


  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    All these points are really helping im curretly doig a food diary for the week hoping that helps gonna gey back into gym which I do enjoy etc I just meed to be stricter with myself espec with not smoking amd things in life not going the way I wamt them too but I desp need to stop comfort eatig and get over it tough love as they say thankyou so kuch to everyone who has answered made me feel betterand is gettig me back on track to start again tomorrow :D
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Brush your teeth. It was said years ago that people hate to ruin that fresh taste in their mouth...
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Thats true nothing like fresh breath :D lol
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    thanks for the hint about lemon in the water, great idea!
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    I went through this with Easter, it seems like holidays are always hard for me! It has taken me a couple of weeks to get the pounds off I gained that weekend. Why is it so easy to put weight on and so hard to lose it? Anyway, I look at it as a learning experience, just get right back on, keep track of calories and exercise! Remember how hard it was to lose, it may stop a binge the next time!
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    Yeah I have my food diary and exercise plan for the week now just need to be really strict and stick with it with all these fab ideas :D

  • Why is it so easy to put weight on and so hard to lose it?

    Because eating that extra cookie puts weight on. Not eating that cookie keeps you exactly where you are, and leaves you feeling deprived.

    Healthy weight maintenance is achieved when you eat what ever yummy food you want, but you just naturally only want what your body needs. And it's all in the mind.

    While chewing gum and eating celery are terrific ways to reduce your caloric intake, they do nothing to address the fact that you still only find comfort in putting something in your mouth.
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member

    Why is it so easy to put weight on and so hard to lose it?

    Because eating that extra cookie puts weight on. Not eating that cookie keeps you exactly where you are, and leaves you feeling deprived.

    Healthy weight maintenance is achieved when you eat what ever yummy food you want, but you just naturally only want what your body needs. And it's all in the mind.

    While chewing gum and eating celery are terrific ways to reduce your caloric intake, they do nothing to address the fact that you still only find comfort in putting something in your mouth.

    This is true but I dont no how to stop that psychological want :/
  • Other than my suggestion on the first page - start looking into stress relief like all the other suggestions given to you.

    And decide that you want life to be different, and take ownership of how you've come to this point. Life is full of excuses for why we fail but also abounds with ways to help us succeed. You choose.
  • grandmastime
    grandmastime Posts: 57 Member
    When i stress or am mad I clean. I don't have an appetite when I am stressed. However, I find cleaning a good work out and stess relief. Also it helps me get out my frustrations.
  • bekeyers
    bekeyers Posts: 18
    Yes sounds like me. I gave up smoking 6 months ago and started to binge eat as a replacement. I wouldn't have said that I don't deal with my emotions because I am an emotional person but I now know that just cause I feel them doesn't mean I deal with them. Take a look at these videos from a chick called Stefanie Nielsen. Go to Youtube Type in Belief Cycle part 1. And then there is 2 and 3 and I am sure this will put you on the right track. It has for me.

    You also need to remember that it take practice, daily practice. I also keep a journal. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I know you want to fall asleep boring and well who does it really work for anyway!! But try it with this structure and answer these questions. As soon as I feel down or angry or anxious or like I wanna put food in my mouth I get up and say I need my diary because something I am thinking has changed my mood

    What is on my mind?

    What am I feeling?

    What are my assumptions or beliefs at the time?

    What was motivating to me?

    What are some alternative attitudes or behaviors I can adopt?

    What will I do next time?

    You have to be really honest with yourself, say things you probably don't want to admit but in doing so you will get to the heart of whats bothering you and by the time the journal entry is written you have processed your feelings and dealt with it without food or smoking.

    Hope it helps :) It's working for me.

    Oh and be clear about what you want to achieve with weight and food, don't leave the lines blurry, it creates room for excuses

