What to expect and how to train for a half marathon



  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Love this thread! Lots of great advice. I'm training for my first half in Feb. 2014 (Princess Half! WOOT!) and I am giving myself a lot of time to train and make sure I can run this injury free. I have been sidelined for the last couple years with injuries from pushing too far, too fast...my body can't keep up with my head apparently. ;)
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member

    And some of the best advice I've been given... never run a race in anything "new"... shoes are obvious, but don't run in new short, shirts, undergarments, etc. Also, if you have a peice of clothing bothering you at the beginning of the race, take care of the problem ASAP because if something is slightly bothersome at mile 1, will be a major problem by mile 8!

    Ha, this made me laugh! My husband & I did the Cooper River Bridge Run (10K) this past weekend, and I wore a running skirt that I've only ever worn once before, a couple months ago. That run was a nice easy 4 miles, and the skirt was comfy and didn't ride, slide, or anything.

    But when we took off at the start this weekend, the skirt started falling down! I had to use the safety pins at the bottom of my race bib to secure it to my shirt. I don't think it would've fallen off completely, but it was definitely riding down and veering towards indecent in the back.

    So yeah--nothing new (not clothes, not shoes, not gels, not candies) during a race! :-)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So yeah--nothing new (not clothes, not shoes, not gels, not candies) during a race! :-)

    I second/third/infinity this! During my last half I broke in a new pair of vibrams and my heels were pretty banged up by mile 10. Bandaids wouldn't even stay on so neosporin was kinda useless. Break in any new gear during training well before the race date!