pet peeve...



  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    OK: People who don't use directionals! They are there for a reason and I'm not a friggin mind reader! Please people! :grumble:

    This is mine!! Use your frickin' turn signals. It's the law and people need to know what your dumb *kitten* is planning to do!!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Screaming children, breast feeding in public, forcefully discussing religon or politics, racist remarks, choleric people, melancoly people, anyone younger than me who tries to boss me around, anyone who talks hours about a subject they know nothing of, anyone who hates pets, anyone who doesn't keep up with said pet and it winds up lying dead in the street or biting someone.

    Oh yeah --- And all of these!!
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,997 Member
    Well #1 is unannounced guests.

    #2 is poor spelling and punctuation when you are writing for public viewing. If you're writing for people to see, crack the dictionary, that's my feeling.

    #3 is someone telling me to smile. I hate this one. If I'm deep in thought or concentrating, I am probalby not smiling, it doesn't make me unfriendly, it just means I can't multi-task.

    #4 last but not least, discussions or remarks about religion or politics that are made in inappropriate places. Really, some people think their beliefs and opinions are so dang important we all need to know about them, no matter the context. It's like they assume you are going to agree.

    Other than that I'm pretty easy. I don't sweat the small stuff. Just call before you come over and once you get here don't tell me to smile, write me a note full of obvious spelling errors or try to engage me in religious or political debate.....and it will all be good! :laugh:

    You mean "probably". (Please refer to pet peeve #2 while reviewing pet peeve #3.)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    When people leave shopping carts in parking lot of the grocery store. Is walking 50 feet to return it really that much trouble?
    Okay I'm guilty of this....but in my defense, sometimes I can't park close to a cart return and I can't leave 3 kids in the car alone. Any way on to my own peeve, slow drivers in the fast lane & people who text while driving ( which are usually one in the same drivers)
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    Well #1 is unannounced guests.

    #2 is poor spelling and punctuation when you are writing for public viewing. If you're writing for people to see, crack the dictionary, that's my feeling.

    #3 is someone telling me to smile. I hate this one. If I'm deep in thought or concentrating, I am probalby not smiling, it doesn't make me unfriendly, it just means I can't multi-task.

    #4 last but not least, discussions or remarks about religion or politics that are made in inappropriate places. Really, some people think their beliefs and opinions are so dang important we all need to know about them, no matter the context. It's like they assume you are going to agree.

    Other than that I'm pretty easy. I don't sweat the small stuff. Just call before you come over and once you get here don't tell me to smile, write me a note full of obvious spelling errors or try to engage me in religious or political debate.....and it will all be good! :laugh:

    You mean "probably". (Please refer to pet peeve #2 while reviewing pet peeve #3.)

    Right. Fingers moving too fast. But for the record, spelling in forums is not an issue for me. Typos also no problem. I meant real dumbass obvious stuff like writing a newspaper headline and having it read: The Weather Ain't Gonna Be To Nice Teday.

    Anyway I have to draw the line somewhere.......otherwise we get into pet peeve #5: fussy know-it-alls :wink:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Not really a pet peeve... but WHY IN THE HECK is the air conditioning on in this office building... it's 54 deg outside FTLOG....
    (yeah I could call to complain, but last time I did they told me I was the only one that had said it was too cold :huh: )
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    When you stop to let someone out of a parking lot or whatever and they don't wave thank you or anything. I stopped about 50 cars to let you out the least you can do is wave thank you!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Rude people who read over your shoulder at work
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    When people leave shopping carts in parking lot of the grocery store. Is walking 50 feet to return it really that much trouble?
    Okay I'm guilty of this....but in my defense, sometimes I can't park close to a cart return and I can't leave 3 kids in the car alone. Any way on to my own peeve, slow drivers in the fast lane & people who text while driving ( which are usually one in the same drivers)

    I'll forgive you:wink: . I would not want your kids to get snatched because of a shopping cart. I also forgive those I see with obvious physical limitations and offer to return it for them. Most of the time though, it is a young able bodied person perfectly capble of returning the cart. It REALLY drives me crazy when the lot is crowded and I think there is an empty space only to see a cart in a spot. If you can't return, try not to block a space.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    When people leave shopping carts in parking lot of the grocery store. Is walking 50 feet to return it really that much trouble?
    Okay I'm guilty of this....but in my defense, sometimes I can't park close to a cart return and I can't leave 3 kids in the car alone. Any way on to my own peeve, slow drivers in the fast lane & people who text while driving ( which are usually one in the same drivers)

    I'll forgive you:wink: . I would not want your kids to get snatched because of a shopping cart. I also forgive those I see with obvious physical limitations and offer to return it for them. Most of the time though, it is a young able bodied person perfectly capble of returning the cart. It REALLY drives me crazy when the lot is crowded and I think there is an empty space only to see a cart in a spot. If you can't return, try not to block a space.
    They're lazy or just don't care how their actions (or inactions) effect others.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    When people leave shopping carts in parking lot of the grocery store. Is walking 50 feet to return it really that much trouble?
    Okay I'm guilty of this....but in my defense, sometimes I can't park close to a cart return and I can't leave 3 kids in the car alone. Any way on to my own peeve, slow drivers in the fast lane & people who text while driving ( which are usually one in the same drivers)

    I'll forgive you:wink: . I would not want your kids to get snatched because of a shopping cart. I also forgive those I see with obvious physical limitations and offer to return it for them. Most of the time though, it is a young able bodied person perfectly capble of returning the cart. It REALLY drives me crazy when the lot is crowded and I think there is an empty space only to see a cart in a spot. If you can't return, try not to block a space.
    They're lazy or just don't care how their actions (or inactions) effect others.

