staying in 1200 cals who else finds this difficult?



  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    You don't have to eat that little to lose weight. You likely have your goal set for to fast of weight lose and possibly have your activity level inaccurete. Your Base metabolic rate is for sure above 1200 calories.

    What is your height, age, weight and what kind of working out do you do?

    I'm 26, 160lb and i used to run but i broke my ankle in Jan, its not quite right in terms of healed even though cast is its mainly sit ups, upper body workouts or exercise bike. x x

    I need your height


    Your estimased BMR is 1533 and TDEE is 2108. (i put you as light activity but your BMR would not be affected by that anyway)

    So 1200 is not enough for you. You should be eating at least 1533.
  • mlvanstone
    mlvanstone Posts: 3 Member
    I could never stick to 1200 calories per day, it's too difficult. You end up feeling cheated and hungry and spending all your time thinking about how to make those calories count - god forbid a glass of wine comes into the picture! I went the TDEE - 20% route recently and have my goal set at 1400 calories. Although it's not the weight loss is not the instant gratification we all crave, this # of calories IS WORKING, and slowly but surely, I am losing weight. My patience is improving as I see the ounces come off (love the digital scale), and I've lost 4 pounds over the last month. Again - slowly, but surely. FYI I'm 5'6", and as of this morning 169.5lbs, 8-5 office job with only occasional trips to the treadmill.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with other posters... increase slightly to say 1450, and don't eat back your exercise gains everyday - I found the only way to really change to a more healthy lifestyle and stay within the calorie goal was to drastically CHANGE what I was eating. I found it was possible to have success (lose consistently) and feel better, and not be hungry if I really worked a planned of healthy eating every day.

    I had to start eating a breakfast that was low fat, high protein, high fiber - shooting for about 350 calories in two servings between 6am-10am. A cored apple, greek yogurt with strawberries & blueberries, and maybe a Balance Bar Bare - would get me started right. Then a large salad with some healthy dressing and some lean protein (chicken breast or tuna.)

    I also sit a desk all day in a sales role. I had to get into a habit of walking for 15 minutes first thing when I get to work each morning (got to work a little early, and head outside to kick in for a quick 15 minute walk) Then take another 15 minute walk just before lunch (15 minute walk + 15 minutes lunch break to eat.) I found the physical activity actually helped with the attention at the desk & hunger suppression.

    An orange or another apple on the way to the gym. Workout. Then healthy dinner of lots of fresh veggies and about 4-5oz of lean protein. No alcohol.

    Man, it was challenging to pick the right fuels, but worth the ultimate change in eating habits to make everything I put in my mouth really fuel my body to it's fullest. You just have to get in a mind-set of making every calorie count. Trust me, your body will get used to it.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I upped my calls to 1500 and am actually losing weight now and am not miserable!
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    If i were you i would put your goal as losing 1 pound per week. I would make sure my calorie goal was set at about 1650 and i would do more working out.

    (Any working out you can do, do not let an injury completly stop you. I deal with a chronic neck injury and i do whatever working out i can whenever i can.)
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    Find out your BMR - which people above have been doing for you already - and don't eat less than that! I'm just restarting my journey here and have done a lot of recalculation for my own weight loss goals. I'm at 160 and I'm 5'6". I'm set for 1590cal/day for the moment, which is above my BMR and below maintenance. 1200 would make me feel tired and woozy and all sorts of other badness.
  • Pardyqueenxoxo
    Pardyqueenxoxo Posts: 218 Member
    its such a relief to see others finding it difficult! I thought it was just me!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    With as little as you have to lose, I would shoot for no more than 1 pound a week weight loss. I am 5'6" and eat at the 1200 level, but I am almost 50 years old and am very sedentary, so 1200 is only a 500 cal deficit for me.
    What calorie level were you at before you started cutting calories? If you can estimate about how many cals you were maintaining on, then simply deduct 500 from that number and try that.

    If you DO need to eat at a lower level, then make sure you get 80-100 grams of protein and 35-50 gr of healthy fats in, then you can fill the rest of the calories with high fiber carbs, like non starch veggies and fresh fruit. Limiting sugar and processed carbs will help keep you from having cravings. Most people make the mistake of cutting protein and healthy fat cals, which can cause muscle loss, hormone imbalance, and lead to hunger and cravings.
  • jessetmia
    jessetmia Posts: 19
    Based on this conversation, you don't seem to be interested in changing upping your calorie intake, so at the very least make sure you are hitting your protein/fat macro's(broscience mainly)... Though keep in mind you are starving yourself more than necessary and may end up skinny fat( instead of looking healthy. Your body tends to hold on to fat when it's starving and use muscle as fuel.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Set it at 1700.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    its such a relief to see others finding it difficult! I thought it was just me!

    Troll alert.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    If you find it difficult, eat a bit more. You'll lose weight at a slower pace.
  • Pardyqueenxoxo
    Pardyqueenxoxo Posts: 218 Member
    its such a relief to see others finding it difficult! I thought it was just me!

    Troll alert.

    whys that a troll alert???????????????????
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Didnt read all the responses but just wanted to say the one set formula for cals doesnt work for everyone
    I started here a few years ago and settled on 1800 cals..was a SAHM and didnt exc (at first..I know..bad bad) but it worked, I ate healthy foods and lost weight
  • Fitfabulousme
    Fitfabulousme Posts: 16 Member
    I was on 1200 calorie goal for 4 months and i lost 18 KGS weight but now when i have started eating carbs already gained back 5 kgs. So i think you should select a calorie goal which is practical. I did not have severe hunger pangs because i was drinking loads of water.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    did 1200 cals, its hard....doing 3000 cals, its harder.
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Didnt read all the responses but just wanted to say the one set formula for cals doesnt work for everyone
    I started here a few years ago and settled on 1800 cals..was a SAHM and didnt exc (at first..I know..bad bad) but it worked, I ate healthy foods and lost weight

    Unless you have a medical condition that effects weightloss then yes... one set formula does come pretty close for MOST people. However, these calculators are only as good as the information you plug into them. If you aren't honest with your activity level then it can spit out inaccurate numbers. TDEE calculators are a good start, you may have to tweak from there by a hundred calories or so or if your activity level changes but its better than using some dumb number that MFP spits out for nearly everyone if they put in that they want to lose 1lb/week or more and doesn't explain how they reached that number or how to use it properly.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can not imagine eating so low on a regualr basis. I would be miserable.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm glad you asked this question, as I am also set on 1200 calories and have found it impossible to stay within that. I am reguarly over the target by 300-600 calories. My RMR is 1641.
    I am doing the 30 day shred at present most mornings so that gives me another 290 calories.

    I think I will adjust and put my profile to 1lb lost a week as many suggest in this thread.
  • Im currently finding it difficult to REACH 1200 cals!