
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I just finished my first ever 5K yesterday. I was 347 lbs when I started, 244 lbs now. It ain't pretty, but here's my progress album:
  • kimcatus
    kimcatus Posts: 27
    This is me before (not sure what year...2005 maybe?):


    And me after my first 10k last month:


    I love seeing all the pictures of what running has done for has become my new obsession and I love pushing myself and seeing how far I can go.

    ETA: my tracker is a little misleading...I've lost 80 lbs total, but 30 lbs since joining MFP, :)
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    If you are just starting out with running take a look at this link for a training program. I'm not a "runner" but I run as part of my overall fitness efforts and just did a 5k yesterday with my best time yet on a hilly course. Running definately takes off the pounds but I don't do it exculsively. My newest pic is me after my latest 5K. I've lost five pounds in about the last month with running in the mix.
  • kbprado
    kbprado Posts: 14 Member
    Before (May 2010):


    This was taken in my last year of college. Because I was focused on graduating on time, health and fitness wasn't a priority for me.

    ...and after! (Taken this past Saturday):


    It's only been recently that I've put in more effort towards weight loss. I've never been happy with my physique, and I didn't feel healthy, so I finally decided to do something about it. If not now, then when, right?

    I've cleaned up my diet significantly, and I've picked up running as a hobby. At first, I was intimidated by the thought of running with other people, but I decided to join a group anyway. It was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I started running in January 2013 with the No Boundaries 5K training program with Fleet Feet Sports. In the beginning, I would have to stop every 0.75-1 mile to walk. Now, 4 months later, 3 miles is very comfortable for me. I'm slowly building distance, and I've signed up to do a 10K in late June. After that, I will be doing a Half Marathon in October to celebrate my 25th birthday.

    The journey hasn't been easy, but it's definitely worth it. :)

    SW: 165-168lbs
    CW: 147-150lbs
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have been trying to do a 5k for a while now. But due to ankle surgery and recent heart issues all I have done is a 1k. However, the 5k is coming!!!! I run as my main form of cardio with resistance training thrown in. These are my before during and still in progress. The before was not my heaviest but that was about 190 or so and the still in progress is 133.


  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    My profile pic from my first 5k run this past saturday!!!
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    Using MFP and running. here are my before and after pics.

    Before 2011-2012

    After 4/2013
  • JewelE77
    JewelE77 Posts: 134 Member
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Running is my primary form of exercise! I did my first half marathon in march. I've lost just about 20lbs and while diet has played a big role I also credit a lot of that to running!!

  • alexsis88
    alexsis88 Posts: 36 Member
    I love seeing all these pics. Motivates me to wanna do it!
  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks for this thread. I've always wanted to run. I am waiting for the weather to clear so that I can start a Learn to Run program. We still have snow here :S, yes its May!
  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    I'm not an avid runner...About once or twice a week, when time allows. I do races for the tshirts, really. But, here's a mix of running/30 Day Shred results...


    From 30 DS. I actually need to do a way updated pic.


    Beast mode at a Mother's Day 5K this past weekend.
  • zahid222
    zahid222 Posts: 233 Member
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    <--- I don't have befores and durings. I've been a runner for my entire adult life and I've never actually been clinically overweight, but I'm getting older and the weight started to creep up a little. I am on MFP to maintain since losing those few extra pounds a couple of years ago. The only pic I have is my profile. Good luck and enjoy your running! :drinker:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't have any pics - but I use running as my main caridio and have had great success, but it wasn't until I combined it with strength training and interval training that I really started to see results in my body/weight loss and in my running distance.

    This is my experience as well. I've been running for decades and have always loved it for stress reduction, cardio health, and the nice definition it gave my legs and abs, but since I added HIIT and heavy lifting several months ago, I'm stronger (obviously), my run pace and endurance have increased dramatically, and I haven't gotten any of the old injuries I used to get from running. I'm a stronger runner now than I was in my 20's.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Does running really give definition in abs? I do weight lifting regularly, just starting doing longer running (instead of just HIIT) to manage stress but there have been a few posts that attribute running (in addition to eating right, strength training) to fat loss.

