I had a massive binge :(



  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I recently heard that if you "binge" the following day on citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruit, lemons & limes - it helps to flush out the calories that you binged on the previous day. It's worth a shot!

    You can't flush out calories. Sorry. :( Fruit is good, but it doesn't work like that. Lemon can have a diuretic effect, though, which I think Dr. Quack was honing in on, just with the wrong terminology. Regardless, the calories from fruit still have to be tracked. Eating five apples, as another poster mentioned, can add up to 400-500 calories, depending on the size of the apples.
  • ragingmrs
    ragingmrs Posts: 34
    The benefit to eating a lot of citrus and fruit the day after a binge would be to rehydrate, add nutrition and basically detox your system with all the fiber.

    I do not think it will hurt. I think it has a lot of benefit. Really you just need to forgive yourself, start over and try to figure out what triggered it, but do not obsess.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    The benefit to eating a lot of citrus and fruit the day after a binge would be to rehydrate, add nutrition and basically detox your system with all the fiber.

    Bingo. :)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    1. You can't undo a life style in one day. It takes a decision to stop making healthy choices altogether.

    2. Don't have binge foods in the house.

    3. Just try to binge on fresh vegetables, I dare you to eat an entire bag of baby carrots.

    4. Exercise a bit more for the next couple of weeks and ask yourself would I walk 500 miles for a box of Twinkies?

    5. If the answer to Would I walk 500 miles for a box of Twinkies is yes, ask yourself why Twinkies are so important.

    6. If you really love Twinkies that much figure out how to have one everyonceinawhile within your macros for that day. Another words something else in your daily calorie goal has to go.

    7. 100 year olds can eat whatever they want.

    8. Eat a lot of fiber, I would say make sure everything you eat has a lot of fiber in it. Just try to binge when you are full of fiber, I dare you.