Is this Facebook thing weird?

songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
Before my BF and I ever met, he casually dated this girl for a little while. She played him and actually had a boyfriend the whole time so nothing serious ever came of it but I know my BF's feelings were hurt. She apparently ended up back with the jerk boyfriend and she's still with him. Anyway, months into our relationship BF and I realized that I was Facebook friends with this girl and I knew her through a mutual friend. I'm not close with the girl and have spoken to her like twice in real life and never on Fbook. My BF isn't friends with her in any format.

The only thing she does on my Fbook wall is like the statuses and pictures I post with/about him. Nothing else. I don't do it a ton because that would be mushiness overload, but when we are dressed up to go out or how he's taking such great care of me now, I like to share his awesomeness. She never says anything, just 'likes' it. He and I agreed that it's become weird and maybe is a jealousy thing.

It makes me uncomfortable so I figured out how to block her from past and future posts about him. Tell me I'm not the only one weirded out by this and it's not just the painkillers for my broken finger making me loopy. :P


  • CupcakeConnection
    It's definitely weird!!! She seems a bit obsessed!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Yeah. If that is the only contact you have with her, you aren't missing much by unfriending her.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    unfriend her and block her. you two aren't friends, so let it go.
  • fayeonherway
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

    So much of this.

    Why continue to invite such weirdness into your life?
  • Einahhh
    Einahhh Posts: 139
    OK, that's really weird... definitely unfriend her.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

    This ^^^ happens all the time, but I agree you should just unfriend her. cause ya its weird
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

    It's been a really long time since she added me and I honestly just can't be bothered to 'clean' my friend list.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I did block her, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't over-thinking it, hah :) Apparently it is universally weird. I didn't notice the trend until recently. It was like...huh, her again...wait...this has happened before...a LOT...:huh:
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Nope it's not weird at all.

    In fact, I think it is the opposite of weird.

    It would only be weird if she didn't ever like all your posts about your current boyfriend that she previously played.

    ETA: :ohwell:
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I think this is reason 767635896035683560934 why I hate Facebook. No, I dont think you are alone. The Unfriend buttton is there for a reason! Friends are people I interract with, have a conversation with, take the piss out of. I see none of this in your situation. Sorry, but that's the way I see it.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    She's wishing him well. That's what people with good intentions do.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

    It's been a really long time since she added me and I honestly just can't be bothered to 'clean' my friend list.

    Deleting one person takes very little effort.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Yeah see I can't understand why you would have her on your friends list still knowing all this. Seems as though you kinda like the attention she gives you about your boyfriend & the fact that you like showing her YOU have him and she can't.

    Unfriend, block & be done with it.

    Nothing weird about facebook at all...just the people in it.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

    It's been a really long time since she added me and I honestly just can't be bothered to 'clean' my friend list.

    all you have to do is hover your mouse over your "friends" status with her while on her page, and click on "unfriend". it's really not that bothersome, and doesn't have to require an entire friends list clean up.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    just breakup.
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    If I was in that situation, I would not keep her because it would be unfair to her, to my partner and to myself. The way you described she is may be in an unhappy situation and she is longing for what may have been with your partner. So by unfriending her, she has less access to these images and then she may be able to deal with her own situation. For you and your partner, you have enough worries in your life. Let her go and enjoy your life with your partner.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I feel like if you didn't care what SHE was up to, you would have unfriended her a long time ago. TBH...
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Guys, i DID block her lol.

    I never unfriended her for the same reason I don't unfriend anyone...I'm not easily offended and it's mostly out-of-sight, out-of-mind. The first couple times she did it I still didn't know they had ever dated so I thought it was curious but didn't pay it much mind. BF and I only realized it when we were talking about crazies she had dated and her name came up.