

  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I generally don't log stuff that I was doing anyway while I was putting on the weight! But if I have a massive spring clean and wash my windows up a ladder or something, then I log that. I've been know to do extra housework just to be able to have a treat afterwards.
  • donnareadman7
    donnareadman7 Posts: 56 Member
    Yes to the walking.... I walk close to 30km a day. Hardly normal walking. Housework I do intense....I dance my way through it. I log both.

    People will tell you not to..... but it depends on what you do. I can burn 200cal doing 1hr housework. I went walking to get mascara last week....23km... took me 5 hours non stop walking.

    Thanks for commenting, I agree with what yore saying totally, Think i 'll get myslef a HRM and see if it says I'm losing a lot whilst cleaning. The walking was just eneral walking, if I went on a walk id definitely log that....
    You must really love mascara :laugh: I would to as I have blonde eyelashes so look weird without it lol.
  • donnareadman7
    donnareadman7 Posts: 56 Member
    I generally don't log stuff that I was doing anyway while I was putting on the weight! But if I have a massive spring clean and wash my windows up a ladder or something, then I log that. I've been know to do extra housework just to be able to have a treat afterwards.

    Yeah true, makes total sense. Thank you for commenting :-)
  • donnareadman7
    donnareadman7 Posts: 56 Member
    I don't log any exercise, because I've set my calories to a number that already accounts for my activity levels. If I log exercise I'd be eating the exercise calories twice.

    Whether or not you should log things like housework and walking depends.

    If your calorie number is set for how many calories you'd burn being completely inactive, i.e. sitting on your backside all day kind of inactive, then you probably should log housework and walking if it's enough to get you on your feet and moving around for a significant amount of time, or if you're slightly out of breath, etc.

    If your calorie number is set to lightly active, then I wouldn't recommend logging these, as they would be accounted for already in your "lightly active" calorie number, as it's light activity. If you're set to lightly active, I'd only recommend logging and eating back activity calories for things that are quite strenuous, e.g. working out at the gym, running, cycling etc.

    Thanks, putting it like that makes total sense not to log unless its actually goig for a walk as'exercise :-).
  • donnareadman7
    donnareadman7 Posts: 56 Member
    Nope- this is something that is an everyday thing- I only log dileberate exercise.
    Thank you makes sense not to log it now :-).
  • sohmui
    sohmui Posts: 108 Member
    I don't log housework. I think it comes under how active your lifestyle is. I do log walking, especially if it's a brisk walk, which is what I try to do all the time.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Generally speaking, no. I would log work around the house if it was something rather extraordinary, same for the walking. I track my walk to and from the gym, because I purposely walk that at a rather brisk pace, and view it as exercise rather than just transportation, like I view my other walking.
  • fitnessfrenzy101
    I always log my house work and general walking. Doing a vigorous clean burns a lot of calories and like you say, every bit needs to be counted as it is all calories burned.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    No. I never log housework and only log walking if I've gone out on a walk for exercise, or done LOADS of it.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    General cleaning - no... when I'm moving furniture and boxes, etc - I do. Of course, I'm down as being sedentary. Walking gets logged if I went somewhere where I walked steadily for a lengthy time (without breaks, ex... Cedar Point).
  • 63Shell
    63Shell Posts: 1
    I only log it when I do my big clean once a week 6+ hours
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I don't log housework or general walking to and from shop/work. If I cleaned the windows (inside and out) of my whole house, then I would probably log that task as I don't do them often :embarassed:
  • eag264
    eag264 Posts: 116
    Yup. I log cleaning on my activities. I don't work and my activity level is sedentary. If I'm not working out at the gym then I'm pretty much inactive for the rest of the day. So when I'm doing a cleaning job, it's usually more than one hour of vacuuming, sweeping, moping, hauling, bending, scrubbing and sweat is pouring off me. I'd say that counts as a workout.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Yes, I do. I wear a Nike Fuel Band If it registers, I log it. I do have my lifestyle set to sedentary (desk job) . I am on maintenance now, and I am convinced that If I keep moving, do my yoga or barre 3 and log it it will be just like my food plan - I will hold myself accountable and stop the yo yo cycle I have been on sage age 20. I am on month16 of my new lifestyle . It is just easier for me to log it as "nike Fuel" cardio just like one would with a pedometer or fitbit, etc.
  • CrisAlex
    CrisAlex Posts: 236 Member
    I don't log it since it's part of my daily activities.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member

    Haha I know what you mean, I sweat like crazy doing my cardio cleaning. Good to know about you HRM I am thinking of getting the Polar ft4, which do you have? Thanks for commenting :-).

    I thought about that one but I've never used one and I'm cheap haha I ended up getting the Omron Strapless Heart Rate Monitor on Amazon for like $30. Im not like some, I can't do a chest strap, and this one actually works well. I hate that it doesn't automatically read my heart rate, you have to stop and take it (which takes ~5-8seconds). So I find myself doing that every so often during a workout or whatever. But hey, for $30, to have better accuracy, etc...I don't mind stopping whatever I'm doing for a few seconds to read my HR, it doesn't hurt my workout any.
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    I don't. I only count actual exercise ie activities that require a sports bra.

    I walk an hour to work and from work each day and also walk my dog at least an hour but I consider this a normal everyday activity. Also never count housework. I hate cleaning so stop all the time for a coffee break anyway. It nevers gets my heart rate up:laugh:
  • bobbyunangst
    No I dont log all my walking for house work. I do however log anything that is out of the norm for me. Like I was moving desks and cabinets at work the other day. Definitly not my normal job, so I logged that as moving furniture. On fridays I do my grocery shopping, check out the mall or walk around town to do my errands which I don't do any other day so I log these walks.

    I really want to buy one of the monitors like fitbit or bodymedia, I just don't have the extra funds. I list my self as sitting most of the day although I really am standing, but since I stand in the same place ( in front of an optical edging machine) I figure it is the closest thing to it.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I don't. I only count actual exercise ie activities that require a sports bra.

    I like that rule! If I don't need a sports bra or some swimmers, I don't count it as exercise :laugh:
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    No. I just log my workouts M-F and my walks on Sat & Sun.
    I have a fit bit though and that keeps track of all of the steps I take during the day.