I think I injured myself during 30DS.

So I'm only on Level 1... I have a lower back injury, asthma, and glaucoma so as for now, I am on day 5 of level 1 and I am not sure how much further I can go.

This morning, while doing jumping jacks, I felt a strain out the lateral/outside portion of my right leg. After I was done, I functioned just fine. I went upstairs to shower and when I came back downstairs, my leg gave out stepping down and I almost fell down the stairs. Now there is a soreness/pain extending right above the knee (again, lateral/outside) down through my calf. It down not go in front, inside/medial, or down to the ankle. It also doesn't extend to my thigh.

Any opinions whether you guys think this might be a sprain? A ligament injury? Ligament inflammation? Should I stop doing 30DS until I feel better?

Here's the catch. I work 75 hours a week and go to school part time, so I can't "rest" my leg since I have to be on it all the time for both of my jobs. I also HAVE to go up stairs to get into my house, and up to my bedroom and bathroom.

Opinions? Nothing like this ever happened to me before.


  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I hurt myself doing the shred and the problem was that I was not doing the streching after I thought "its only streching that is stupid" boy was I wrong!!! Also watch your form when doing the workout.

    I used Ice and a Tensor bandage, and did not workout until I felt better.

    Hope you get better.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Go to the doctor if if doesn't go away.

    I looked up the 30DS on Amazon and read the 1 star reviews. A lot them mentioned knee injuries, which scared me. Hope you feel better!
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you both.
    I do the exercises appropriately. I do NOT do the push-ups because it hurts my knees that badly. I also forgot to mention that the same leg affected was injured in 2003, but I haven't had a problem since. It's still a little ginger every now and then, but not incapacitating.

    I will go with the bandage and try icing it. I do the stretches though, even though I can't reach as far as they do in the video! I do NOT overstrain myself at all. I do what I can do to the best of my ability!

    And I planned to call my doctor on Tuesday if I wasn't back to normal. He is not in on Mondays, of course! Should I still do some cardio like riding my bike or going for walks with my dog?
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    Depending on what your doctor says but look into KT Tape. That stuff saved my knee (along with rest). There's tons of how to video's on Youtube if you want to get an idea of how to put it on.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you! I bought an Ace bandage for Stabilization (it said it was for ligament support) and I put that on. I've been at work on my feet for 6 hours and so far so good... but definitely feel the pain when I move a certain way! :(
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    You probably need to wear full leg sleeves or even perhaps pants.. it helps keep everything compressed and warm while you work out. Pylometrics are hard on the body.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    If it still hurts, don't do Shred until it is better again, or at least until it is bearable. I was injured a few times, and I always waited until it was bearable. I never waited for it to be fully healed because it always felt better to me when I worked out, all my injuries seem to be like that. Completely babying my injuries just doesn't work for me.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have fibro several other issues, one being a previous broken knee. I thought i was gonna do the 30DS.. HAHAHHA.. oh my knees :(

    I really enjoyed it, but its NOT worth the pain & injuries to your body.

    If you are interested later on on a workout DVD thats less stressful on your joints and still burns fat & tones your body (not quite as quickly) Check into Hip Hop Abs. You can watch it free on You Tube! I do that and add in the Scissor Crunches from the 30DS, plys some planks and very carefully, without extending the knee over the feet... some squats! Toss in a few walks or even a run and then Add in some lifting for the arms & you have a pretty decent workout!! All of that can be done in a total of one hour or if you really wanna go hard.. increase the HHA video and go for a total workout of 2 hours total including the run and weights, etc!

    I feel AMAZING after my workouts and the HHA video is awesome because its not too hard on my COPD (asthma related) its easy to learn the steps (im weak from 2 strokes) and easy on the joints.. no hopping or jumping around.. the movements can be altered if you need them to be. Its great cardio & the standing workouts can be altered to increase your ab workouts! Also the Music is great & keeps you motivated! You can choose from a 15 minute to a 54 minute workout!

