How to tell if you're "too skinny"?



  • kirlia
    kirlia Posts: 81 Member
    Well, it was sure a surprise to post this thread last night as an afterthought before going to bed, going to work (and not having access to the forums on the mobile app), and coming home to all this!

    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    So for all who were so um, kind, to share your negative judgments/opinions about my body (both on here and via private messages, of which I received many strange ones) - thanks, I guess? But I don't really care what you think you because I'm happy with my body. I eat a healthy diet (and fyi, I ate almost 2000 calories today, so I'm definitely not undereating), I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life. So haters keep on hating, and I'll just keep being happy with myself :)

    (And thank you to all those who had something positive and/or constructive to say!)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    maybe you look too thin because obesity is becoming the norm? some parts of the country in the us anyway, the obesity rate for a city can be close to 40%. yikes!
    i think you look fine. even at a healthy weight depending on your body frame you can still be "boney." at my heighest of 127 (5'4") which is a good weight for that height, my colar bones still stuck out.
    if you feel healthy, and your medical professionals have no concerns then don't worry.
    people tell me as well that i am too skinny and to eat a sandwich. *kitten*, i just had a sammich for lunch today.
    i saw my medical doctor weighing in underweight for my height, but he said all my organs are there, my heart is working and that i appear to be overall healthy. (my irons usually on the lower side which is normal for me. but everything else is fine).
    as long as you're content and you have energy and aren't sick all the time, who cares what others say
    *edit to fix a typo
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Well, it was sure a surprise to post this thread last night as an afterthought before going to bed, going to work (and not having access to the forums on the mobile app), and coming home to all this!

    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    So for all who were so um, kind, to share your negative judgments/opinions about my body (both on here and via private messages, of which I received many strange ones) - thanks, I guess? But I don't really care what you think you because I'm happy with my body. I eat a healthy diet (and fyi, I ate almost 2000 calories today, so I'm definitely not undereating), I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life. So haters keep on hating, and I'll just keep being happy with myself :)

    (And thank you to all those who had something positive and/or constructive to say!)

    and why do people think it's okay to tell someone "you're too skinny," but it's rude to say "you're too fat."
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    I mentioned that you were asking for opinions in the midst of a lot of defensiveness. I should have re-read your original post, so I'm sorry about that. I'm going to edit it. (ETA: :( I didn't have the option of editing that post for some reason.)

    Other than health factors, no, there is no non-arbitrary way to define what "too skinny" is. And those health factors will never be outwardly visible except for extreme cases.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Well, it was sure a surprise to post this thread last night as an afterthought before going to bed, going to work (and not having access to the forums on the mobile app), and coming home to all this!

    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    So for all who were so um, kind, to share your negative judgments/opinions about my body (both on here and via private messages, of which I received many strange ones) - thanks, I guess? But I don't really care what you think you because I'm happy with my body. I eat a healthy diet (and fyi, I ate almost 2000 calories today, so I'm definitely not undereating), I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life. So haters keep on hating, and I'll just keep being happy with myself :)

    (And thank you to all those who had something positive and/or constructive to say!)

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Well, it was sure a surprise to post this thread last night as an afterthought before going to bed, going to work (and not having access to the forums on the mobile app), and coming home to all this!

    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    So for all who were so um, kind, to share your negative judgments/opinions about my body (both on here and via private messages, of which I received many strange ones) - thanks, I guess? But I don't really care what you think you because I'm happy with my body. I eat a healthy diet (and fyi, I ate almost 2000 calories today, so I'm definitely not undereating), I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life. So haters keep on hating, and I'll just keep being happy with myself :)

    (And thank you to all those who had something positive and/or constructive to say!)

  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Well, it was sure a surprise to post this thread last night as an afterthought before going to bed, going to work (and not having access to the forums on the mobile app), and coming home to all this!

    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    So for all who were so um, kind, to share your negative judgments/opinions about my body (both on here and via private messages, of which I received many strange ones) - thanks, I guess? But I don't really care what you think you because I'm happy with my body. I eat a healthy diet (and fyi, I ate almost 2000 calories today, so I'm definitely not undereating), I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life. So haters keep on hating, and I'll just keep being happy with myself :)

    (And thank you to all those who had something positive and/or constructive to say!)

    " I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life." <- Answers my questions and proves my point :) Good.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, it was sure a surprise to post this thread last night as an afterthought before going to bed, going to work (and not having access to the forums on the mobile app), and coming home to all this!

