how does your guy or girl support you?



  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    i'm not asking for ways to get more support, i have enough, it just can be interesting depending on the different personalities and other factors.

    now the main thing he does, it just let me do my own thing. buy whatever i healthy food we need, when the kids were younger, he'd watch them, so I could workout.

    He's been picking up equipment for our gym a little at a time, for years, so when i decided to
    use the barbell, we already had when I needed.

    The other night I was almost done with a heavy session, and he randomly came in the room and gave a shout to burn that fat! he was cheering me on, I guess. He's not a chatty kind of person, he only really talks a lot if it's related to explaining something for computers, video game, or sports, so it's rare to get a comment.
    He taught me how to deadlift last year. He was trying to tell me years ago, that i could do basically the routine i'm doing, lift 3x a week, and that all my cardio was unnecessary. so it's a little annoying how right he, and how wrong I, am turning out to be.

    Its hard because he is invisible.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    My husband and I plan meals together, shop together, he helps me build my lifting programs and offers advice. We don't lift together but he's my spotter when needed. He hates running but when I was rehabing after an injury put me off running for a month after my first 1/2 last fall he ran every painful, slow *kitten* run for 6 weeks until I was cleared. Also if it means going in at 1 am for work he has yet to miss any of my races this season so far.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    Well my Uncle John supports me, =) I'm not dating so I would say my family and my Uncle John pretty much.
    He always cheers me on and helps me when I'm confused and introduces me to all these new workouts and all that.

    Oh and he is a fitness guy himself! :)
  • Shauncho49
    Shauncho49 Posts: 132 Member
    Wifey and I do EVERYTHING together...She started dieting last year and I wasn't quite in the mindset for it. now that I've hopped on the bandwagon, we really do everything together now. planning meals and shopping together is fun. We do different workouts but we both walk together and that has been great! She's always so sweet and supportive of me telling me I can do it and how proud of me for the changes i've made so far. Just when I thought I couldn't love her anymore... :) luckiest man in the world, right here!
  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    My boyfriend is making sacrifices anyway because I'm a vegetarian while he loves his meat but he's so good about it, never complained once in almost 4 years (thought he is always looking forward to visiting his family because him mum always make shim a lamb roast lol). He'll mostly eat the same things I eat, which tend to be quite healthy anyway, but just out of habit he will put the packs of sweets he shovels down in the evenings right in the middle of the coffee table so I can reach them too... but one look and he'll happily have them all to himself.

    He's also very sweet, always saying that I look slimmer and fitter even when I'm having a bad week. And however much I yoyo in weight, he always says he likes me best the way I look at the time. Before I started dieting the first time he said he preferred me curvy, but when I lost 2 stone he liked the athletic look better. Then I gained it all again and he was back to liking curvy again, and now that I've lost a bit he's preferring skinny again, bless his little cotton socks.
  • LibertyBelle89
    My husband is a chef and he cooks me the most nutritious clean, unproccessed meals when we're at home and not traveling.

    Also he works out with me whenever I want and lets me call the shots on the workouts, which is sweet. He teaches me martial arts if I get bored with my stuff. Also he's constantly telling me that I'm gorgeous the way I am but that he's so happy I'm doing this because it means we'll have a longer healthier life together and that I'm doing the right thing for the health of our future babies.

    The best thing is that the other night I was SO EXHAUSTED after doing an hour in hip hop and coming home to do the 30 day shred, and I thought I might have to give up and miss a day of the shred. I was really slacking on the exercises, doing really weak versions, and he started goofing around with the exercises making me laugh. Giving a hilarious commentary on Jillian's facial expressions, turning the buttkicks into our own little rumba around the living room, changing the squats into really *cough* lewd gestures in my direction, pretending to be a boxing trainer when I'm doing the punches and giving me a really goofy pep talk, I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice how fast 30 seconds of butt kicks go when you're going them while running around the livingroom.

    It was the sweetest thing in the world. He just makes the workouts fun, and he tells me how much he admires me for doing what other poeple say they want to do but don't follow through on, and when I'm all sweaty and feeling gross after a workout, he flirts with me and says I look like a BA warrior queen.

    I'm a lucky girl.

    this is sweet, i want this :) mine doesnt workout at all lol, he'll watch me workout but thats about it lol
  • sarahkalt88
    sarahkalt88 Posts: 51 Member
    Thats one heck of an awesome support system! And the best part is he's learning healthy living skills from you that will carry him through the rest of his life! Way to go Mom!
    No boyfriend/husband, but as a single mom of an almost 7 year old, I have great support from him. He asks me every day if I did my exercises. When I do the 30DS at home, he picks up his little 1lb weights and does it with me. Or he will do the cardio jump rope and butt kicks. Plus, he doesn't mind staying at afterschool program a little longer doing his homework so i can get to the gym and run. And, he eats all of the meals I make, tries new foods and vegetables, and even tries the protein shakes I make as his "dessert". I am one lucky mama.