From addicted

How many people here started off not only overweight, but also had no ambition to exercise...and then became addicted to it?

Sometimes I feel like I am the most uncoordinated person around. I cannot finish even one "real" pushup, and cardio type moves that include more than one step (such as step classes) tend to frazzle me.

But I don't give up, I keep trying because I want to become someone who loves to work out.

I guess what I am wondering it possible for me to go from nothing, to being able to do most anything? I am slowly learning about different workouts and sometimes they seem like things that were not meant for me, but for "fit" people.

I want to do boot camp classes at my gym but I worry that I won't be able to do it and that bothers me. I guess I am rambling, so if anyone can make sense out of what I am trying to say, I would love to hear comments! lol


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I've been addicted for more than 30 years. It's a part of life...
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Practice makes perfect! Keep at it and keep trying new things! I just started Zumba this week and look like a total dork, but I am having fun and will be back for every class. If you want to try it, go for it!

  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    I've been addicted for more than 30 years. It's a part of life...

    But did you start off not knowing what to do?
  • deelydog
    deelydog Posts: 8 Member
    Do the bootcamp....

    I have been going 3 x week for around 2 months and whilst I am still uncoordinated I can definitely see my strength and health improving. Having others doing the same workouts pushes you even more and then when the newbies join after you, you almost feel like a pro!

    Good luck
  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    I am not one that really enjoys the gym, but now I do feel guilty if I do not go, so I am not sure addicted is the word for me but maybe so. I do like how I feel after I do a workout. I started out just on the treadmill to build up some stamina, but now I am taking Zumba and some of the moves are challenging, but it is fun and trust me there are other people in those classes who will struggle at first too. You will be able to do more and more with each class and it feels great! I could not do situps weeks ago, but am able to do that now and relatively easily. Good luck and don't worry about what others think.
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    Pushups and other plank type excercises make me feel so weak and pathetic because I can't even do one. I keep trying and I am hoping I eventually get there.

    I never used to be able to do squats and now I can do 40 in a row without I guess that is something...
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    I guess what I am wondering it possible for me to go from nothing, to being able to do most anything? I am slowly learning about different workouts and sometimes they seem like things that were not meant for me, but for "fit" people.

    Of course. People aren't born with cardio conditioning, big muscles or olympic lifting skills. Everyone started at zero at some point. There are a lot of us here who never set foot in a gym until our 30s, 40s, 50s or older.
  • yeah you didnt quite get the answer you were looking for lol. I'm in your boat. i dont have any motivation to excersice at all :/ I think the way to want to excersise is to make it fun! You should try and be active doing things you enjoy, like join a soccor team, or take dancing lessons. buy a push bike or roller blades! personally i think if the gym doesnt interest you now, it wont ever interest you. but joing a team sport would be good because if you dont feel like going, you make yourself go because you dont want to let your team down :)
  • aduong2281
    aduong2281 Posts: 3 Member
    The Turbo Jam DVDs are something I really like to do. It's fun! When I am done with the first DVD, it makes me want to keep going and do another! I did not like to exercise until I started doing these, and now my husband gets to put up with me running around the house punching and kicking the combinations of the DVDs throughout the day. (Not at him of course! haha)
  • I think like anything else, the more you do it, the better you will get. I am slowly turning myself into a jogger. Prior to starting I didn't even speed walk, but I noticed an improvement. I am 3 weeks in and when I used to struggle with 90 seconds of jogging I now look forward to those sets (probably because the other ones are 3 minutes), but still...

