Could anyone take a look at my diary :)



  • MaxxieTibbyMom
    MaxxieTibbyMom Posts: 16 Member

    I noticed you are eating quite a bit processed food last 5 days (I only looked that far) and under recommended fiber intake often. Even though you are under your calorie goal, it does not look like a balanced/healthy diet to me. Remember that it is not just calories, it should be about health and balance. Here is an idea that you could consider, this is also my daily eating/cooking guideline from Dr. Wahls as well as "Fast Track Diet". More information to follow later for both, but this plan actually has a lot of food and you should meet your calorie intake goals and being balanced -

    3 cups of green (any green vegetables, spinach, beet green, kale, etc.)
    3 cups of sulfur (anything in cabbage family, onion, garlic, mushroom family)
    3 cups of color (berries, carrots, beets, etc.)
    1-3 serving of lean meat, depends on your activity level.

    Dr. Wahls ( healed herself from multiple sclerosis by following a much more restricted version of this diet, even more restricted than Paleo style. It is worth following if you don’t mind the cooking. I can’t yet give up my cupcakes and baking, so I am not going full-on with her recommendation yet.

    Fast Track Diet is not exactly a “diet”, it serves more like food choice guideline. The core of this guideline is the same as I listed above, plus many other details and you can look it up online. Or you can message me and I will send you the full plan.

    I hope this helps you make healthier food choice and let me know if you have any questions. Good luck & be healthy!!
  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks all,

    On the shopping list for tonight, peanut butter! I hardly ever have that, so not sure what you all mean by natural? Is that different to the regular jars of it? I'll have to look around and i'm sure I'll find it!

    Thank you for the tips. I know I should keep away from the processed food. You should see my eating habits before the past 2 weeks, they were shocking! Am I better eating natural yogurt (full fat :)) than things like 0% activia etc that have flavours?

    Riverhwang, thanks for the recommendation. Is that suggestion for each meal? Or throughout the day?
  • Requiembell
    Requiembell Posts: 106 Member
    Natural PB has peanuts and salt in it. Others have a whole list of things in them.
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks all,

    On the shopping list for tonight, peanut butter! I hardly ever have that, so not sure what you all mean by natural? Is that different to the regular jars of it? I'll have to look around and i'm sure I'll find it!

    Thank you for the tips. I know I should keep away from the processed food. You should see my eating habits before the past 2 weeks, they were shocking! Am I better eating natural yogurt (full fat :)) than things like 0% activia etc that have flavours?

    Riverhwang, thanks for the recommendation. Is that suggestion for each meal? Or throughout the day?

    "natural" on packaged foods does not have a standard definition. For myself, I look for peanut butters with as few ingredients as possible that are low in salt and sugar. Some of them add a lot of sugar and salt. I have in the past found (with some difficulty) peanut butter where the only ingredient is peanuts. That's what I shoot for and what I consider "natural".
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks all,

    On the shopping list for tonight, peanut butter! I hardly ever have that, so not sure what you all mean by natural? Is that different to the regular jars of it? I'll have to look around and i'm sure I'll find it!

    Thank you for the tips. I know I should keep away from the processed food. You should see my eating habits before the past 2 weeks, they were shocking! Am I better eating natural yogurt (full fat :)) than things like 0% activia etc that have flavours?

    Riverhwang, thanks for the recommendation. Is that suggestion for each meal? Or throughout the day?

    "natural" on packaged foods does not have a standard definition. For myself, I look for peanut butters with as few ingredients as possible that are low in salt and sugar. Some of them add a lot of sugar and salt. I have in the past found (with some difficulty) peanut butter where the only ingredient is peanuts. That's what I shoot for and what I consider "natural".
  • freebird777
    I just recently went to see a nutritionist, and she changed my mind completely about "fat free" or "lowfat" dairy and other misc. foods. For the past week, I've not only changed to full fat versions of those foods (in moderation of course), but I've also included more nutritionally dense foods such as rolled oats for bfast instead of fat free yogurt, sweet potatoes, salads packed with different toppings, homemade dressings, etc. I can easily hit 1700 now...and on whole, healthy foods. Tons of fruit, veggies, natural grains, and lean protein. It can be done! And you will feel so much more fantastic than when eating diet foods.

    I think I am going to change also, after the advice on here. What other nutrionally dense foods did your nutritionist suggest if you don;t mind me asking :)

    No problem :) I'm looking through some of the recipes she gave me right now...lots of nuts, seeds (roasted sunflower seeds are SO YUMMY on salads), avocados, salmon and other higher fat fishes, different kinds of whole grains like quinoa and bulgur are higher in cals but oh so healthy and good for you. I've found that making my own olive oil based dressings is a healthy way to add some cals too. Hope this helps! P.S., my diary is open if you want to check it out...I've been following her advice since last Wednesday.
  • MaxxieTibbyMom
    MaxxieTibbyMom Posts: 16 Member

    The 3 cups of food are for ALL day, and that is a lot of food. Note that the three cups are for raw vegetables, so cut it to 1.5 cup for cooked ones. You can find more detail in her TED talk. Just search TED + Dr. Wahls + MS. That should take you there.

    Do you own a food processor/grinder? If so, I suggest you make your own peanut butter. It is healthier and REALLY easy. To make about 2 cups of peanut butter, grind up 2 1/2 cups of peanuts in food processor/grinder (I like salted and roasted, experience with the ones available to you), add about 2 tbsp vegetable oil (avoid olive oil, add enough for the consistency you want), adjust taste with honey/sugar and/or salt. Save them in airtight container for about 2 weeks in refrigerator. You just made first batch of homemade peanut butter!!

    Hope that helps :)

  • melissa112
    melissa112 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks :) I'll take a look at her stuff, and I do have processor :) I'm going to go shopping tonight to buy some healthy nuts/seeds etc!