Insanity spam



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Here is the one I got just this of many "people" interesetd in my workouts.
    I have been using Beach body workout and drinking shakeolgy. right now i am doing hip hop abs . going to start insanity here soon . and i walk some too . and watch what i eat . I also have turbo jam . and i also use walking off the pounds and that one is not beach body . i love the shakes thought .

    My response
    Previously c||XXXXXXXXX wrote: so have you ever thought about trying any work out types off beach body ?

    Nah. My first love (and first degree) is body weight/body resistance fitness, so I do all my own workouts from calisthenics movements. I modfiy and improve them from there. That way I can challenge myself as I want. I don't have any issue with those programs and such, but I can do all of it on my own.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I just delete em and move on. Can't afford that stuff. I like the workouts though.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    They like to try and make you feel like crap if you don't want what they are selling too. That insanity workout is costly. They make it seem like it is the only work out in the world that could be beneficial. I have heard it is very hard on the knees. I watched a few of the work outs on you tube and realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong. I certainly don't think that ruining my body in the name of fitness is a good idea.

    You do them at your own pace and work yourself up to it.
    I know that. That goes for any workout. I believe you miss my point.

    Nope I see your point loud and clear. I see it as an excuse. ...and no I don't work for them LOL Good day!
    So because I do a workout other than insanity I am making excuses? Wow. You are ridiculous.

    Sigh you are missing my point. Good day Ms. Knox.
    Oh no, I get your point. YOU are accusing me of making excuses because I don't want to do this PARTICULAR workout. That's just sad.

    Gonna have to agree with the guy on this one. Maybe you're making excuses, maybe you're not, but you sure sound like you are. I suggest being more clear in the future if that's not the case.

    But to your original point, you can block people who PM you. I would just block them if they are bugging you.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    They like to try and make you feel like crap if you don't want what they are selling too. That insanity workout is costly. They make it seem like it is the only work out in the world that could be beneficial. I have heard it is very hard on the knees. I watched a few of the work outs on you tube and realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong. I certainly don't think that ruining my body in the name of fitness is a good idea.

    You do them at your own pace and work yourself up to it.
    I know that. That goes for any workout. I believe you miss my point.

    Nope I see your point loud and clear. I see it as an excuse. ...and no I don't work for them LOL Good day!
    So because I do a workout other than insanity I am making excuses? Wow. You are ridiculous.

    Sigh you are missing my point. Good day Ms. Knox.
    Oh no, I get your point. YOU are accusing me of making excuses because I don't want to do this PARTICULAR workout. That's just sad.

    Wrong. But carry on.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Here is an exchange from today:

    Got that a few times too.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Yeah, that is a pretty obnoxious exchange. I think you will find annoying people with any approach though...

    Don't eat carbs.
    Lifting heavy is the only way.
    Try advocare.
    Eat clean.

    blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    They like to try and make you feel like crap if you don't want what they are selling too. That insanity workout is costly. They make it seem like it is the only work out in the world that could be beneficial. I have heard it is very hard on the knees. I watched a few of the work outs on you tube and realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong. I certainly don't think that ruining my body in the name of fitness is a good idea.

    Why does struggling with a workout mean there is something "wrong". My daughter does Insanity. She says she can't finish it yet and both loves and hates that . Loves the results, hates that it's hard.

    She thinks me (her old mom) should try it so it can't be that bad.

    The point is mostly the spammers here, posting bait threads so they can harass us in private messages when we respond. The point of a work out is to challenge the body, but not every workout is good for everyone. Just because someone does not do THIS workout does not mean they are not doing something beneficial.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Here is the one I got just this of many "people" interesetd in my workouts.
    I have been using Beach body workout and drinking shakeolgy. right now i am doing hip hop abs . going to start insanity here soon . and i walk some too . and watch what i eat . I also have turbo jam . and i also use walking off the pounds and that one is not beach body . i love the shakes thought .

    Here is an exchange from today:

    "I saw thta you were interested in Insanity. The only place you can get a legit copy is Beachbody. I am a rep for them so if you need more info, let me know :-) "

    "Oh, sorry. I'm not really gonna be able to afford that. They need to do something about that price tag. Thanks anyway. "

    "Ok then, obviously, you are not ready. I am here if you ever decide that you are :-)
    Just ask yourself you spend money on ANYTHING you don't really NEED?? Most people do, even when they are broke. I know I am guilty.
    If those items are more of a priority than your health, you may want to rethink your priorities, just saying."


    Oh, by the way, you can get in trouble for publicly posting private messages on the forums. If your Insanity person saw this and wanted to report you, you could very well get a strike. Just so you know.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Ignoring messages and blocking users is always helpful....when you respond you open yourself up to the dialogue.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Here is the one I got just this of many "people" interesetd in my workouts.
    I have been using Beach body workout and drinking shakeolgy. right now i am doing hip hop abs . going to start insanity here soon . and i walk some too . and watch what i eat . I also have turbo jam . and i also use walking off the pounds and that one is not beach body . i love the shakes thought .

    Here is an exchange from today:

    "I saw thta you were interested in Insanity. The only place you can get a legit copy is Beachbody. I am a rep for them so if you need more info, let me know :-) "

    "Oh, sorry. I'm not really gonna be able to afford that. They need to do something about that price tag. Thanks anyway. "

    "Ok then, obviously, you are not ready. I am here if you ever decide that you are :-)
    Just ask yourself you spend money on ANYTHING you don't really NEED?? Most people do, even when they are broke. I know I am guilty.
    If those items are more of a priority than your health, you may want to rethink your priorities, just saying."


    Oh, by the way, you can get in trouble for publicly posting private messages on the forums. If your Insanity person saw this and wanted to report you, you could very well get a strike. Just so you know.

