they got him!



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Firing squad or burn him at the stake....choices, choices.

    Yea, because killing him will bring back those who died and bring back lost eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.....just sayin.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Glad they were able to take him alive, but is the cheering in the streets really necessary? I know it's a relief that he was apprehended, but it's not a damn party FFS.

    They were cheering the police officers as they passed. They totally deserved the cheering.

    I understand the need to thank those who caught the guy, but the cheering was similar to the cheering you hear at a sporting event. It just irked me a bit.

    And if those cops were anything like me, they were probably wishing they would have caught him sooner or before they were able to plant the bombs. That cheering to them was probably bittersweet.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    I don't understand why this got everyone in a frenzy when we bombed Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people no one is really bothered by it. We should care about the world more than we do our country that was founded on this same sort of violence. I get nauseous when I see all the tributes made by professional sports teams, the singing of anthems, and all the fruitless praying that goes on whenever something like this happens. It's not enough for me. We've been down this road before. We are humans and we need to do better. People celebrating like it's really over and asking for death penalties like it will stop someone else from attacking. This country needs more compassion and unconditional love. Otherwise it's back to our regularly scheduled programming in about a few weeks.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    get the rest of the cell... then we can relax. these whackadoos weren't working alone.

    That's my fear too, that everyone is celebrating too soon.

    They arrested 7 others in the area, it was only mentioned briefly on the news but there were others

    i find it quite odd that with these types of incidents, there always seem to be so much left out. This seems to me that it is just as important to let people know as the two main suspects. I would like to know more about these 7 individuals, but this is the first I have heard of them.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member


    One of my favorite movie lines EVER!!!
  • TattednPierced
    Now we can all relax.. Until the next thing happens. This country is going downhill.
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    get the rest of the cell... then we can relax. these whackadoos weren't working alone.

    That's my fear too, that everyone is celebrating too soon.

    They arrested 7 others in the area, it was only mentioned briefly on the news but there were others

    i find it quite odd that with these types of incidents, there always seem to be so much left out. This seems to me that it is just as important to let people know as the two main suspects. I would like to know more about these 7 individuals, but this is the first I have heard of them.

    Two were caught this morning and they had pipe bombs, the bomb squad had to detonate one. 3 were arrested south of boston, they shared a cell phone account with the older brother and the other two were arrested i think in cambridge. about 20 min before they were caught the police released a car description and plate number. Thats all i know about them. The older one's wife is also in custody.
    Northeastern Univ. students are singing the national anthem in the streets now
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Firing squad or burn him at the stake....choices, choices.

    Yea, because killing him will bring back those who died and bring back lost eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.....just sayin.

    I think I may understand your point of view now. It's that sort of mindset in people, the mob mentality, that can at times lead to rioting, violence, and even more pointless death. I do agree with you about him being killed not being the answer here. I don't think it was a mob mentality when the people in Boston were celebrating though, perhaps the best way they knew how to show their relief and appreciation.
  • penni214
    penni214 Posts: 34 Member
    Glad they were able to take him alive, but is the cheering in the streets really necessary? I know it's a relief that he was apprehended, but it's not a damn party FFS.
    No it's NOT a damn party!!! It's a DAMN CELEBRATION!!! There's a big difference...they are cheering for the law enforcement, first responders and military and everyone else that aided in capturing the SOB!
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    get the rest of the cell... then we can relax. these whackadoos weren't working alone.

    That's my fear too, that everyone is celebrating too soon.

    They arrested 7 others in the area, it was only mentioned briefly on the news but there were others

    i find it quite odd that with these types of incidents, there always seem to be so much left out. This seems to me that it is just as important to let people know as the two main suspects. I would like to know more about these 7 individuals, but this is the first I have heard of them.

    Two were caught this morning and they had pipe bombs, the bomb squad had to detonate one. 3 were arrested south of boston, they shared a cell phone account with the older brother and the other two were arrested i think in cambridge. about 20 min before they were caught the police released a car description and plate number. Thats all i know about them. The older one's wife is also in custody.
    Northeastern Univ. students are singing the national anthem in the streets now

    Thank you, I am doing Google research now
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Glad they were able to take him alive, but is the cheering in the streets really necessary? I know it's a relief that he was apprehended, but it's not a damn party FFS.

    This manhunt took place blocks from my house. The bombings took place opposite my office. *kitten* got real this week, okay? You know what's a party? Not waiting for a homicidal 19 year old who is heavily armed and desperate to break down my door in an effort to hide here. You know what else is a party? Not checking out every person with a backpack on the T apprehensively every morning. You know what else is a party? That justice prevails. I hope to whatever higher powers out there that you never have to experience something like this that hits as close to home as the sheer terror of this past week has.
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    Glad they were able to take him alive, but is the cheering in the streets really necessary? I know it's a relief that he was apprehended, but it's not a damn party FFS.

    I believe they were expressing relief that he was caught, and also, showing appreciation for all the law enforcement folks for their hard work. Hours and hours of work, tracking, searching, etc knowing that a misstep could cause further loss of life is a heavy burden. God bless them.

