How do I get enough confidence to go runnning?



  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, but what people will actually be thinking if they see you is
    "Good for her she or out the house and is doing something"
    "Wish I had the energy/courage/ just could be bothered to go running"
    "Hmm I wonder what's on tv/for dinner tonight"

    So, people will either be thinking positive things about you being out and about running or they aren't even thinking about you at all.
    I know the catch 22 is that you would feel better going for a run in the neighbourhood after you had been for a run and had some practice and already lost some weight but it doesn't work that way.
    Put your trainers on, the up your laces and get out there and get moving - screw what anyone else does or doesn't think and do it for you! You'll feel so much better and so proud of yourself once you've done it!
  • RadioactivePirate
    Try joining a running group! If there's a Fleet Feet Sports in your area, they have a beginner's running group, similar in style to a Couch to 5K program. It's a great way to build confidence, and make new friends. I found once I started going out with the group and thinking of myself as a runner, the self-consciousness faded away.

    Early on running by myself I'd go to a huge cemetery nearby and run the paths in there where I wasn't likely to see very many people. That was good too.

    And I would like to mention a safety tip because I saw a few people recommending that you wear headphones - you need to be able to hear your surroundings. If you really want music, wear it in one ear only so you can still be aware of what's going on around you.
  • Argentino
    Argentino Posts: 52
    Run in the nude.
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a bit shy about going out running, but I do enjoy the fresh air and change of scenary. And I also like that, except for a good pair of shoes and headphones, it's free!

    Start with going out for power walks. Every so often, add a burst of running or jogging. Find quieter streets or a park with trails where other runners might be. I find that listening to music helps to put other things out of my mind.

    And the number one suggestion: Get a running partner (or two!). Think of any friends or family who may want to get in shape along with you. It's easier to not worry about looking foolish in front of strangers if you're a bit shy if there's someone else there with you doing the same thing.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Take your MP3 Player and headphones and just dissappear into your own little world. Just make sure you can still hear traffic!