Firends who what to ruin diets..... :( upset.



  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    I agree with those who say that people aren't meaning to tempt you. Some people, though, may even be uncomfortable, knowing that they need to watch their eating habits & do better, so they try to get you to join them in their bad habits. I was out of calories by one evening this week just as visiting family wanted to go out to eat. I went out, prefacing the conversation with "I already ate, but I'd like to come and hang out." I declined the offers of "just one piece of pizza" and sharing dessert. They ate pizza and these huge Reeses cups desserts right in front of me, but I just sat drinking some water, perfectly comfortable. I use visualization sometimes & picture the food stuck to my butt and hips--makes it easy to say NO! :)
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I agree with those who say that people aren't meaning to tempt you. Some people, though, may even be uncomfortable, knowing that they need to watch their eating habits & do better, so they try to get you to join them in their bad habits. I was out of calories by one evening this week just as visiting family wanted to go out to eat. I went out, prefacing the conversation with "I already ate, but I'd like to come and hang out." I declined the offers of "just one piece of pizza" and sharing dessert. They ate pizza and these huge Reeses cups desserts right in front of me, but I just sat drinking some water, perfectly comfortable. I use visualization sometimes & picture the food stuck to my butt and hips--makes it easy to say NO! :)

    Congrats on sticking to your calorie count in this situation! This actually reminds me that I almost always eat before going over to a friend's house for a kid's play date because it's really easy then to say "I just ate" when my friend might start pulling things out for snacks or lunch. Then I know I'm good to go for a few hours and won't be tempted to munch.
  • daniellevility
    It goes both ways.. when you need to lose and gain weight.. there was this great article on msn (yeah i know cheesy msn article) but it talked about how your friends influence your diet more than you think (friends, aka family, peers, coworkers, etc etc).. let me see if i can find it and post it! =)
    but stay stong... i know exactly what you mean but in the opposite direction.. kinda sucks when all you get is judgement and turned up noses when you say no or when you know what you are doing is healthiest for you =)
    and if they do invite you places, what i have found helpful is to go, be social and not even partake in the food activites... it is possible =)