Gym teacher makes 9th Graders do Insanity Workout



  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I hated PE, but we just played sports. I wasn't a sporty kid (I was the fat kid).

    My son is in 2nd grade, and they do sit ups, squats, push ups, pull ups, planks... I'm proud to say he's won more than one push up competition.

    He isn't just standing around with a floor hockey stick (although, he's crazy active so I'd imagine he wouldn't just stand there).. and he's fit.

    There are so many complaints about how overweight everyone is now, but once someone steps up to get kids moving, arms go up. Can't win 'em all!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Considering how little physical exercise kids get nowadays and rampant childhood obesity, they probably need something like Insanity in PE.

    Not really sure what the complaint is here. You want to give consent for your kid to do something more than LOLJUMPINGJACKS?

    I complained about the jumping jacks and windmills when I was in PE. I complained about field day. I would have complained about Insanity. Hell, I complained about having to sit outside on the bleachers while watching the other kids do crap. Why? Because I was a teenager and complaining about everything it what teenagers do.

    Hopefully, your kid will get something out of that program other than your whining.

  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    My kid is on the volleyball team and just did 15 pullups in her PE test.

    She also did 25 regular pushups. Fitness is not an issue for her.

    Unfortunately most kids are not in good shape but its the parents responsibility to get their child in shape.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    In my senior year of high school, my gym teacher had us girls do Tae Bo workouts. I actually preferred that over basketball or any other cruddy sport.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What part of the program do you disagree with?

    I agree kids need a workout program but Insanity is for adults.

    The school should have informed the parents about the program and requested permission to participate.

    Same thing could be said about weight lifting, but they still teach it. It is not -FOR- adults. You have to be an adult to buy it. You seem to think that kids won't be able to do it, or can't do it. I would like to see some kids doing Insanity next to you, would probably show you up.

    It's marketed for adults. Kids would find it far, far easier.

    I more meant what specific aspect/exercise of the program do you think is not appropriate for exercising 9th graders?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    when I was a kid, my judo coaches used to make us do things that were basically like crossfit, but without the fancy branding. It was fun. I would have been delighted to do that in PE instead of rounders and netball.

    I agree with the person who said about diversity and exposure to different kinds of sports, exercise, workouts etc. One of the big problems with PE in my generation, was that if you weren't good at or didn't enjoy the standard sports (which were gender coded back the, because I would have loved football (soccer), cricket and rugby, but the girls were stuck with netball, rounders and on rare occasions field hockey), then you got the message that sport and exercise was not for you and spent your life skipping PE and getting unfit and seeing yourself as someone that wasn't into sport. I was someone who was into sport and very active, but I hated PE at school, because we never got to play any sports that I actually liked. If even I hated PE, then kids who never got to play much sport outside of school didn't stand much chance of liking PE and getting into any kind of exercise they liked.

    A PE programme that includes a whole range of sport and exercise, including competitive and non-competitive, team and individual, is necessary so all kids have a good chance of finding something that they enjoy, and carry on with it outside of school and after leaving school. Additionally, PE should get kids into increasing physical fitness and being active generally.
  • Charles4Jesus
    Charles4Jesus Posts: 89 Member
    I say good job to the Coach/P.E. teacher. We need Educators who care about the children. Our Nation today as a whole is overweight and LAZY! I've seen P.E. classes where girls just sit in the bleachers and the guys goof off because some coaches just don't care. So, I give this guy some credit for ,at the minimum, exposing these kids to exercise.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    The teacher was wrong not to inform the parents about the program!!

    My kid is very fit but the others are not!!!

    Are any of you doing Insanity?
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    What part of the program do you disagree with?

    I agree kids need a workout program but Insanity is for adults.

    The school should have informed the parents about the program and requested permission to participate.

    Why is Insanity for adults? Is there some sort of X rated stuff happening that I'm not aware of?
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    The teacher was wrong not to inform the parents about the program!!

    My kid is very fit but the others are not!!!

    Are any of you doing Insanity?

