tired of being made fun of need someone to talk to



  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Remember this: There is no use arguing with stupid people. You are not the *kitten* whisperer.

    ^^ LOL

    What I discovered was that my own inner voice was WORSE than all the bullies I had to deal with when I was young (and even not so young). Take control over that inner voice and practice positive self-talk. It sounds dumb, but it made a huge difference for me in being able to stay motivated and also to ignore those that are mean.

    You can do this and MFP can help you along the way.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Yean, most people blow. Its usually the younger crowd, but adults can be pricks too. Good job wanting to make the change. Maybe you gotta fix your eating up a bit? If you are exercising and eating right the weight should come off. Would definitely like to be part of the support system though so you, or anyone lookin for a friend can add me.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I have to run to work now. Send a FR and I'll be glad to help if I can.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Remember this: There is no use arguing with stupid people. You are not the *kitten* whisperer.

    and sadly stupid is also incurable :bigsmile: Good luck to you and never let someone else's ignorance impact your happiness. You will find lots of people on this site that will be happy to help.
  • simplyJ0712
    simplyJ0712 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, this is my first post and I want you to know that you have me and the rest of "us" here at myfitnesspal.com. You are only 19, and have your whole life ahead of you, and more adventures. Be brave, love yourself and be proud of who you are. Send me a message if you need someone to talk to. Take care!
  • lburnisky
    Don't let those people get to you. As everyone said you are the better person. You sound so much like my daughter, she is twenty, five foot tall and weights over 250.

    My heart goes out to you and so does my friendship. It is not an easy road ahead of you but with determination and support I am sure you can achieve the goals you set.

    I took the journey to a better healthier life five years ago, I still slip up once and awhile and need to remind my self to get back on track, but a little slip up here and there is bound to happen, so do not get discouraged.

    Good Luck on your journey. I know how it feels to need to bounce things off of someone and not have anyone there to do so. You are more than welcome to add me as a friend.

    Lately, I need some motivation to keep myself on track as well.
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    You don't have to be a size 0 to be healthy. I've seen thin people who aren't fit, they're just thin. One of my favourite quote's "The world will tell you who you are until you tell the world." Words to live by. :)
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Size Zero says a LOT of things about a person... all negative. Unless you are under 5'... it's very hard for a normal sized person to be healthy and be a zero.

    #1 people are a$$hats. Ignore them. This is about YOU. Do this for YOU and YOUR health and happiness.
    #2 it's not a short term thing. it will take time. Be patient with yourself.
    #3 surround yourself with positive, supportive people. If they aren't there FOR you then they are AGAINST you. Find better people.
    # DO NOT QUIT!
  • EmLJay70
    EmLJay70 Posts: 5
    Feel free to add me so we can take this journey together.:happy:
  • SierraChristine1997
    People only try to take you down with rude comments because they see something in you that you can't see (yet)
    They see this gorgeous person, who is bright, and happy, and healthy.
    They probably feel threatened by you.
    They see you are weak now, and try to tear you down before you can reach the top! Don't let them get to you, if you give in to what they are doing they are just getting the reaction they want. Tell them to seriously, "**** OFF!" keep your head high, and move on. Chances are you will probably never see this person again, and if you do have to see them in the future they will feel like idiots when you approach them with your success!
    I know you have probably heard people say, "They're just jealous of you." and then you think to your self, "That's such a lie, what could they be jealous of me for?" but there IS multiple things a person could be jealous of. Right now, I'm totally jealous of your determination to change yourself! :) Determination is a wonderful quality to have!
    Honestly I think everyone has been down the path of douche bags, *****es, and heartache! :)
    The only way to see a rainbow is to stick it out through the storm!
    Add me if you want and we can get through your storm together, and then we can enjoy that FABULOUS rainbow of success when you get there!:)
    Baby steps.
    You've already taken your first one.
  • staceybevans
    hey bertata, i know how you feel! its not nice isit. :(
    add me if you like, for motivation etc.
  • sadt22
    sadt22 Posts: 3
    I think being a size 0 is highly overrated - but if you want help losing weight, this is a good place to track your food and exercise and get encouragement from so many of us trying to lose weight. Good luck is your weight loss journey. You can friend me if you want to and then you have access to my food diary. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks and have not lost much, but I feel much better and more in control - which I think is a major thing for me. :flowerforyou:
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    You can add me if you like! You can do this!
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, A friend request has been sent. I know how you feel. We all deserve to feel and be happy. So lets fight for that feeling and work together and support and encourage eachother on this weightloss and fitness journey.
  • TrracyGirl
    TrracyGirl Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! It looks to me like there are a HELL of a lot more people who get where you're coming from :)

    Always remember. "people dont do things TO you, they do them FOR themselves" :smile:

    Add me if you like. You can never have too much support, hugs, or pats on the back. We all need them. You WILL do this. One pound at a time. Your life WILL change. If I can do it.. anyone can. At my high i was 276. Now I'm 190. It felt like it took forever, looking back, I'd not change one second or one drop of sweat. You will be ok :) SO ADD ME NOW! Hahahah :D
  • kiwiskywalker
    hey, i am alos 19 and been overweight my entire life. I just started my weightloss and if you need some motivation because we are on the same boat, let me know :)