Such a fat loser



  • lisacsmith16
    lisacsmith16 Posts: 64 Member
    Hun I had 3 glasses of wine the other night with friends and I STILL LOST WEIGHT... Don't beat yourself up over hashbrowns! You can do this! We all can do this... I know this weekend I am going to have a FAT FILLED meal at a German place we are going to try... I will just work out harder the next few days
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    Get over it and move on...we all make some not so good choices every now and then..doesn't make us losers. Everything in moderation!! Beating yourself up will not accomplish anything..its in the ate enjoyed so picked yourself up and keep going!!!
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Hey, go easy on yourself! Don't be so self-destructive! One bad moment doesn't means the end of the day so from this moment forward, you're back on track .... no stories, no excuses, and no waiting for tomorrow to rescue today.
  • srostad2006
    srostad2006 Posts: 13 Member
    Hon, one thing I've learned (and boy was it hard to finally get it through my skull) is that what we think of ourselves is what others will think of us too. Instead of being your own worst critic, try being your own best cheerleader. If you are going get the weight off and keep it off, you have to learn to love yourself for who you are right now. Once you do that, losing the weight gets easier. I'm just at the beginning of my journe, but it took me 15 + years to figure out how to love myself for what I am right now, no matter what weight that is. Once you've done that, it becomes so much easier to work towards your goal, because you don't beat yourself up anymore. I know this sounds funny, but try starting each day by looking at yourself in the eyes each morning and repeat, " I accept myself the way I am, right now." And when the "fat loser" talk surfaces, say it again. This is what I did. And after awhile, you really start to change. Love yourself :)
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Oh stop it. Pity parties are such a waste of time. I mean really, what do you want people to reply to this? That you are in fact a fat loser? Or do you want to be coddled? Usually when someone starts whining that's what they want.

    Anyway hash browns are just food. If you want to have some, have a serving. One serving will not hurt you or hinder your weight loss any. If you can't eat them without gorging on them, don't eat them. So you did already? Unless you have a time machine you can't change it. It's in the past. Move on.
  • Igotdisbish
    That's a little harsh. We all go through periods of weakness. I switched to sugar free creamer, tastes the same.
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Just had to have the hash browns this morning, WTH is wrong with me. I cut out the cream in coffee and went to skim milk and then I have that other crap, no wonder I am gaining again. I am such a loser.

    The only problem I see is your attitude. This is life Baby - live and enjoy - and just use common sense in your eating habits! :flowerforyou:
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Count the calories and move on! One meal at a time. Last night I ate a sleeve of thin mints. I counted the calories only putting me over by 20 or so for the day :). Slip ups like this happen sometimes. We're not perfect :)
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    if it is in your daily calorie allotment, who cares. I ate a krispy kreme donut yesterday but it was in my calorie allotment. (It was really good too!). Sometimes it happens.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I had 5 cookies last night and loved every bite. Enjoy your food but don't let it run your life.
  • jaymesjourney
    As long as you're within your calorie goal why not enjoy it? I had two cookies and a Sierra Mist today. I'm still 17 calories under my goal and I haven't even worked out yet so I'll be able to eat even more if I want too later :D

    What has worked for me is planning out my meals in advance and pre-logging for the whole day. When I do that I know if I need to cut back on something or give myself some extra room to be able to enjoy some chocolate if I get a craving!

    Foods shouldn't be the enemy...its the dumb diets/media that are :)
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I was hoping this was a joke and that the OP was a fat-loser (losing lots of fat). Pretty disappointed. Just pick yourself up and eat better next meal!

    Funny--I thought the same thing!

    So did I, actually, although I had a sneaking suspicion I would be proved wrong. Sadly, that happened.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Unless you ate an entire pound of hashbrowns, I wouldn't worry about it. Even if you did, one day is not going to ruin you. Try not to obsess over the scale and calories and on days that you find yourself wanting to eat more, do it, but then be more active too. I broke out of a 3-week plateau by eating more and exercising every day for 6 days. Don't give up because you caved one time, that doesn't make you a loser-- it makes you normal.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    :flowerforyou: Girl you are soo far from a fat loser it's not even funny. Fat is such an objective word anyways and when you're trying to make changes like this you should really just cut it out of your vocab..

    Don't feel bad for eating a hashbrown; everyone has to eat foods they enjoy. Nothing should be forbidden.. Everything will be fine!!
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    the key my friend if I may say so, is to decide what you are going to eat, count the calories and fat grams and fit this in to your over all "budget"! It makes me sad to hear when someone eats something they enjoy, then get down about it. fit in and eat what you enjoy so that you are not depriving your self. and as others has mentioned, moderation. though some truly feel they have to totally omit some foods.

    I too thought this was a positive post re fat that had been lost - never to be found again!
  • mgaje
    mgaje Posts: 43 Member
    nothin wrong with hashbrowns, or bacon or hamburgers or cream....... it's all in moderation and denial of food is a form of punishment.... you do not need to be punished

    My thoughts exactly :flowerforyou: you will reach your goal and you can have your hashbrowns too
  • fullofhope76
    Stop the self abuse. Just get back on the horse!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Calling yourself names is just as bad as calling someone else names.

    Dont worry about it. Just work out a little harder today.

    ^^^^ this

    beating yourself up over it isn't going to help, it just brings you down and makes you feel like giving up. Talk to yourself as you'd talk to a friend, if you're feeling discouraged, build yourself up instead, remind yourself that you CAN do this, and that one slip does not mean the end of the road, it means you pick yourself up and keep on going

    change it to loser of fat, as in someone who's losing fat :)

    if there are foods that you really don't want to live without, follow the 80% rule, i.e. 80% clean/healthy foods, and 20% what you fancy so long as you stay within your calorie goals and you're feeding your body what it needs. Maybe this will mean smaller portion sizes, but that's better than total abstinence....
  • Cricket09
    Cricket09 Posts: 41 Member
    Don't let it derail the rest of your day. Just make better choices next meal and move on. Oh, and stop calling yourself names - it's counter productive and just not nice. :) Postive affirmations work much better. "Hashbrowns are good in moderation. Now I will be sure sure to work of those extra calories today!"
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    don't put yourself down like that. we all have days when we eat crap me included. it doesn't make you a loser. it means you are human and you make mistakes. believe me I struggle with eating crap myself I just keep trying. I am doing something right I went from 250 pounds to 175 pounds.