    At the begining of the year, you sign permision slips for the children when they go into PE. You also are asked to APPROVE your child's schedule. Sorry, but I don't think "The teacher was wrong" because you knew that they were going to do something physically active in the class.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    It is insane to push "Insanity" on a school gym class.
    I also think it is insane to give kids a letter grade for gym class rather than pass/fail. Gym teachers have an innate dislike for the smart kids and bias toward the jocks they coach. My daughter was fortunate enough to have a gym teacher who was an exception to this rule. My son was not.
    When my daughter was in required gym class she was recovering from a second knee surgery. Her gym teacher accommodated her condition without humiliating her. There is no way she could have done something like insanity.

    Personally, I hated gym because the teacher was a big a bully as the jocks and took glee in humiliating us non-jocks.

    BTW, I was surprised to find out the NC State actually requires students to waste one class each semester in phys. ed. for all 4 years. That is insane. These are young adults now. They are responsible to taking care of their own fitness. It is not the school's job to force them to.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    The teacher was wrong not to inform the parents about the program!!

    My kid is very fit but the others are not!!!

    Are any of you doing Insanity?

    They already are expected to attend group exercise sessions. We're really having trouble understanding what aspect of insanity is different from any other exercise group session.

    No, I'm not doing Insanity. I've done several Insanity workouts, but it's not suited for me. I don't have the room, have little to gain from it, and it would be a waste of my gym membership and fitness knowledge.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    I say good job to the Coach/P.E. teacher. We need Educators who care about the children. Our Nation today as a whole is overweight and LAZY! I've seen P.E. classes where girls just sit in the bleachers and the guys goof off because some coaches just don't care. So, I give this guy some credit for ,at the minimum, exposing these kids to exercise.

    ^^^^ THIS

    This entire thread is a joke, right? Someone is actually going up to the school to stop the PE teacher from having the kids do exercise? Really?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The teacher was wrong not to inform the parents about the program!!

    My kid is very fit but the others are not!!!

    Are any of you doing Insanity?

    So how do you expect them to get fit, if not by doing a workout?

    and No, I am not doing insanity.. I refuse to pay 100+ dollars for a workoout DVD when I can get apps on my phone for free :)
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    I had my 13 year old daughter doing insanity with me....
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Where does it say insanity is a 18+ program?
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    Insanity - for adults because children cost more if they get injured and sue.

    Insanity in a supervised PE lesson - Aces! It's basically calisthenics turned up a notch.

    Boo to the teacher for not coming up with his/her own stuff; but massive yay to the teacher for introducing people to easy-access fitness models.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    It is insane to push "Insanity" on a school gym class.
    I also think it is insane to give kids a letter grade for gym class rather than pass/fail. Gym teachers have an innate dislike for the smart kids and bias toward the jocks they coach. My daughter was fortunate enough to have a gym teacher who was an exception to this rule. My son was not.
    When my daughter was in required gym class she was recovering from a second knee surgery. Her gym teacher accommodated her condition without humiliating her. There is no way she could have done something like insanity.

    Personally, I hated gym because the teacher was a big a bully as the jocks and took glee in humiliating us non-jocks.

    And there, folks, is the pot calling the kettle black.

    He knows nothing about the gym teachers and is just making assumptions that ALL gym teachers have an innate dislike for the smart kids all while saying he was bullied by the jocks.

    Work the kids out HARD.....HARDER!
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    I'm sure the teacher said go at your own would be good at least they did something. Mixing it up will hopefully introduce kids to different kinds of workouts. Alot of kids will wine but once they get into it and see some results....they will love it. Just my 2 cents worth. No kids in school anymore.
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    The teacher isn't putting on the dvd and leaving the room are they? Unless they are I don't see the difference between "doing insanity" and the teacher making up a similar programme themselves. We used to do circuit training at school. I assume insanity is pretty similar to that.

    I hated all of PE of course, because it was just a good chance for all the bullies who hated you to take a shot at you, steal your clothes, call you out for wearing cheap trainers, call you fat, not pick you for their team etc, etc...