Who else has a lot to lose???

Hey guys, I am looking for people to help me on my journey to becoming fit and looking good! I'm 24 with two small children, full time student for psychology and looking to lose 150 pounds... I've struggled with weight my entire life and having babies just ramped up my weight problem.... it's time to get it off and keep it that way! Looking for friends to talk to, get to know and help along the way so I don't feel so alone in all of this. Please feel free to look over my page and add me if you think you might want to talk... not looking for friend adds with no communication so please don't just add me and never talk.



  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    We seem like we have a lot in common. I have about 100+ lbs to lose. I am not sure what my ideal weight is right now. I think I'll know it when I get there. As of right now I am shooting for about 120lbs weight loss. I also have 2 kids and am going to get my bachelor's right now in IT.

    I'd love to be friends!

    I have a harder time relating to some people on here with just 10 or 20lbs to lose.
  • jenheath77
    jenheath77 Posts: 3 Member
    Our stories are identical. I have never been "skinny" and it got worse after I had my 3 kids. I am hoping to lose 100 lbs eventually but for now I will be happy if I lose 25 by my October birthday. It seems like the goal numbers as far as nutrition goes are really high (calories, fat, and sugar) on this program but it seems to work for a lot of people. I love to talk with people who share recipes, new ideas that work, and provide support. I know that I will be a member for a long time so I would like to meet people who are in it for the long haul like me. I have just started the program and currently have no friends yet so I would like to find friends that are encouraging and supportive.
  • xbabymama08x
    Me too, that's why I was looking for people with 100+ to lose.... I don't think I could relate to someone who just had 10 or 20 to lose (I wish!!!). I accepted your friend request, hope to talk to you soon :)
  • jenheath77
    jenheath77 Posts: 3 Member
    Going to school and having a family is very hard. I'm 35 and I just graduated last year with a BS in Elementary Ed. I have a wonderful husband and 3 kids. It made me realize how much I took for granted the first time I went to school and didn't finish. Now that I have reached my goal of becoming a teacher I want to reach my goal of becoming healthy. I would love to be friends and share ideas, recipes and support. I just started the program this week and I am looking for friends who are in it for the long haul. I have about 100 pounds to loose and I really want to reach "one"derland by next year and I'm hoping to lose 25 by the time my b-day gets here in October.
  • xbabymama08x
    Jen, I sent you a friend add request... would love to be friends :)
  • makenumpretty
    Im looking to lose about 100+. I am a stay at home mom, in college full time working on my general ed. I am 28 years old with 3 kiddos. I thought MFP was just a calorie counter app this whole time because I was using it on my phone only and didn't realize there were message boards until I came on my PC. Hopefully I can connect with some of you to help motivate one another and give tips on things that are working.
  • ThisOtherGirl
    ThisOtherGirl Posts: 56 Member
    Hello women! I can relate to all of you! This is my second day on website and I have this feeling we can all play really important roles in each others success so I added all of you 3! Cheers xoxox
  • mombieocalypse
    I am a 39y.o. mom of 3 boys. I am working on dropping 117lbs and am hoping to reach that goal in 18-20 months. I have never been skinny, although I was thin for a bit in high school, but the only way I could get there was by not eating. I am here to do it right and get healthy.
  • woodleyj
    woodleyj Posts: 5 Member
    good luck on your journey! I have about 60-70 pounds to lose. I suggest we just try to take one day at a time
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    I have over a 100 to lose and also 24! add me if you'd like! :)
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    Have lots to lose myself. I have set a goal to lose 170 lbs however, once I get to onderland I will re-evaluate. On here daily, try and post often and am not going any where (but down) for a long time.

    Feel free to add me, as well as anyone else reading this.

    Good luck with your loss, you are in a great place!

  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    ill be 30 in the fall... and i have like 200lbs to loose lol.. addme
  • sophasaurus
    I'm looking to lose about 40 kilograms or around 90 pounds and am also looking for friends for support and encouragement! Anyone feel free to add me, I'd love to talk to anyone :)
  • MikeNoTalent
    MikeNoTalent Posts: 67 Member
    Well I guess I'll be the first dude to jump in to this conversation. I'm trying to lose 115lbs. It's taken me over a year to get this far, unfortunately I didn't keep up with logging properly when I started. That was a big draw back. I've been logging for almost 330+ days now. Even on the worst of holidays I logged everything. Just find a diet and work out that fits your life and keep logging every day (the estimated weight goals at the end of the day aren't far from being correct in my case)!
  • ridingtolivenow
    I've got 300 to lose about and a long journey I am on ViSalus
  • BGoodz22
    BGoodz22 Posts: 55 Member
    Some really personal advice for you:

    1. You can do it if you really want it bad enough.

    Explanation: For me it was really tough to lose more than about 10 lbs before but after being constantly harassed about my weight and finally wanting to get in shape to achieve my goal of becoming a military police officer, i knew the only way to get the harassment to stop and to achieve my goal was to lose weight. I have lost 35 lbs total in about 3 months time. Its all about how bad you want it, that's what keeps people motivated during the ups and downs.