    Could anyone post a bit more in detail about their experiences?
  • RaluKitty
    RaluKitty Posts: 62 Member
    Running helps mostly the lower abs. I noticed when I first started running over 8-10 miles, how the abs hurt more than the legs because they get engaged so much. Trail running is even better, as you have to engage the core to keep the balance and you have to lift the legs higher to go uphill or step over rocks and roots. I've been running 50-140 miles/month for the last year, and after 8-9 months I started having a very visible V in the lower abs (I'm 5'5" 130lb, lost almost 70 lb in 1 year of running and careful eating).
  • mdearmond
    mdearmond Posts: 76 Member
    i do a few things with weights here and there and take spinning classes and do some ellipticalling also, but for the most part i stick to running every other day and these are the results that i've had, along with eating well.

  • mdearmond
    mdearmond Posts: 76 Member
    I'm not an avid runner...About once or twice a week, when time allows. I do races for the tshirts, really. But, here's a mix of running/30 Day Shred results...


    From 30 DS. I actually need to do a way updated pic.


    Beast mode at a Mother's Day 5K this past weekend.

    the difference in your abs and stomach area is amazing!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Running helps mostly the lower abs. I noticed when I first started running over 8-10 miles, how the abs hurt more than the legs because they get engaged so much. Trail running is even better, as you have to engage the core to keep the balance and you have to lift the legs higher to go uphill or step over rocks and roots. I've been running 50-140 miles/month for the last year, and after 8-9 months I started having a very visible V in the lower abs (I'm 5'5" 130lb, lost almost 70 lb in 1 year of running and careful eating).

    Thanks for sharing! Sometimes when I run, I feel it in the abs but lately, I've been feeling it in my calves. Right now I am focusing on improving the ability to run period so I am not running fast (following C25K)

    Also, congrats on your loss!
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    I started training for a half at the end of january of this year - I ran it two weeks ago (almost) and in that time I lost 17 lbs? Ran 4x's/week, no cross training. Since running the half I have taken up heavy lifting and will maintain my runs/weekly distance until training for the fall half starts up :) I'm the taller one double fisting it in my profile pic :) I LOVE running....I'm "basically" at goal weight (not MY goal but 5'6+" and 132lbs)....hoping regardless of weight the liftindoes what it should do and get my bf% down to about 20 (from 23% currently).....

    eta: I DID count calories while I was training - kept daily calories around 1350 and ALWAYS ate back most of my exercise cals...especially on long run saturdays :)
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    From the left picture to the middle picture, was just elliptical, yoga, and counting calories.

    From the middle picture to the right picture was when I started running (25-40 miles per week) and in addition - counting calories, and focusing on meeting my macros.

  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    such an inspiring thread!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    This is from my last race, Raleigh Rocks. I ran track in high school, gave it up for 10 years, then restarted. When I did I couldn't run a 1/4 mile lol. I SLOWLY started with a "modified" C25K with 1 min run, 1 min walk. You couldn't even call it C25K because I was so slow lol. But I kept going.

    Fast forward a few years, I ran 2 half-marathons last year and a full marathon (which if you've done a half you should try just to say you did it). This month I have my 3rd half-marathon of 2013 with one more in the fall. I plan on running 4-5 races a year (8ks, half-marathons and maybe a full here and there).

    Happy to say I ran a 1:43:06 (first in my age group)..!!

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I don't have any pics - but I use running as my main cardio and have had great success, but it wasn't until I combined it with strength training and interval training that I really started to see results in my body/weight loss and in my running distance.

  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Bumping. Just because this is such a cool thread !
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    Nice!!! I'm going to run too! :bigsmile:
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I've been running regularly for 9 years, so I don't really attribute any weight loss to that. The picture on the left was taken in 2009. But then I joined a gym - started doing boot camp, lifting weights. In 2011, I joined MFP and finally started watching my calories. This is about an 18 pound weight difference:

  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    HUGE inspiration-everyone looks great!
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