    Anyway, go for it. You can only get better.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    :drinker: to you! Go ahead and do bootcamp....everyone has to start somewhere. You will get more coordinated over time and things will get a little easier. And when they do bump it up another level. Just never ever give up!! :flowerforyou:
  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    i hated working out and then just kept doing it daily. i am to the point now, 2 years later, that if i don't work out 4 times per week i feel really guilty and work harder next week. it's a good feeling to know you need to work out.

    the first time i felt that "wow" effect you describe was when we were at a bar and a girl i know felt my flexed muscle and said "wow that's rock hard!". my arms are not big at all but hearing that someone could feel the effort i was making made me even more excited to work out.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    It's just part of my routine. Some days I love it and some days I just feel like I need to get it done otherwise I'll feel weird. I think lifting is a little more addicting than just long cardio sessions. I think it's just one of those things that I'm not where I want to be physique wise and the lifting is just part of process of getting that body.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm addicted but I LOVE the way I feel after a workout. I never like to set out, but as soon as I do and I'm on that trail it's so tranquil and at the same time purposeful. It's my "me time" and although I would have rather had my teeth pulled vs going for a jog 6 weeks ago, I'm pretty happy to do it now. Again, I don't know that I would say I'm addicted, but I definitely love the way it makes me feel.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    Yes you can! I wouldn't say I'm "addicted" but, for about a year and a half, I've been going to the the gym 4-5 times a week at 4:30 ish in the morning - I didn't start until I was almost 46 years old. I now kick myself because I waited so long.... a part of the secret is to find something you like doing (or at least can tolerate it)... I did running for a while (unitl I hurt my foot and leg) and then the eliptical and now I'm focusing on strength training and I just started the StairMaster. Good luck to's no t addicted you should strive for, but maybe "habit" is a better word. :)
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    In gym class I was the girl that goffed off and never wanted to participate. Then after college I decided I need to lose weight by eating healthy and workout I started at a gym then moved to where there is no gym. Now I do workout videos like Jilian at first I was clumsy but slowly it started coming together. Now I hate going a day without a workout. So I'm addicted and once criggen at the thought of working out.
  • Dana31601
    Dana31601 Posts: 41 Member
    Nobody starts off knowing what to do, or how to do it. Practice makes perfect...and I love to practice ;-)

    I have been sitting on the couch most of my life, and have gotten addicted to lifting weights in the last month or so. I'm hooked ;)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    get a trainer and learn compound lifts...wish I would of done that when I started but I did not ....a lot of reading and watching you tube taught myself certain moves..wish I would of done that start now..!
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    yeah you didnt quite get the answer you were looking for lol. I'm in your boat. i dont have any motivation to excersice at all :/ I think the way to want to excersise is to make it fun! You should try and be active doing things you enjoy, like join a soccor team, or take dancing lessons. buy a push bike or roller blades! personally i think if the gym doesnt interest you now, it wont ever interest you. but joing a team sport would be good because if you dont feel like going, you make yourself go because you dont want to let your team down :)

    ^^ that!
    I've always said my whole life "Kris doesn't run" and really I don't. I don't like working on my upper body strength any more than you do. I do like to ride my stationary bike for about 10-15 minutes at a time I LOVE to go dancing with my guy and I really enjoy walking with my tunes on.
    For me little steps work best to get me in the habit. Do what's fun for you, even if its just dancing with the vacuum.
    I hear you start wanting to exercise after getting used to it then missing a day.
  • for sure girl! i went from not wanting to walk from my computer to my bed, to tapping my pencil on my desk just longing to work out. 4 months ago i could do about 5 minutes of aerobics before i just couldnt anymore. now, i just came home from a 50 minute class. its still killer, but its doable! its so easy to write off exercises as "not for me, but for people who are healthy" and maybe at first you cant do everything. but in a month try the exercise you think you cant and you will be so surprised. you might not be able to ace it, but maybe you can do a few reps without exhaustion.
    i had this specifically with yoga. i looked at the poses and thought no way in the world, but when you think, why COULDNT i do that? im a human with internal power just like them. after about 3 months of yoga i did the plough pose the other day, and when i got out of it i laughed out of pure joy, knowing my body is doing things it should be able to do.
    try loads of exercises! im not one for running, but kickboxing and zumba get me so excited. if you write off certain exercises you will get bored and you will dread working out. so you try tae bo and its not for you, try cycling. not only will it keep you open minded, and looking forward to exercises it will show you that you can do whatever you set your mind to exercise wise! also i would like to mention, the first time i tried losing weight i didnt add variety and my weight loss plateaued, even though i was under my cal. limit every day.
    i hope this was helpful, and i hope you have a good week!