    There's another pet peeve of mine, people who just don't care how their actions (or inactions) effect others.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    People who litter and too lazy to put their grocery cart away and people who text and drive. Otherwise I am pretty easy going.
  • gigibon
    gigibon Posts: 13
    I have MANY, but the one currently driving me crazy is when people just "pop-in". I can not express how much I can't stand this. Am I crazy or is it rude to just show up at someone's house without warning? Grrr.
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    Actually my *biggest* pet peeve is other people's pet peeves *laughs* Well mainly those people to think their pet peeves should be known by everyone and forced upon them because otherwise they think it's personal against them. I have met quite a few of those people in my life who say "how do you dare to do this, don't you know i hate that..." and all i want to say is "no i did not and i don't care because that is my life and how i do things so don't pressure your views on me" *laughs*

    Short note: i have not read a single pet peeve mentioned in the thread so that is not meant as an offense to anyone here :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Actually my *biggest* pet peeve is other people's pet peeves *laughs* Well mainly those people to think their pet peeves should be known by everyone and forced upon them because otherwise they think it's personal against them. I have met quite a few of those people in my life who say "how do you dare to do this, don't you know i hate that..." and all i want to say is "no i did not and i don't care because that is my life and how i do things so don't pressure your views on me" *laughs*

    Short note: i have not read a single pet peeve mentioned in the thread so that is not meant as an offense to anyone here :)
    lol That's funny, I get that feeling everytime I see another 'what's your petpeeve' thread or a thread began with ' don't you hate when ppl can't spell or use grammer here on the boards' so perhaps if I had pet peeves (if I do not sure at the moment what they are lol) those 2 might be the ones.
  • lulu64uk
    lulu64uk Posts: 62
    Mine is whistling, this goes back to my teenage years, when we used to have a milkman come round at 4am in the morning, he used to go round whistling and used to wake me up. Now whistling can really put me into a rage, all my work colleagues know not to whistle in my presence lol :explode:
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Slow Driver's in the fast lane!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Actually my *biggest* pet peeve is other people's pet peeves *laughs* Well mainly those people to think their pet peeves should be known by everyone and forced upon them because otherwise they think it's personal against them. I have met quite a few of those people in my life who say "how do you dare to do this, don't you know i hate that..." and all i want to say is "no i did not and i don't care because that is my life and how i do things so don't pressure your views on me" *laughs*

    Short note: i have not read a single pet peeve mentioned in the thread so that is not meant as an offense to anyone here :)

    I so so understand this!

    I had a coworker who believed it was rude to answer someone by saying "What?" She would call my name in the middle of a huge rush, I would peek up and say "What?" and she would refuse to answer and then later lecture me on how disrespectful I was in front of so many people:huh:
    When I would call her name, she said "Huh?" But it was always drawn out so it sounded more like, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaah" That was acceptable. "What" is rude, "Haaaaaaaaah" is not. I was supposed to know that.
  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
    abbreviations for certain words or phrases ( example; PC -for computers, id- I don't care ) and the word via ( send something via fax)....Just don't like that word...My husband is in the technology field so I guess that is why I just can't stand abbreviations for certain words or phrases....

    People who do stuff to just get attention ( it is called DRAMA) and they don't care about the consciences of their actions.... ( sister)......Which leads to another peeve....People who "try to commit suicide" (swallowing a cocktail of pills---which turned out to be vitamins, flintstone to be precise) and then call someone to tell them what they did... "Just calling to say I am committing suicide and to say bye"....Hello ???.............I know that might sound dark on my side....but if your going to do it....JUST DO IT and do it right and don't leave me something to clean up and don't give my father ANOTHER stroke ........If you want attention get a dog.

    People who do no want to exercise because they only wash their hair every other day..but complain of being fat.......hum...okay.

    Diabetics complaining of their glucose being out of control and eating a few donuts and a side of pineapple and a glass of orange juice while telling you this statement.

    People getting mad at me for telling them what I think after (KEY WORD HERE) asking what I think....they know better to ask me my opinion of something if they don't REALLY want to know what I think.

    I am a nurse---- so patient's call me and want to know what to do about XYZ but don't want to make an appointment, don't want to see a specialist, don't want it to cost anything, don't want to do anything about it ....they just want to call me and expect me to just fix if over the phone and mad at me when I "just can't come up with a solution".........IF I had the easy button people I would press it...... and they need a medication for XYZ but don't want it to cost anything, don't want side effects from the medication, need a sample for 6 months, want insurance to cover it, don't want to come and get the sample, want me to mail it to them and then made when I can't do it right away..because they have to leave in 10 minutes. (we close at 5 and they call at 4:55).... Why call me if you know your going to not do or take anything suggested....

    People complain because "we never do anything" and then when it is scheduled.....They don't show up....

    Putting the laundry BESIDE the laundry hamper....yep those beside the laundry hamper don't get wash anymore at my house

    People including strangers knocking on my side screened-in LOCKED porch to knock on the door instead of coming to our unscreened in front porch to knock on the FRONT door

    Someone or something touching my
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    I have MANY, but the one currently driving me crazy is when people just "pop-in". I can not express how much I can't stand this. Am I crazy or is it rude to just show up at someone's house without warning? Grrr.

    ME TOO!!
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