2nd week results very discouraging!



  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Totally normal. I retain water like a sponge so there are times I retain water for 6 weeks and stay the same weight and then all of a sudden WHOOSH (in the bathroom all night, up and down) and I'm down 2-6 pounds. I'm averaging 1.5 pounds a week. I also have thyroid issues.
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    I lost 8 1/2 lbs between Feb 27th and March 7th, it took 3 weeks to lose the next 8lbs. So as others have said, dropping a lot the first week or so is normal, then (if you follow MFP) it should even out to 1-3 lbs per week, sometimes less than that will happen due to stress, water weight, or accidentally eating too much.
  • sweetneat75
    sweetneat75 Posts: 52 Member
    agoofynut, your profile pic is amazing and insperational...good job!!
  • candymara
    candymara Posts: 49
    The minute you stop putting time limitations on weight loss and every week expecting certain numbers is the first day of the rest of your life.... This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle and some weeks will be better than others and you will face weeks were you do everything right and will gain weight... but I guarantee if you stick with it and get up everyday and stay committed to this, you will eventually make all your goals... Best of Luck

    Amen.. It was SO hard for me to stop weighing myself every 5 minutes. But I had to remind myself that I didn't put this all on quickly. It's been years of eating too much. And it's gonna take a long time to get it all off. Nothing worth having happens without hard work and time. Don't be discouraged.

    Talk to yourself as you'd talk to someone else who you were trying to encourage and say things like "you can get past this" - We all seem to have way harsher standards for ourselves than we do for others. Here we are on here encouraging everyone to keep on going but we bash our own selves for one bad week. I'm trying to stop doing that to myself and you should too!

    Best of luck. Carry on. There are enough success stories on here to prove to you that this works and your goals are very possible! <3
  • JEMQuilter
    JEMQuilter Posts: 30 Member
    I just keep telling myself that i didn't gain this in a week and it is going to take more than a week to lose it too. keep it up.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Good on you for starting on MFP. It's a great site with lots of sucess stories. Take a look at this to check you are eating enough. Often people start on here and aren't and it can actually stop you losing. Best wishes!

  • sunshineapples7
    i think it is normal, i think it takes your body awhile to get used to the exercising, i know that right now it sucks, and i know i will go through that too, but i have to admit i am very excited. and some of the comments are right, any loss is good right? yes, and i know that after losing 9 lbs. you were really dissapointed by the 0.2 lbs. loss. but it will get better, i need to learn that too, dont quit. i hope i can. :)
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    I didn't read through all the comments so may be duplicating some stuff. At first I kicked butt with my weight loss and then started to slowly lessen. I went through about 2 1/2 months where I barely lost anything. I started doing my measurements after losing about 12 lbs. I really wish I would have started the measurements right from the start. If you haven't already done so, I suggest you do that. As well, do periodic photos of yourself. You don't need to show anyone these photos but keep a file on your computer. Name each photo with the date. If you stop seeing a drop on the scale, start looking back at these photos to see how far along you have come and do your latest measurements.

    I started a fitness challenge April 1st and for the first 2 weeks the scale said I had gained 6 lbs. I know that wasn't possible as my food hadn't changed much, just the workouts. I increased my water and in two days returned to my "pre-challenge weight". Now, I totally hear your frustration about the scale not changing. My scale still reads the same as it did March 28th HOWEVER, I did my measurements last week and in that 2 1/2 weeks had lost 5 inches.

    It is definitely much more than the scale and I am trying very hard to remind myself of that very thing on a regular basis.

    If you would like to friend request me, I would be happy to support you as much as I can through here.

    Huge hugs and keep on plugging away. You are on a great supportive site.
  • Claire_x90
    from years of yo-yo dieting and years of watching the biggest loser.... best to just avoid the scales on week 2. it's never good. but week three usually kicks *kitten* so keep at it sweetie :)
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    The minute you stop putting time limitations on weight loss and every week expecting certain numbers is the first day of the rest of your life.... This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle and some weeks will be better than others and you will face weeks were you do everything right and will gain weight... but I guarantee if you stick with it and get up everyday and stay committed to this, you will eventually make all your goals... Best of Luck

    WOW- I am in awe of how much weight you lost. <3 you are my hero!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    It didn't take you 14 days to put on any of that extra unwanted weight... So you can't expect it to take 14days to lose it. All you can do is stick with it knowing the outcome of your long term goals will be achieved if you continue your new lifestyle plan of healthier eating and being active. Yes we all get off the wagon every now and then - we are human and still need to live and enjoy life!

    Keep going, don't give up, you are worth it.

    Think of it this way, great loss in week 1, but week 2 you body is worried that it is going to get an unusual and significantly less amount of food than its used to, therefore it holds on to more of your consumed calories fats etc. as its worried when its next meal will be, but this will change as your body soon learns it does not need the amount of food to function as previously eaten. Take measurements as well as weight recording, some weeks you may not lose much on the scales, but lose centimetres on the tape! Include weight training too! Good luck.
  • justcountryfolks
    justcountryfolks Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks again everyone! I have read through each and every post that everyone’s posted and it's extremely encouraging. I now know what to expect and am so much looking forward to this weight loss journey! I’ve made up my mind that it’s NOT another “diet” or “fitness program” however it’s now a lifestyle change. I also realize that by reading all the comments, I’m not alone or the only one out there working at this. Thanks!