How much do you spend on groceries?



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    500 a month and i live in alaska lol
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    About 450 a month - I live in San Francisco.
    That is not counting non-food items or when I eat out.
  • Brads2ndLife
    Up until about 2 weeks ago I was spending $40 on beer per week.

    and probably another $100+ on meat, bread, cheese and chips to go with the beer.

    Eating healthy is saving me a small fortune!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    It really depends on what I need (if I need to stock up on spices or frozen veggies, etc)

    But I would say roughly 200-300/month between myself and my husband. But I don't buy food with other essentials like toiletries and cleaning products, and I know some people do. That is strictly food.

    & I should probably mention, I live in Wisconsin; pretty cheap living costs and food costs (at least compared to where my in-laws live in northern va)...and we don't have tax on food.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I would have to sit down and figure it out honestly. Some things I buy and stock up like Kashi cereal. We also go to the local grocery store and BJ's too. Then there is toilet papers and paper towels that don't count too. Some things you can stock up when on sale which does help!! For me we are a family of 7.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i spend around $30-40 a week but thats also because i eat a LOT of salmon. lol
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    Bout $350-450 a month for my boyfriend and I with occational meal hosting for five. So not too bad. Lots of fruits veggies and meat. (Sometimes booze but I dont really count that :)
  • torymichaels
    150-170ish - family of 5. That does include beer and whatnot, but does 'not' include the diapers for twin 2 y/os. Oy. Please please please let them potty train soon.
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    We spend about $400/month on food for the two of us. This includes a monthly Costco run (~$100), a weekly CSA share ($130), and random odds and ends I pick up from the local co-op Saturday morning. This does not include alcohol, eating out (which we do about once a week), and dog food for two greedy, sweet pugs.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    ummm where does everyone live?

    Over $200 per week just to feed me and my wife. I'm in Philadelphia.

    hubby and I (plus 2 large breed dogs) live in VA and spend around $150-$175/week. I spend around $80/week at trader joes and the rest at my local grocery store.

    edit to clarify weekly purchases: this is for everything (wine/beer, paper products, food, cleaning products) this does not include going out to dinner which is rare (at least during the winter months - summer months we do out to dinner more often).
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    I bought a small chest thing I ever did for my house.. can buy in bulk split things up and go without a huge bill every month.. for example when turkeys are five dollars apiece during November I get two...I can buy berries in bulk and freeze them ect.. it has really cut my grocery bills to about 30 a week for my fresh veggies and salads...
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member

    are you in the bible belt? that sucks lol.... we can buy booze at drive through shops, every gas station, every supermarket most pharmacy's in fact the liquor store is one of the rarest places for me to buy booze. although i dont drink that much so could really not care but still.... wow

    Oh how I miss LA! I'm from Nola, but I live in Boston now and booze isn't sold in our groceries either, except for rare excpetions that have a liquor license. You have to go to the package store here for booze. They call them a Packie.

    I spend between $70-100 a week for me. I eat out maybe once a week, other than that, I cook everything and I try to get organic produce, so that's more too. I don't eat a lot of processed foods due to a couple of food allergies, so cooking from scratch is just easier and keeps me migraine free.
  • eliseofthejungle
    eliseofthejungle Posts: 113 Member
    $40 or less per week for my husband, myself, and our nearly 3-year-old son who eats more than I do. This includes toiletries, non-food household things like cleaning supplies, and any occasional beer/wine. (I'm in SC.)

    Though, since we got a little tax refund I've bumped it up to $50/week and man I feel like a queen! :happy: Yay fruits and vegetables!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    How the hell are some of you people spending so much on food? Is it coming in gold packages? Is it "organic" food? Does it come with a prescription of Unpretentiousil? I know I'm a single guy but I'd say maybe $200 tops. For the winter: frozen veggies in big bags are maybe $5 a pop. Chicken breasts in bulk from Walmart are $1.99 a pound. Canned beans because I'm lazy are $0.60 or so. Fish, big bags of it are $5-10 frozen. Protein powder $30-40 a month. Also, for the summer, two words: farmers market.

    yes to organic
    yes to gold packages (the frozen veggie brand i buy has 3 levels purple, silver, gold - frozen squash is in a gold package). lol
    prefer not to shop at walmart
    i buy canned beans
    buy hubby shrimp, tuna steaks, cod because i don't eat any of it
    most of the stuff i buy is store brand but i also buy a lot of speciality items (good cheese, organic meats)

    yes to farmers markets.
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    I live in NC and spend about $125 per week to feed myself, my fiancé and our 2 year old. I have found that healthy items are more expensive, but eating less makes up for it and we end up spending about the same if not less than we did when we were eating like pigs (:
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    For me, my OH and our 2yr old we spend about £200 a month on food (which is about $400 I think?)
  • Brads2ndLife
    You US guys should appreciate how cheap your food is in America.

    Sounds like most of you spend about half to 2/3 what Australians have to spend to feed themselves.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    You US guys should appreciate how cheap your food is in America.

    Sounds like most of you spend about half to 2/3 what Australians have to spend to feed themselves.

    Our food is artifically cheap due to government farm subsidies. We pay one way or another.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    Eating better CAN be more expensive. All that fresh produce adds up. I think my wife and I spend about $500 a month, which seems like a lot. I've been doing more beans and cheap veggies like cabbage and buying less meat and cheese. Just curious how much everybody else is blowing at the supermarket.

    We tried growing tomatoes last summer. Worked nicely. One family member and I could do nicely on meat once or twice a week, with salads, sandwiches, or pasta on the other days. Meat, to me, has become more of a luxury food.

    However, the other family member INSISTS on having meat every single day. He frowns on leftovers, even if it's something he likes. Makes cooking/shopping difficult.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    About $1300 for a family of four with two teenagers. It used to be $1600, but I've been clipping coupons lately and making an effort to shop sales. I buy mostly organic produce, and try to avoid processed foods with GMOs. Surprisingly, I've found the best pasture-raised meat prices at Whole Foods - go figure. Trader Joe's has fantastic prices on organic produce. I don't know how they do it...kind of makes me nervous...

    I'd like to shop for local produce at the farmer's market, but farmer's market prices here are way higher than Trader Joe's.