    I have limited room.

    You fit in a bed?
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Sometimes it is the only time I can exercise. But downside it sometimes wakes me up.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.


    Working out in bed:


    I have limited room.

    You fit in a bed?

    Nope, that's actually a pic of how I have to sleep. Being 6ft5 sucks...
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.


    Working out in bed:


    I have limited room.

    You fit in a bed?

    Nope, that's actually a pic of how I have to sleep. Being 6ft5 sucks...

    At 6'7 I feel your pain!
  • Bookaholic88
    Bookaholic88 Posts: 106 Member
    I usually work out around 9, any later and i have trouble sleeping
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I prefer to do my workouts in bed.


    Working out in bed:


    I have limited room.

    Most definitely doing it wrong