exercise with toddlers



  • rachelklewis3
    rachelklewis3 Posts: 69 Member
    Story of my life! I have a 3 year old, a 10 month old AND I babysit my 5 month old niece. I do not have a jogging stroller or a gym membership either. What has been working for me so far is trying to get up an hour before they do to do a dvd of sorts. On days that doesn't happen- I will do a work out video (usually yoga or dancing) with my 3 y/o- she calls it applesizing and actually likes it! Sometimes I have to pause it here and there but I keep going. I've even had to finish a few times with the baby in my arms! Another thing we do is take walks after dinner. With the baby in the baby carrier (I have a Baby Hawk which has good back support and is for babies 15 lbs. +) I burn more calories! Try to fit it in anyway you can- like squats during nap time. You can do it!
  • cjhamh
    cjhamh Posts: 31 Member
    I find short videos work. I have a 4 and 2 year old and if I have to work out with them around 30DS or a dancing video seems to work the best. They both get involved and have fun plus 30DS is really short. Sometimes they are good and I can do two levels at once and sometimes it is hard just to fit one in, but every minute counts.

    When it is nice out I go for lots of walks. I walk to the park and then run around with them there. Burns lots of calories and everyone is having a good time.
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    My kiddos nap so I workout then or when they go to bed at night. I have good sleepers, but sometimes this doesn't work (like right now). I do a video at home when I can't get out and run. So, right now I am about to put them in front of a new video (hate tv but ah well) and then I will go in the other room and do my vid! There are fantastic ones just on youtube! Good luck!

    I do this often so they know when mommy is working out they go do something else. =) Sometimes they join in, but that can get distracting lol! =)
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I do Just Dance with my 3year old, run with my 8 year old, and both boys like Xbox Kinnect. One desperate day, I chased my youngest son around the house wearing my HRM for a half hour, he giggled the whole time!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    At home videos, they start to join in and they mimic you when you are working out. My 4 yr old now does kids yoga and dances with me. My soon to be 2 yr old tries to do pushups, jumping jacks and whatever I try to do, most of the time they run around me and I just make sure not to drop kick them while I do tae bo or something of that nature.
    Sometimes I have to let them know to not get in the way but they are so used to it now they give mami her space.
    Good luck it can be done,
    I just started insanity and the kids are always around.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Do some workout videos after you put them to bed.
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    Hey! I have the same problem with my 9 month old. I usually work out when shes sleeping or i make sure shes fed and changed and let her play with her toys while i do workout videos. Sure she climbs on me and tries to crawl through me but i like to think thats her way of making my workouts more difficult and effective lol

    This exactly, though I will add my 9MO is already walking and tries to do "jumping jacks" by standing next to me and flapping her arms lol so try and get them to do what you're doing. Or even use them as weights! I'll set my girl on my legs while laying on my back and do a kind of reverse crunch lifting her on my legs ^_^
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I work in a daycare with the 2-3 year olds. Yesterday they were so crazy that I had them come over to me and do what I do. They thought running in place was a lot of fun. They enjoyed stretching their arms over their heads too. I just try to move with them to keep me going and burn a little extra. Best advice so far though seems to be to do a workout video after they go to bed at night. If you have a Wii or other game system like that, you could get the Just Dance series and do that with them too.
  • mink63
    mink63 Posts: 35
    When I had my 1st I put her down with toys and if she got fussy I used her a weight! Now I make the 4 year old read to the baby or play with the baby.
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    I carry my daughter on my shoulders and do squats, calf raises, lunges. Use her for shoulder press, close chest press, front raises.Put her on the back for push ups, planks. Hold for sit ups, v ups, her favorite is russian twists.
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    Is it possible to exercise with toddlers? yes, yes it is. The human baby is naturally dumbbell shaped and can be easily maneuvered to perform curls,overhead press,bench and even rowing movements, obviously as your strength increases more babies will be needed, but a baby is a perfect tool for a fitness novice.

    literally LOLed
  • geoamyk
    geoamyk Posts: 7 Member
    Check out www.FIT4MOM.com ! You bring your babies, toddlers, and kids to class with you. They are entertained by the activities we do, like singing and playing group workout games. The instructors move around parks and it gives you a chance to run or fast pace walk, and also breaks up the time for the kiddos. Most of my daughter's stroller buddies are imitating their moms by doing planks, jumping jacks, squats, and everything they see us doing. Sometimes they even run a little fitness class of their own afterwards, or just play and doing crafts.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Is it possible to exercise with toddlers? yes, yes it is. The human baby is naturally dumbbell shaped and can be easily maneuvered to perform curls,overhead press,bench and even rowing movements, obviously as your strength increases more babies will be needed, but a baby is a perfect tool for a fitness novice.

    literally LOLed

    the only problem is a) they drool when you're holding them overhead and b) they like eye contact if you're going be flinging them around. so it's really really REALLY hard to keep good form when you're flat on your back and you can see what's coming at you.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Walk, walk, walk. They can sleep or watch the world go by. It's better for them than staying in the house, gives them fresh air, stimulation, sets them an early example of being active and outdoors. An hour walking every day will do wonders for your health and happiness and be good for them, too. Why not do this at their usual nap time? Mini me used to happily sleep in the buggy.

    Or a bike and trailer.