Is this a suspicious incident?



  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Trust your instincts. There is always a reason for them. A few things I would personally do is to be unpredictable. A predetor will watch your habits and learn them. Even if it isn't a predetor it is a good practice in my opinion. I would certainly inform suspicious activities if I felt my safety or someone elses is in danger. It may be nothing true, however we do not always know what types of things are going on in your neighborhoods. Specially the larger the town or city the more likely you will not know the person.

    Be safe. Follow your instincts. Take your phone!!!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    From this side of the pond the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" is looking more like the "Land of the Besieged and the home of the Scared of their own shadows".

    I'm so glad I didn't move over 20 years ago when I had the opportunity.
    I wouldn't want to live in fear.

    In the state of Florida if you step on my property and I feel threatened or I tell you to leave and you dont.......I can shoot to kill and not be prosecuted. Scared? um waiting for someone to try and beseige me so I can test that great law out. :laugh:
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    I'm gobsmacked by the number of people telling the OP to vary her routine when the entire reason she saw the truck in the first place was that she varied her routine.

    exactly. She has no idea if that truck is there every night at that time.
    there could just as easily been a girl in the white truck who was freaked out by the two people watching her on HER routine!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this since there seem to be so many anti-2nd Amendment folks here on MFP, but if you don't want to change your walking routine, then concealed carry is a great solution.

    Better yet, open carry.

    That'll give anyone a second thought before approaching you and your mom.

    However, if they both got so freaked out they needed to run because of a truck in a parking lot that hadn't yet made any form of threatening move, I wouldn't think carrying a deadly weapon is a good idea.

    And carrying a gun is not an option everywhere nor do I think people should jump to carrying a gun all the time. But, everyone needs to do what they feel is right. Never carry if you aren't prepared to use it and haven't been trained to properly use it. Carrying without proper confidence or training will just do more harm than good. There are ultimately far too many guns out there and they are far too easily obtained... one reason I'm glad I'm in Canada. Not gun free but much much harder to get.

    Please, cite the sources that you think support your misinformed conclusions.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Some people visit cemeteries because they are visiting the grave of someone they love. Some people want privacy for that, in case they start crying.

    Maybe it was someone who meant you harm, but if they had wanted to harm you, they probably would have tried.
  • cinema_goddess
    She should really just get a sonic screwdriver. Those things get you out of every situation known to man and Gallifreyan.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Maybe it was some kids wanting to get it on in their van.

    Oh the possibilities...
  • cinema_goddess
    Maybe it was Elvis.

    Maybe it was aliens.

    Maybe it was Sherlock and John trying to find a quiet place to continue their bromance.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    It was a cemetery how can we be sure it wasnt a ghost truck and ghost driver? :laugh:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    One thing to keep in mind in any situation like this (not just the OPs) is that criminals are typically cowards. If somebody is following you, DO look back at them. Stare them down, there's a good chance that they will become scared and you can get an idea of what they look like. Try not to look vulnerable, if you have long hair, wear it up or tuck it into your shirt, walk with others, keep an eye on your surroundings, if you have pepper spray, make sure you know how to use it before you go out! There have been girls on my campus who thought they were safe because they had pepper spray, but when they needed it, they found out that they didn't know how to use it

    A good example of how this can help: my campus has an unusually high crime rate (even for college campuses) and one night, I was walking home from my class that ended at 10pm. I heard leaves crackling behind me, but didn't see anybody on my way to where I was. I stopped, the person behind me stopped. I started walking again, they started again. I stopped again, they stopped again. I turned around and stared at the guy, he got scared and ran away. I ended up reporting this to the campus police, and they caught him. He was wanted for sexually assaulting three other girls who were walking the same way a few weeks earlier.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    From this side of the pond the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" is looking more like the "Land of the Besieged and the home of the Scared of their own shadows".

    I'm so glad I didn't move over 20 years ago when I had the opportunity.
    I wouldn't want to live in fear.

