Ever gotten mad at OTHER people's weight loss?



  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I get angry and envious of those who are losing and exhibiting bragging rights - the ones who have had surgery and not for health reasons. they talk about how much they had to work, just as hard as I work. of course, i get angry. its not right, but i do.
  • alettep
    alettep Posts: 56 Member
    Not angry.....envious at times. My sister is much taller & seems to lose it faster so she always looks better sooner when she loses weight~it takes ages to show for me! I admit because I am really focusing on healthy eating/exercise as it is a lifestyle change for me, I am irritated by the crazy quick loss fads where people drop 10lbs in a week~I know it is unhealthy & they will most likely gain in back but it still makes me jealous when I think how long it takes for me to lose 10 lbs!
  • learninmama
    learninmama Posts: 49 Member
    Not really mad but I have been totally envious before!! A few years back hubby & myself started a diet together....of course we ate the same, etc...he lost 3x the weight I did...I wasn't mad but more jealous & a little frustrated.

    Now fast forward 3 years & I am in a much better place. We are both pushing & supporting each other.
  • jiggy_gibby
    jiggy_gibby Posts: 197
    You are being real and so I appreciate this topic.

    Yeah, sometimes I do feel jealous (not mad) but usually not about weight. Other things that seem to come easy to people- I think about that and feel inadequate in comparison.

    But then again, I remind myself, I am seeing one of their successes.

    Most people don't share their failures or brag about their misfortune.

    I also remember that I excel in areas that others struggle with.

    In the grand scheme, be grateful you are the journey to HEALTH. Doesn't matter how long it takes, how much you lose, or who loses it faster than you --- it's about a new way of thinking!

    There are a series of quotes I read every now and again when the green eyed monster rears its head....

    "The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves."

    "The only person you need to be better than - is yourself yesterday."

    " People who shine from within don't need a spotlight."

    So don't torment yourself, today you are better than you were yesterday and shine on.... even if no one notices at first (or ever).... SHINE SHINE SHINE!
  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    Not unless they're being a jerk about it.

    I think often when we are angry at someone else for achieving something we want, it's not actually them we're angry at. Sometimes we're angry at ourselves because we know we could have done things differently, and sometimes we're really just frustrated with the situation in general and we deflect that towards the other person (who really hasn't done anything wrong).

    With something like weight loss, it is so personal and often so unpredictable (at least in my experience) that there's no point in being annoyed with someone else for looking better or losing the weight first. It's counterproductive. There's enough bitterness and negativity in the world without creating extra unnecessarily. Change what you can about yourself, and find some peace with the things you can't change.