    OH boo hoo.... a strike! They shouldn't harass people who ask them to stop. Let them report me.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I see this digressed nicely.

  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    Im out of here!! :laugh:

    just block them.... dont worry and be happy!!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Here is the one I got just this of many "people" interesetd in my workouts.
    I have been using Beach body workout and drinking shakeolgy. right now i am doing hip hop abs . going to start insanity here soon . and i walk some too . and watch what i eat . I also have turbo jam . and i also use walking off the pounds and that one is not beach body . i love the shakes thought .

    Here is an exchange from today:

    "I saw thta you were interested in Insanity. The only place you can get a legit copy is Beachbody. I am a rep for them so if you need more info, let me know :-) "

    "Oh, sorry. I'm not really gonna be able to afford that. They need to do something about that price tag. Thanks anyway. "

    "Ok then, obviously, you are not ready. I am here if you ever decide that you are :-)
    Just ask yourself you spend money on ANYTHING you don't really NEED?? Most people do, even when they are broke. I know I am guilty.
    If those items are more of a priority than your health, you may want to rethink your priorities, just saying."


    Oh, by the way, you can get in trouble for publicly posting private messages on the forums. If your Insanity person saw this and wanted to report you, you could very well get a strike. Just so you know.

    OH boo hoo.... a strike! They shouldn't harass people who ask them to stop. Let them report me.

    You mangry?
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Here is the one I got just this of many "people" interesetd in my workouts.
    I have been using Beach body workout and drinking shakeolgy. right now i am doing hip hop abs . going to start insanity here soon . and i walk some too . and watch what i eat . I also have turbo jam . and i also use walking off the pounds and that one is not beach body . i love the shakes thought .

    Here is an exchange from today:

    "I saw thta you were interested in Insanity. The only place you can get a legit copy is Beachbody. I am a rep for them so if you need more info, let me know :-) "

    "Oh, sorry. I'm not really gonna be able to afford that. They need to do something about that price tag. Thanks anyway. "

    "Ok then, obviously, you are not ready. I am here if you ever decide that you are :-)
    Just ask yourself you spend money on ANYTHING you don't really NEED?? Most people do, even when they are broke. I know I am guilty.
    If those items are more of a priority than your health, you may want to rethink your priorities, just saying."


    Oh, by the way, you can get in trouble for publicly posting private messages on the forums. If your Insanity person saw this and wanted to report you, you could very well get a strike. Just so you know.

    OH boo hoo.... a strike! They shouldn't harass people who ask them to stop. Let them report me.

    Oh, honey. That's what the "Block" button is for, sweetheart. I don't like spammers either, but their obnoxious behavior is no excuse for you to act in a like fashion and "tattle" their messages for everyone to see. Cute.

    Sorry for trying to drop a helpful tip. I'll let you drown on your own, now.
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    No real Insanity rep is trolling internet forums for customers. If you want to buy the product do so in a store or legitimate online retailer. If you're low on cash I'm sure there are plenty of ways to get it for free. Either way be smart with your money and your identity with online purchases.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    One last thing, speaking of rules and guidelines:

    14. No Advertising, Self-Promotion, or Fund-Raising
    a) You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit, e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.
    b) Requests or solicitations for donations are also not allowed. This includes requesting contributions to “pooled fund” competitions, requests for votes in any venue (online contests, etc.), and even requests for charitable contributions. As you can imagine, we have a lot of people who would like to raise money for worthy causes through the site. As much as we'd like to support these causes, if we were to allow requests for donations, the forums would quickly become full of such requests which would take away from the main purpose of the forums - to support one another.
    c) Posts or messages to members promoting websites that compete with MyFitnessPal are also prohibited.

    Just sayin.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    They like to try and make you feel like crap if you don't want what they are selling too. That insanity workout is costly. They make it seem like it is the only work out in the world that could be beneficial. I have heard it is very hard on the knees. I watched a few of the work outs on you tube and realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong. I certainly don't think that ruining my body in the name of fitness is a good idea.

    Why does struggling with a workout mean there is something "wrong". My daughter does Insanity. She says she can't finish it yet and both loves and hates that . Loves the results, hates that it's hard.

    She thinks me (her old mom) should try it so it can't be that bad.

    The point is mostly the spammers here, posting bait threads so they can harass us in private messages when we respond. The point of a work out is to challenge the body, but not every workout is good for everyone. Just because someone does not do THIS workout does not mean they are not doing something beneficial.

    Oh, I agree. Certainly. It was just this remark that caught my eye: "realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong"

    I understand not wanting the PMs completely.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    If you're low on cash I'm sure there are plenty of ways to get it for free.

    Do spill :laugh:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    They like to try and make you feel like crap if you don't want what they are selling too. That insanity workout is costly. They make it seem like it is the only work out in the world that could be beneficial. I have heard it is very hard on the knees. I watched a few of the work outs on you tube and realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong. I certainly don't think that ruining my body in the name of fitness is a good idea.

    I am currently in month 2 week 2 of Insanity. Please don't put down something you have never tried. I am a 48 year old woman and I'm getting into the best shape of my life. Is Insanity for everyone? Of course not. Is it hard. VERY! But it works for the majority of the people who try it. Including me. Yes it is pricey, but so was eating all the crap I was shoving down my throat daily. I tell people about Insanity every chance I get because IT WORKS. I have both bad knees and a hurt back from a car accident and I still can do it. Some things I modify but most I do not. Into my last 3 weeks and I have yet to ruin my body. In fact I plan to start it again once this 60 days is over.

    And I am NOT a beach body coach
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    We all have that one friend with the dvd copier or the friend that has that friend.