    You spend a lot of time criticizing the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Why?

    BTW I dont live in fear.

    "Welcome to my home. That door you just kicked in was locked for your protection, not mine. ."
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    From this side of the pond the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" is looking more like the "Land of the Besieged and the home of the Scared of their own shadows".

    I'm so glad I didn't move over 20 years ago when I had the opportunity.
    I wouldn't want to live in fear.

    In the state of Florida if you step on my property and I feel threatened or I tell you to leave and you dont.......I can shoot to kill and not be prosecuted. Scared? um waiting for someone to try and beseige me so I can test that great law out. :laugh:


    "live in fear"? Bwahahahaaaa, I think not. To me, REAL fear is living in a country where only the criminals get to have guns. :noway:
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this since there seem to be so many anti-2nd Amendment folks here on MFP, but if you don't want to change your walking routine, then concealed carry is a great solution.

    Better yet, open carry.

    That'll give anyone a second thought before approaching you and your mom.

    However, if they both got so freaked out they needed to run because of a truck in a parking lot that hadn't yet made any form of threatening move, I wouldn't think carrying a deadly weapon is a good idea.

    And carrying a gun is not an option everywhere nor do I think people should jump to carrying a gun all the time. But, everyone needs to do what they feel is right. Never carry if you aren't prepared to use it and haven't been trained to properly use it. Carrying without proper confidence or training will just do more harm than good. There are ultimately far too many guns out there and they are far too easily obtained... one reason I'm glad I'm in Canada. Not gun free but much much harder to get.

    Please, cite the sources that you think support your misinformed conclusions.

    I'm fairly certain there were no facts given that required support. It's called an opinion. Just like you have one, so does this person.
  • cinema_goddess
    the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Why?

    The Romans and the British might disagree with you on that one.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Call the police and tell them about your experience. Heck, they may set up a sting with you and your mom and grab the person. That would get a creep off the street and would make your lives a whole lot safer.

  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Why?

    The Romans and the British might disagree with you on that one.

    Is that why there are no more Romans? Because they were so great? They were just so awesome they ceased to exist? :laugh: :laugh:

    And if Britain is so great, how did they let the entire US secede? What about the Falklain Islands? Or India? Burma? Siam? Hong Kong? The Sudan? Egypt? South Africa? Or the Caribbean?
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member

    I found all sorts of articles about white vans and kidnappings. I would contact the police for sure. It's possible that you spotted something seriously bad. They will most likely investigate it.

  • cinema_goddess
    the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Why?

    The Romans and the British might disagree with you on that one.

    Is that why there are no more Romans? Because they were so great? They were just so awesome they ceased to exist? :laugh: :laugh:

    And if Britain so great, how did they let the entire US secede? What about the Falklain Islands? Or India? The Sudan? Egypt? South Africa? Or the Caribbean?
    Or maybe because, at the height of their power, they were considered to be the greatest nations in the history of mankind.

    My point is I sure hope that the US is not the greatest nation in the history of mankind because it would suck that we did all that work and ended up with this screwed up place.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Why?

    The Romans and the British might disagree with you on that one.

    Is that why there are no more Romans? Because they were so great? They were just so awesome they ceased to exist? :laugh: :laugh:

    And if Britain so great, how did they let the entire US secede? What about the Falklain Islands? Or India? The Sudan? Egypt? South Africa? Or the Caribbean?
    Or maybe because, at the height of their power, they were considered to be the greatest nations in the history of mankind.

    My point is I sure hope that the US is not the greatest nation in the history of mankind because it would suck that we did all that work and ended up with this screwed up place.

    Soooo, by that logic, someone who USED to be the richest guy in the room but recently lost every penny should still be considered the richest guy in the room?

    Does not compute.
  • sdpasque
    sdpasque Posts: 12 Member
    Take a picture of the truck, run, and then call the police.