
Okay so iv managed to put on all the weight that id lost since x mas can anyone give me ideas what theydo when stressed or down my first thought food :(


  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Any ideas anyone for what to do instead of stress eating ps given up smoking so need quite a bit of help...
  • MarthaNina
    MarthaNina Posts: 10 Member
    Im in the same boat! Ive just weighed myself this morning and ive put back on half the weight id already lost... i need motivation again!!!

    I feel your pain ;(
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    think about food in terms of how many calories you burn during your workout. If you burn 500 calories in 1 hour of treadmill think of that 600 calories piece of cake as 1 hour and 10 minutes of treadmill or the 1,000 calorie meal as 2 hours of treadmill. Hope this helps.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I'm a stress eater, too. It helps to replace your eating habit with a different stress-relieving activity. Go for a walk. Pull weeds. Meditate. Clean out a drawer. Pin things on Pinterest. Chew gum like a mad woman. Anything to take your mind off food. Good luck to you!
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I no icant believe iv let myself do it desp wanna get back to it lol

    Amd yeah thats true I suppose it takes a lot longer to work off then to eat lol
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Go for a walk.
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Chewing gums a good one ill deffp try that lol :) thank you
  • 4manda76
    4manda76 Posts: 47 Member
    Know how you feel! Alately just too much going on that I just can't focus myself, I know what I need to do and the key to success for me anyway is planning and sticking to the plan! Really need to get my act in to gear, no one can do it for me need to do it for myself.
    And stick to the plan!
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    Well, I have never been a smoker, food was my addiction. Number one, don't keep bad food in the house! Number two you really have to stay aware all the time, if I put this in my mouth what good will it do. And besides have you ever... for just one week eaten food that wasn't processed? Once I did it I didn't have those cravings anymore.... at all! You feel so much better, all the aches and pains and feeling tired just kinda melt away. I was 265, I just put 166 in today. It's hard but it works. One of my favorite go to snacks when stressed is red grapes and colby cheese... salty and sweet. My naughty treat is a peppermint patty, cause I am not saying I am perfect! And I love sweets! If you buy treats for the house, buy the smallest package you can, it will probably cost you as much as that regular size of oreos or whatever, but you can't over indulge. Plus, I had a real problem, if I exercised I used those calories as an excuse to eat. Start training yourself to only eat when you are really hungry. If you just ate a meal and are still hungry, drink water with lemon in it, Alot of lemon, the tartness sucks that feeling right out of your mouth and your mind!

    Good Luck!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Go for a walk.

    This. Exercise releases endorphins which minimizes the effects of stress and depression.
  • carolose46
    carolose46 Posts: 199 Member
    recently I posted about what to do when always hungry and no calories allowance left.
    I have got a lot of suggestions`.
    One that work for me is celery!

    I chop the entire celery stalk put it in a big plastic bowl half full of water with lid. and in the moments of cravings I let the bowl on the counter , so it is the first thing to get and eat with little damage to calories intake.

    I also put a 8 cups jug of water to remind me to go through for the day.

    good luck!
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Im going to try the lemon water idea thanks for that

    Its not exercisig I have a problem with im still exercising and feel great jusy picky ideas but I like the water chewimg gum amd yeah celery too forgot about that lol

    Thanks everyone :D
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I run when my knee lets me, walk otherwise, and lift weights. That reduces the stress.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    One thing that has helped me recently was to start a food journal. I realized I was doing a lot of eating when I wasn't hungry so I started writing down if I was truly hungry or if I just felt a desire to eat. If it was was a feeling and not true hunger, then I tried to pinpoint why I felt that need (boredom, tired, emotional, etc). It really helped me to see the difference between desire and need, which helped me to eat less throughout the day.

    The other suggestions are great too... chew gum to overcome a craving, go for a walk to help you feel better and remove you from a food temptation, and track every bite you eat (and pre-track if possible so you know what you are going to eat throughout the day).

    Most importantly, just keep working at it. Sometimes it takes awhile for our body and brain to get in synch with our desire to lose weight! :flowerforyou:
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    I quit smoking 4 weeks ago and didn't have any issue until I started PMSing last week and had a particularly trying week at work. I was craving cake and ice cream every day and I gained a few lbs and even considered buying a pack. But I told myself that even if I gained all the weight back, it's better than smoking.

    I don't keep bad food around at all which helps. If I want junk I have to go to the store each time which deters me a lot because I feel embarrassed buying junk everyday.

    If smoking isn't an option, you will find a way to handle the stress.
  • mistersean1
    Do you enjoy exercise? I'm a comfort/stress/depression eater and if my mood is low I work out. The endorphins lift your mood - and it burns calories!
  • traceyfunk
    At the risk of making you roll your eyes... Meditation. Look into it.

    Start when you're feeling good - way too hard when you're feeling very distracted. And just the daily practice of it starts to seep into ALL of the rest of your life. And then one day you discover that you didn't eat the cupcake that you would have a month ago!

    Going to the root of how/why you regained those pounds is the only way to succeed in the end.
    Make this be the last "yo" in the yo-yo!!

    Good luck!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I chew a piece of gum and sometimes that helps take the edge off that desire to have something to "chomp" on. Also the idea of taking a walk helps. It gets you away from the kitchen.
  • mistersean1
    I agree, you have to be aware of why you do what you're doing, Not just what. tools like this are amazing, but they only do half the job.
  • munanabanana
    munanabanana Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah, exercise helps gets you to feel happier and less bored so you'll mindlessly eat less often.

    If only it were that easy to get my butt out of bed and working out XD

    I found just keeping myself busy helps:
    - crunches
    - push ups
    - walk
    - play with pets (or brush them or whatever)
    - 9gag (hehe)
    - facebook, twitter, etc.
    - blogging
    - homework
    - KNITTING, yes I went through a knitting phase.
    - watching tv/movies or listening to music (but usually these aren't interactive enough for me so I'll do something else while I do them)
    - paint my nails! I'm so girly sometimes
    - dance like crazy
    - random yoga moves just in your room
    - breathing exercises
    - put lotion on your body (i dont know lol, it keeps me busy and moisturizes me XD)
    - brush your teeth
    - take a shower
    - do your hair
    - google random things!!

    the point is to just keep yourself busy :P, even if its 5 minutes at a time. Don't worry about what you'll do after wards, just do something NOW. you can worry about afterwards, when it comes.

    If you realllllyyyyyyyy want to snack then drink a bunch of water (usually we're just thirsty and mistake it for hunger). But if that's not enough, have some grapes or a small fruit.

    I know its easier giving advice than taking it though.
    Good luck!!!