    Edit for spelling

    Agreed. Our men and women in uniform go out every day, every night and face things like this every day. They deserve to be cheered on for catching him, taking him alive so he can be held accountable and have to face the consequences and the victims. RIP for the MIT officer who was ambushed and killed.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Yes it's great they got him. But.....,in a massive search why did they not search the boats??? The helicopters had heat seeking thero on them so how was he missed? For heaven sake the neighborhood was just advised they could leave their houses.... Soooo how about this "oversight".

    Sorry but this is really perplexing to me. Doesn't appear to be such terrific work by authorities to me. I love Boston and haven nothing but respect for officers ans responders but can u say come out people the search was unsuccessful finding's safe to come out n SURPRISE.....he's in the backyard. Thank god the home owner was observant n no one else got killed.

    Being a Waltham native (the town next to where this all happened) and with family just blocks from there who were all made to stay inside through all of this, I watched it all very closely. (I live north of the city now) Where this boy was, in the boat in the backyard, was just one block outside the search area. They couldn't search every single house for miles... impossible.... and it just happened that he was just a street beyond the search area. It wasn't an oversight. They had just told the public that it was safe to leave their homes, but to be diligent and keep their eyes open. It was just a few minutes later that this call came in. The Law Enforcement people from Boston, Watertown, the Commonwealth, and the federal government did an incredible job from the moment the bombings happened on Monday afternoon until the second suspect was captured. I hope he survives, though the photos I've seen of him so far show one very gravely injured person. I hope he survives so he can be interrogated and we can find out if there is a larger organization involved, and so that he can pay for his crimes. He and his brother screwed with the WRONG city!
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    I don't understand why this got everyone in a frenzy when we bombed Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people no one is really bothered by it. We should care about the world more than we do our country that was founded on this same sort of violence. I get nauseous when I see all the tributes made by professional sports teams, the singing of anthems, and all the fruitless praying that goes on whenever something like this happens. It's not enough for me. We've been down this road before. We are humans and we need to do better. People celebrating like it's really over and asking for death penalties like it will stop someone else from attacking. This country needs more compassion and unconditional love. Otherwise it's back to our regularly scheduled programming in about a few weeks.

  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    I don't understand why this got everyone in a frenzy when we bombed Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people no one is really bothered by it. We should care about the world more than we do our country that was founded on this same sort of violence. I get nauseous when I see all the tributes made by professional sports teams, the singing of anthems, and all the fruitless praying that goes on whenever something like this happens. It's not enough for me. We've been down this road before. We are humans and we need to do better. People celebrating like it's really over and asking for death penalties like it will stop someone else from attacking. This country needs more compassion and unconditional love. Otherwise it's back to our regularly scheduled programming in about a few weeks.


    Also, I totally am one of those conspiracy people and a lot of crap we are fed about these tragedies just DOES NOT add up! (Yeah, my fam thinks I am crazy but hey, its what I believe!)
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I am glad they caught him and that they got him alive, more so because maybe now there is a chance of getting some answers to the why?! If I am wondering why, I am sure the families and victims want to know more so and maybe, just maybe it will help them on their road to closure and some sense of peace, eventually... Having unanswered questions must be one of the most difficult aspects of any tragedy. My respect goes out to the law enforcement officers who dealt with this, thank you.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    get the rest of the cell... then we can relax. these whackadoos weren't working alone.

    That's my fear too, that everyone is celebrating too soon.

    They arrested 7 others in the area, it was only mentioned briefly on the news but there were others

    i find it quite odd that with these types of incidents, there always seem to be so much left out. This seems to me that it is just as important to let people know as the two main suspects. I would like to know more about these 7 individuals, but this is the first I have heard of them.

    Two were caught this morning and they had pipe bombs, the bomb squad had to detonate one. 3 were arrested south of boston, they shared a cell phone account with the older brother and the other two were arrested i think in cambridge. about 20 min before they were caught the police released a car description and plate number. Thats all i know about them. The older one's wife is also in custody.
    Northeastern Univ. students are singing the national anthem in the streets now

    Funny.... I live here and we've heard NONE of this. Lots of rumors, but all turned out to be false. Betting this is just as false. I'm not saying there aren't more involved, but I don't think anyone has been arrested, including the older brother's wife. There is a public record that the two men's mother WAS arrested.... last year.... for shoplifting at a Lord and Taylor store in the suburbs.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    You know what they say about America...if you kill us, we will kill you back. Of course there is still a chance he could not pull through in hospital, but I'm hoping he does. And I don't want him to have the death penalty either. I want him to have to spend the rest of his miserable life rotting in a jail cell living with all those lives on his conscience. "Only" three may have died, but countless others' lives are ruined.

    ETA: for some of you that will inevitably say that we should care more about what goes on in other countries...we do. But just like every single other country with some sort of news station, things that hit closer to home are reported more than things that do not. It's not that no one cares, but America does not deal well with terrorists. Charity begins at home.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Glad they were able to take him alive, but is the cheering in the streets really necessary? I know it's a relief that he was apprehended, but it's not a damn party FFS.

    The cheering is in support of the BPD, not a party.