How do i become happy in my own skin?



  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Being happy and confident when you've had a tough life and feel crap about yourself takes work. It takes alot of work and you have to make a commitment to it. You're kind of talking as if you expect or want it to just happen without you putting any effort in and it wont. You need to make some time and set some boundaries. If you're gonna hang around with a bunch of guys all day and eat junk you can't expect things to change for the better really! Spend some time alone and figure out what you want to achieve and then work out how you're going to do it. All you need is an hour a day to fit in some exercise. Kundalini yoga is really good for toning and it promotes self belief as well. Check out Ana Brett's DVDs, you can get them cheap on Amazon. There are plenty of girls on here to talk to if you need to chat or some motivation. It sounds like you're stuck in a rut but you need to get out and only you can do that. Making excuses won't work, just do it!