Eating to much protien?



  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    yeah, I was totally wrong there.

    Misremembered several articles. The takehome (after some rereads) was that it CAN happen (protein stored as fat), but it's likely that other macronutrients consumed at the same time would be most of to all of the stored calories in anything approaching a real world example.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    yeah, I was totally wrong there.

    Misremembered several articles. The takehome (after some rereads) was that it CAN happen (protein stored as fat), but it's likely that other macronutrients consumed at the same time would be most of to all of the stored calories in anything approaching a real world example.

    That's both correct and incorrect too . (sorry, not trying to be difficult)

    It isn't that its a preferential system convert a) then b) but the processes for protein conversion to glucose are complex step wise and is substrate availability limited (not all AAs), location limited (nitrogen stripping and gluconeogenesis occurs primarily in the livel and, to a lesser extent, kidney cortex) while AAs are preferentailly used in other processes. Fat is more easily made available for transport and lipid cell uptake. Carbs metabolics steps are less complex.

    Protein metabolism also limited by the location of these events within the cells, etc...

    But protein conversion to substrates that are then used to build fat is going on all the time. It's a balancing process. The urea cycle doesn't stop (unless you have an arginase deficiency).
  • LadyPoni
    LadyPoni Posts: 20
    Thanks for the link!
    Here is a very informative post on all of that plus lots more.