    2. Smaller meals 4-5 times a day really makes a noticeable difference.

    Explanation: When you eat smaller meals more frequently, your metabolism keeps a steady pace. I didn't really believe this before but now that I have switched, it has made the world of difference.

    3. Set realistic goals for yourself.

    Explanation: Know about how much you can lose per week / month and make a goal based on that. I made the mistake of thinking i could lose 25 lbs a month by eating nothing and working out a bunch. It doesn't work like that. It took a long time for us to get heavy in the first place, its going to take a while to get in shape again. Although i have noticed its easier for myself to lose weight faster than how long it took me to get heavy. Everyone s body is different though.

    Those are the 3 biggest things that I had to learn so far in my 3 month journey. If you have any questions, i'd be more than happy to help! I know i'm new on the site and all but I've learned quite a bit through research and trial.

    Oh and to answer your question:

    I am 6'0 tall and started at 263 lbs. I have to get to 190 lbs for the military. Currently at 229 lbs! You can do it!
  • 1diggs
    1diggs Posts: 35 Member
    I have over 100 pounds to lose I need a lot of motivation you can add me
  • beckyzalldat
    beckyzalldat Posts: 236 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I have a LOTTT to lose (100+) but a lot more to gain once I get all this fat off of me! tomorrow will be one month and I've lost 16 pounds. and have a long way to go but I made a promise to myself that I will not stop until I feel satisfied with myself. I am also a mom of 5.I'm also pretty new to this so I could use all the support I could get so everyone please add me. and good luck to everyone!!! :)
  • MikeNoTalent
    MikeNoTalent Posts: 67 Member
    Some really personal advice for you:

    1. You can do it if you really want it bad enough.

    Explanation: For me it was really tough to lose more than about 10 lbs before but after being constantly harassed about my weight and finally wanting to get in shape to achieve my goal of becoming a military police officer, i knew the only way to get the harassment to stop and to achieve my goal was to lose weight. I have lost 35 lbs total in about 3 months time. Its all about how bad you want it, that's what keeps people motivated during the ups and downs.

    2. Smaller meals 4-5 times a day really makes a noticeable difference.

    Explanation: When you eat smaller meals more frequently, your metabolism keeps a steady pace. I didn't really believe this before but now that I have switched, it has made the world of difference.

    3. Set realistic goals for yourself.

    Explanation: Know about how much you can lose per week / month and make a goal based on that. I made the mistake of thinking i could lose 25 lbs a month by eating nothing and working out a bunch. It doesn't work like that. It took a long time for us to get heavy in the first place, its going to take a while to get in shape again. Although i have noticed its easier for myself to lose weight faster than how long it took me to get heavy. Everyone s body is different though.

    Those are the 3 biggest things that I had to learn so far in my 3 month journey. If you have any questions, i'd be more than happy to help! I know i'm new on the site and all but I've learned quite a bit through research and trial.

    Oh and to answer your question:

    I am 6'0 tall and started at 263 lbs. I have to get to 190 lbs for the military. Currently at 229 lbs! You can do it!

    Dude the smaller meals is starvation, not kidding. I eat at the least 2 times a day maybe 3 if I'm doing hard work outs. If you eat more healthy fats (grass fed butter, mct oil, coconut oil, Olive oil (raw), or ghee) than carbs through out the day, you're body burns the fat for energy first and you stay full for hours. I ran today from 7am to 5pm like a champ. I used to do the 4-5 small meals I was hungry an miserable for the first six months of weight loss. Check out the bulletproof diet, I made the change and just started shedding the weight like crazy.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    Dude the smaller meals is starvation, not kidding. I eat at the least 2 times a day maybe 3 if I'm doing hard work outs. If you eat more healthy fats (grass fed butter, mct oil, coconut oil, Olive oil (raw), or ghee) than carbs through out the day, you're body burns the fat for energy first and you stay full for hours. I ran today from 7am to 5pm like a champ. I used to do the 4-5 small meals I was hungry an miserable for the first six months of weight loss. Check out the bulletproof diet, I made the change and just started shedding the weight like crazy.

    While I do think everyone is different, I have to agree with you. I have failed miserably in the past at the multiple small meals per day. I really fail miserably when I think of anything as a "diet". You just have to change your lifestyle. I have found the most success in reading the book "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and also watching documentaries such as "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and "Forks over Knives". They really opened my eyes. Right now I am "following" Eat to Live in a sense. I pretty much eat whenever I am hungry (lots of veggies, some fruit, nuts, beans, whole grains, etc). I have noticed that by eating raw and cooked veggies I stay super full and my cravings for the junk have already diminished. I could tell when my Mom (who constantly tries to sabotage my efforts) brought me Reese's cups one night and ice cream the next night. Both are still sitting there.

    Just to add a little bit more about myself. I am 28 and have been overweight since I can remember. I grew up with a lot of meat, a lot of milk, and a lot of junk food. Seriously, everything was processed boxed food. I didn't want my kids to be the same and so far I have done them well, they are both healthy weights and eat decently (I'd prefer more veggies lol).

    I have been off and on MFP for almost a year. I really had to find something that "clicked" with me and what I wrote above did. Also, I realized I had to make time for myself to be more active on here/on the forums. The more it is part of my life, the more I think about it, you know?

    So to all, feel free to add me :)