"Yo Momma So Fat..."



  • ctina197six
    ctina197six Posts: 379 Member
    Well you have taken the first step to chaning your life.. Good for you its hard at first, it does get easier. ( not as easy as gaining the weight was). Any way wanted to say hi, and wish you luck..
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Because Im laughing at all these in my head - so joining in:

    Yo momma so fat she saw a yellow bus full of white kids and said, "STOP THAT TWINKIE!! "

    AND I have a 12 and 10 year old boy and I can 100% relate to this - You want them to be proud - and I agree the fact that you can laugh and have fun while making a change that is so awesome!!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Be ready to cry when you take your first fat pics so you can use them when you reach your goals and post them on the results forum. I did :sad: I am 5'3 and started April 1st weighing 231.4 lbs. I weigh every Monday and I have already lost 4 lbs. I need motivating friends that will tell me to get off me *kitten* and exercise..the food part isnt the issue for me.....the exercise is horrible lol I am so freaking lazy but in the same aspect I love to eat! My son is 12 and his friends call me fat all the time. I cant wait to see what they will say when I lose weight HA! Little punks SMH. Feel free to use my diary for ideas I eat alot and I am not hungry inbetween meals and if I am I grab something. Add me as a friend also but I am very blunt and I tell it like it is so if you need to be coddled dont bother. Most find me very offensive lol I am a fatty it doesnt bother being called a fatty it is the truth lol I will take as many BFFF's (best fat friends forever) as I can get if they will help motivate me to move and dont mind my dark humor and sometimes brash comments tee hee
  • JenniferLM79
    Because Im l
    aughing at all these in my head - so joining in:
    Yo momma so fat she saw a yellow bus full of white kids and said, "STOP THAT TWINKIE!! "

    AND I have a 12 and 10 year old boy and I can 100% relate to this - You want them to be proud - and I agree the fact that you can laugh and have fun while making a change that is so awesome!!

  • JenniferLM79
    My son heard that one! :frown:
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hi Mother Hen. My kids are my inspiration for weight loss too. I've lost 61lbs so far, I still have heaps to lose but I'm happy to inspire/kick backside as required! Feel free to add me :)