    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    You did ask for opinions in your original post. Or at least it was pretty easy to infer this -- "I ask because someone told me today I'm too skinny because I have a visible "xylophone" (upper chest bones), and I wonder if there's any merit to that? " -- as asking for opinions
    But I don't really care what you think you because I'm happy with my body. I eat a healthy diet (and fyi, I ate almost 2000 calories today, so I'm definitely not undereating), I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

    But this ^^ is all the opinion you should need. I'm a little confused at the point of the original post if opinions were not being sought, but if you are healthy and happy with yourself, then I personally am happy for you. Good luck on your future goals.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    It should be between you and your doctor. What does your doctor say?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Well, it was sure a surprise to post this thread last night as an afterthought before going to bed, going to work (and not having access to the forums on the mobile app), and coming home to all this!

    A lot of people have said I came here "asking for an opinion," which I most certainly didn't - my first post says very clearly I DON'T think I'm too skinny (in fact, I'd go so far as to say I KNOW I'm not too skinny) - I just wanted to share my experience with people telling me (as a person who is arguably not too skinny) that I'm "too skinny" based on a factor that I believed might be arbitrary, and to see if there was some non-arbitrary way of defining what "too skinny" means.

    You did ask for opinions in your original post. Or at least it was pretty easy to infer this -- "I ask because someone told me today I'm too skinny because I have a visible "xylophone" (upper chest bones), and I wonder if there's any merit to that? " -- as asking for opinions
    But I don't really care what you think you because I'm happy with my body. I eat a healthy diet (and fyi, I ate almost 2000 calories today, so I'm definitely not undereating), I exercise, I have tons of energy, I feel amazing, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

    But this ^^ is all the opinion you should need. I'm a little confused at the point of the original post if opinions were not being sought, but if you are healthy and happy with yourself, then I personally am happy for you. Good luck on your future goals.

    I think you misunderstood what opinions she was asking for. She wasn't asking us whether we thought she was too skinny, but if there was any visible indication of being underweight.

    Someone said she was underweight because she has a "xylophone" and was wondering if there actually is anything you can see on a person that will tell you if they're underweight.
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    If that's your picture, I'd say you're too skinny too. Eat more protein.
    I'd say you could use a good bulk. People only look too thin if they don't have enough muscle. It's not even about body fat percentage. Think about it, who has the lowest body fat percentages? Body builders. Look at this picture.
    This is Andreas Münzer. He was about 2% body fat. Would you say he's too thin? Of course not. The dude was massive, he just had no fat and a butt load of muscle. Go on a bulk, get some gains, cut and lose the fat you'll inevitably gain on your bulk. Report back in about nine months (assuming six month bulk and three month cut).

    Personally, this guy looks absolutely unattractive to me. Give me the body of a swimmer, diver or martial artist any day. I think a woman looks best with some curves to her.

    I didn't post this picture to say whether or not he's attractive. I was simply using this as an example of being at an extremely low body fat percentage without looking "too thin." Now as a comparison, check out this Auschwitz mode bro that's probably at a higher body fat percentage than Münzer was.

    Basically what I'm saying is this:

    Very little fat + whole lot of muscle = strong and lean
    Lower/low-ish amount of fat + very little muscle = DYEL mode/Auschwitz mode/"too thin"

    Both of these are very unhealthy. The man with tons of muscle and only 2% body fat, and the man with no muscle and little body fat. Athletes like Andreas Münzer go through extreme measures to achieve that look, and it is NOT healthy for the body. They have little to no visceral fat, and their heart and other organs are suffering. People like this feel the effects of their lifestyle later on in life, unfortunately, as do other athletes. The other man pictured, Jordan S. Rubin, is a sufferer of Chron's and that picture was him at his worst. Luckily he is better now. Both are pictures of bodies under EXTREME duress.

    There is such a thing as being too skinny. If you are not sure how to gauge this on your own, go to the doctor, run some tests, take some measurements. He or she will let you know if you are putting your body through too much or if you are not getting adequate nutrition.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Do you feel ok? do you like the way you look? are you healthy?

    WHO CARES what other people think. It's about you. :drinker:
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If I can see your ribs pretty visibly on your chest and your arms look like bones.. your too skinny.. so ya.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Do you feel ok? do you like the way you look? are you healthy?