    Good luck & REST until you feel better! Your body is what you should listen to!! <3
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    I hurt myself about a week in as well. I don't know what I did exactly, but it was during one of the many jumping bits. I hears and felt something like snap in my lower right leg and hit the floor. I couldn't walk properly for days, and the pain was still there for quite a long time. I still did everything I could without putting any real weight on my right leg, and went up through level 2 before calling it quits. Yup...wasn't worth it. Now I can't stand on my toes without some weird feeling thing happening in my leg.
  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    I have knee problems(runner's knee) but still do 30DS almost every day. I give myself a day off for rest and foam rolling/stretching once a week. It's super important that you do the stretching at the end of each session. And I actually keep stretching well after JM is finished talking. With my knee problems I can't only stretch the quads for 5 seconds each. 20 seconds minimum each leg. I wear KT Tape for runner's knees during and ice both knees for 10-15 minutes afterwards with virtually no pain the rest of the day. Oh, and because of my knee problems I never try to keep up with the girls. I just focus on form so I don't injure myself further.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    I bought an ACE bandage yesterday specified for ligament stress. One of the veterinarians I work with at one of my jobs said this is a ligament strain/injury, and that I am better off waiting a few days to a week for a workout. I feel like I am probably better off doing my normal cardio/strength routine at the gym, and even doing the 30 minute express workout instead of doing 30DS. To risk an injury is NOT okay, considering how much I work and the plans I have for my days off that I planned well in advance. I don't want to be a quitter, but I just CANNOT risk a real injury when I have too many people (and my bills) relying on me. :\

    So far, without the ACE bandage, I cannot walk properly. And with or without it, I still can't put weight on it going up or down anything, and I can't walk down the stairs using it. I haven't been able to stay off it, because I work 75 hours a week. I am only doing what I can. If this is worse or no better come Tuesday, I will call my doctor and get advice from him. But again, I think I will stick with what I was doing before... that DIDN'T do this to me. :\
  • aperradise
    aperradise Posts: 90 Member
    I also hurt my knee doing 30DS Level 2. But I pushed through and it went away when I started Level 3. I think it was just my knees screaming at me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME??????" When it realized I wasn't giving up, it shut up LOL
  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    I have been alternating weekly, the 30 DS and RI30. I just do 3 days/week. I do 6-7 (this past week did 9 classes) Jazzercise classes. I started doing more stuff low impact. I figure I get so much cardio that when I do a JM DVD, I'll just do the cardio part low impact. I'm sure I don't burn as many calories, but I am concerned about my knees with so much cardio. So far, no problems.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Well I've had this ACE on all weekend and when I took it off at home today, I was still NOT able to function normally. I think this is beyond workout soreness... so I'm going to continue to take it easy and keep the ACE on. Sad. :(
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Get it checked. Better safe than sorry.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Scary how many people say they hurt themselves doing this video. While working that many hours, you really can't risk the injury... go get it checked out and do something else in the meantime.,

    OP - is your username a reference to the song by Lights? I love her and that song. She writes some serious earworms.

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Aurora, YES IT IS!!! :) I am very much Lights obsessed. Get to see her twice next month on her acoustic tour!

    And to everyone else, I have an appointment in about an hour once I get out of class with my PCP. He is a wonderful doctor and has taken care of my mom with her knee issue and my dad with his back (as well as referring them to amazing specialists). I just want to make sure I'm okay so I'm not doing more harm than good.

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh I just want to get back to the gym already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    So FYI everybody...

    went to my doctor and I have a partial meniscus tear and severe strain. He is also sending me for x-rays to check for bone spurs since the same leg is clicking when he does range of motion. No exercise til Saturday and if so, take it easy. He told me to leave my knees alone, lol.

    I'm glad I wasn't crazy!!! No more 30DS for me!
  • lovelymrsbasham
    When I tried 30DS, my legs/ankles/feet were extremely sore afterwards and the next day I could barely walk around much less walk up and down the stairs to get to my apartment. I was like that for two or three days :c Haven't done it since.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah I was okay with the awful burning/unable-to-move pain... but when I almost fell down the stairs was when I had to call it quits. My doctor kind of laughed it off with me, lol. He said some people are just not made to handle those types of workouts!