I am afraid of what I will look like when I hit my goals?



  • TabithaMichelle85
    TabithaMichelle85 Posts: 92 Member
    Loose skin is a big fear for me as well I have a little over a hundred pounds to lose I don't want to have to cover my body up with more clothes... I've been covering my body up my whole life I want to be able to wear tank tops and shorts one day covering up with tons of clothes would basically be a smack in the face...
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    If you're only in your 20s you should spring back - I'm in my 40s and although I can tell the saggy post-baby (and 1 c-section) bit is going to take some extra work, everyhting else is tightening as I go. Moisturise every day (after the bath/shower is best), twice if you feel your skin is dry, and drink plenty of water. Also eat some "good" fats like olive oil. You'll be fine! And as others have said, even if you have a few stretch marks at least you'll feel better inside yourself.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    All I have to say is it is REALLY easy to reverse things. So don't worry about it.

    Also, do weight training, and you'll feel a lot more 'solid' about it (figuratively and literally).
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    A lot of it has to do with genetics and is therefore out of your control. I have lost less than you want to in the end, and I have some loose skin, particularly on my tummy, boobs and upper arms. It's not lovely, but it's not hideous either. It's certainly not "hanging rolls of loose skin". I am, no doubt about it, 100x happier with my body now than at 85 lbs heavier.

    There are things you can do to try to minimise the issue. (I have yet to see any real evidence about any of these things, but they tend to be widely recommended and make sense.) Lose slowly and steadily to give your skin chance to adjust. Keep well hydrated, and moisturise your skin. Eat plenty of fat. Strength train as soon as you can. I've heard a lot of people say that any loose skin you are left with improves over the first year or two of maintaining your weight loss. I e that some people get close to their goal and decide not to lose that last little bit, preferring to be a bit heavier rather than see their skin get even looser. That's only really a sensible decision once you have a healthy level of body fat though. Then it becomes more about aesthetic preference.

    The fact is, no one is lining up to offer me an underwear modelling contract. Let's face it though, they weren't when I was 85 lbs heavier either! In clothes, I look fine, and hypothetically, in a bikini I would look fine too. Mentally... I'm not at the point of wearing a bikini yet, but I know that the vast majority of my loose skin could be easily covered with a normal bikini. I look so much better now than I did when I was bigger, and I have so much more confidence. I never used to show off my arms and now, even though they are a bit loose and wobbly at the top, I'm quite happy to show them off. And, like others have said, the health benefits of losing the weight far outweigh anything else.

    You're an attractive woman now, and you still will be when you lose the weight. As much of a cliché as it sounds, the "liking yourself" part really does come from inside. If you can't sort that part out as you lose weight, then you will find that you reach your goal and still have that problem. Even if you end up with no loose skin at all (which is possible) you still need to learn like yourself from the inside out, or you'll never be satisfied with your body.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    My skin is not bad at all. And the benefits far outweigh the cons even if you do have some extra skin! :smile: Good luck
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Take it one day at a time. I've lost 175lbs, and I had to have a few nips/tucks. However, focus now on getting the weight off, learning nutrition and moving. Try to tone as much as you can, but realize your body will not be perfect (what is perfect?), but you will still feel wonderful losing the excess weight. I have many trouble areas, but I'd take it any day compared to where I used to be. Best of luck x
  • Thank you all for your wonderfull advice:) It is good to know that there are other people out there who have the same concerns. Some times when you are so heavy you feel alone in the world. I am strenght training and losing slowly. I drink a lot of water but I could drink more. I will definatly moisturize. The hardest part is the waiting LOL I want to be thin NOW but I know It takes time to undo the damage I alone caused to my body. I just wish it was as easy to lose as it was to gain. LOL
  • I have lost 85 lbs mostly dieting. The other 25 lbs I want to lose to get to my goal I plan to do by working out too because I have a lot of loose skin. But I see pictures of myself back then and now- and I am proud to say I got that weight off no matter what.