    WHO CARES what other people think. It's about you. :drinker:

  • blue_cow
    blue_cow Posts: 4

    Both of these are very unhealthy. The man with tons of muscle and only 2% body fat, and the man with no muscle and little body fat. Athletes like Andreas Münzer go through extreme measures to achieve that look, and it is NOT healthy for the body. They have little to no visceral fat, and their heart and other organs are suffering. People like this feel the effects of their lifestyle later on in life, unfortunately, as do other athletes. The other man pictured, Jordan S. Rubin, is a sufferer of Chron's and that picture was him at his worst. Luckily he is better now. Both are pictures of bodies under EXTREME duress.

    There is such a thing as being too skinny. If you are not sure how to gauge this on your own, go to the doctor, run some tests, take some measurements. He or she will let you know if you are putting your body through too much or if you are not getting adequate nutrition.

    Correction.. the very thin man is a former model who died of complictions due to anorexia. So, yes, he was very underweight.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If you truly didnt care what ppl think it would have never bothered you in the first place and you would never have made this post.

    Sometimes people like to explore subjects that relate to health.

    Also, what's wrong with her taking the time to understand a concern that was presented to her by a loved one.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    If it has an impact on hormones to such an extent that ovulation is affected this can have long term health consequences.
    If it has immunological impact such that one is falling ill often.
    If it has an impact on normal dietary consumption and results in nutrient restriction.
    If it is the result of an ED.
    If it is related to a comorbidity.
    If it impacts day to day fitness performance.
    If body fat is so low that other signs like falling hair, grey skin, etc are present.
    If it increases the presence of histamine like reactions and joint pain from induced auto-immune conditions.
    If fainting is occurring or other conditions which suggest hypoglycemia.

    Then one can be too skinny.

    But mostly it's about personal and societal view point. You decide on your esthetic.


    Hope that answers the question.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    If you truly didnt care what ppl think it would have never bothered you in the first place and you would never have made this post.

    Sometimes people like to explore subjects that relate to health.

    Also, what's wrong with her taking the time to understand a concern that was presented to her by a loved one.

    What thread are you reading? It says nothing about a loved one. She is asking generalized questions based on personal attributes. The outcome is not valid because there is no definite answer. It is common sense that underweight is just as harmful as overweight if she didnt know that and assumes others dont it really isnt a weight conversation. That would shift it to a common sense conversation. You said yourself she doesnt eat enough. She asked if there is any merit in the statement and depending who you ask and their mental stability the answer will vary. Bones protruding and not eating enough I am going to go with you are too skinny. I will even take it a step further and say you have an ED. Am I a doctor? NO Therefore that is just an opinion and holds no water in this journey to find the end all be all way to label someone "too skinny" There are way too many variables in the humane genome to label individuals as too skinny. There are too may medical issues that pertain to muscular distress and development or lack thereof to label ppl as "too skinny". So as many ppl as she asks there is no definite answer. There are too many variables that alter the entire state of the question. generalization on such a huge population has never worked and never will.
  • kirlia
    kirlia Posts: 81 Member
    If you truly didnt care what ppl think it would have never bothered you in the first place and you would never have made this post.

    Wishy washy and hostility = someone in denial or confused...or both

    Good luck with that.
    I care about what people in real life - who can actually see me in 3D - think, since they have a basis for their judgments about my weight. I don't care what people on the internet think after seeing a picture of half my arm.

    Irony is an overweight person who "<3s bacon" (lol) posting multiple unnecessary and hostile replies in this thread, then trying to tell me I'M the one who's hostile and confused about my feelings of self-worth. But hey, if that's how you get your jollies in life, be my guest. Like I said, it's sad people like you whose opinions I don't care about :flowerforyou:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I only want to say to the Op (because some other person twisted my words) that I do not think the OP is under eating or has an ED (not even close). I only looked at one day, and it was over 1800, and I just said "could be a small defecit", but the Op clarified that and it is not. Also, it depends on activity and other factors, sometimes I forget that I am generally more active than usual because I do not have a sedentary job and I'm very active. Also, normal fluctuations from day to day are normal. I eat far and above what is recommended for me because I have a fast metabolism, but during times when I am taking an exercise break I will often eat less and certainly there are days when I eat a little less (when I say less, I still mean an amount that is above the recommendations of maintenance for my age/size/activity). I never eat at a low amount (neither does the OP), and also it only counts as a deficit when it takes into account the weekly totals (not just a random day here and there), calorie cycling is the natural way that all people at maintenance eat.