What made you want to lose weight?

I was going through some old pictures of myself and I couldn't help but notice my skinny arms and flat stomach. Honestly, I was so skinny it was scary looking. Then I looked at myself n my full-length mirror and I saw a bunch of fat. I gained 45 lbs in 3 years!
So I decided that I needed to do some exercise. I didn't want to be skinny but fit. So that's how I decided to lose some weight :)

What made you guys want lose weight?

BTW, since I started exercising I've noticed some acne on my forehead and back. Is it because I'm sweating? How do I make it stop? D:


  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    I've been wanting to lose weight for a long time, but it's just recently that I've actually been doing something about it! There wasn't a single trigger - it's just a progression over the years that finally overwhelmed me and made me get up and do something about the increasing size of my jeans.

    As for the acne, sweat clogs your pores.
    This causes the increase in acne. Which is why it's imperative to wash your face with some type of oil-free face wash after you exercise.
    I know that, if you're too lazy to do that (which I am), I buy some wipes (I think Neutrogena has some of these) that are basically so convenient - just wipe it on your face and it's oil-free.
    It gets the clogs off your pores and it's like you washed it.

    And make sure you always moisturize your skin. It's also important to use OIL-FREE moisturizer. I always use Neutrogena for this.
  • Fivefeetjo
    Fivefeetjo Posts: 59 Member
    Health and the aesthetics. My goal weight is currently 45 kg. :)

    Besides, I'll be more agile at a lighter weight.

    Regarding your last question, just remember to use face cleanser in the morning and night, and you should be all right.:)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Got tired of my best friend from the Navy calling me fat every time I saw him. Then I made a bet.
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    It has always been to look better and feel comfortable in my skin. I just happened to find a mode that I didn't hate (walking/jogging).

    The more weight I lose, the better I feel so I want to lose more and never go back
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I had to break down and buy a bigger pair of jeans so I wouldn't have muffin top. I didn't want to replace my whole wardrobe so I decided to get back into the clothes I have.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    My family got together for Thanksgiving 2010.
    My grandmother came up to me and was like, "You and your cousin sure have gained weight being away at college."
    Once I saw pics from that get together and I went to the OBGYN and got weighed in Dec. I knew I needed to change something.
    At 5'2" 178lbs is a lot...
    It's funny cuz in 7th grade (at age 12) I told myself "I'm not too over weight as long as I stay under 130lbs."
    and then at 17 I was telling myself "I'm fine, I'm right around 150 which is okay."
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I saw a picture of myself on Facebook taken last May and I couldn't believe I looked like that. It's the picture in my profile with the red and white striped shirt. I knew I had gained weight but I didn't know how bad it was. I will never, ever go back.
  • The cool clothes at Hot Topic!!! I can't wear any of them yet....yet ;)
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Definitely pictures at Christmas. Also the fact I was going to need to purchase bigger pants. I really didn't want to have to do that. I also had a shoulder injury last summer that I think in part was because I was out of shape and inactive. At my age I should have been lifting weights regularly.
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    I felt uncomfortable in my own body all the time. Getting dressed in the morning was depressing. I wasn't willing to go out and buy larger sizes, so I decided it was time to make a change!
  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    I started because I wanted to be healthier not only for myself, but for my family. I was a size 9 when I got married, and 15 years later I was a size 22, and even some of those were getting too tight! I decided then that I needed to do something about it. I have 4 kids, and I want to set a good example for them. My parents passed away at an early age, both from different causes. It's been hard on me without them, and I don't want to put my children through that.
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    I had been doing yoyo dieting for years.In my younger days I had no weight issues.I was never a skinny ,skinny person.,but I wasn't overweight.Then when I started having children (4 total) starting at 20 each one I gained more and more.My youngest is now 14 and when I went into labor I was 198..The most I had ever weighed.Well, Christmas of 2012 I seen a picture of me with family and I knew then I needed to GET SERIOUS!! I had reached 190..not far from when I was 9 months pregnant 14 yrs. ago..Only I was not having a child this time..I hit a 25pound loss this week and I have about 30 more to go..I would love to reach that goal by Dec.26,2013 as a year on MFP,but if I don't that is ok..It is a life style for me now...not a diet..Yes, I have good and bad days,but I keep trying.I have made it this far with all the help from MFP and I will continue !! :wink:
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I didn't have anything better to do haha. That and the desire to be satisfied with my body for once.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    It was cheaper than buying a whole new wardrobe of fatter clothes. With the money saved by not eating so much, I can then buy a whole new wardrobe of THINNER clothes. In theory, anyway. . . .
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I had played around with the idea of losing a few and toning up for years but never really got into it. I gained about 20lbs from the time I graduated high school until a few months ago and decided it was time to get my eating habits in a better state before things got out of hand, and here I am!

    About the acne thing, I used to get this too when I sweat a lot and what helped is trying to cool off as soon as possible afterwards and as soon as possible properly rinsing/cleaning, especially, the areas that tend to break out. It's important to get the sweaty bacterial growth away! If I let the old sweat stay on my face for more than even a half hour I start breaking out.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've pretty much been obsessed with weight loss since I was 11. I've become a lot more accepting of myself over the last 28 years though. It has been a gradual process of inner improvement.
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    I was originally losing weight to be more attractive to women, but now I'm losing weight to be more awesome.
  • I was always the "skinny" girl growing up, I varied between a size 0 and 5.
    I packed on weight over the years after having my kids (about 50 lbs)
    One night while having dinner, I happened to bring up my weight to my husband.
    He had a look of astonishment. I don't think he made that face as in "omg your huge" but more like "omg I never would think you weighed that much"
    On top of that...I can no longer wear my wedding and engagement rings. They just don't fit my fat fingers. I hate it.
    Since then, I've kicked my butt into gear.
  • blibby33
    blibby33 Posts: 53
    My doctor said that if I lost at least 40 pounds that she would try me on clomid so that my husband and I may have a chance at having a child. I have a condition called pcos and we have been trying for 6 years now to have a baby. The pcos causes infertility so I am hoping that losing weight and taking the med will help me get pregnant. It is our only hope besides ivf.
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    My Dr. told me to lose the weight if I wanted to be healthy. So that is what motivated me - besides feeling better and looking better, I enjoy eating all the more healthy foods out there.