

  • HunterKiller_wechange2
    I workout at home so i'm the only one who has to see my meat and two veg anyway.

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    they are comfortable with their bodies and each other????????????????? dont know
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    sadly guys do get judged by the size of their stuff

    its not like in a womans locker room

    Susan: did you see how tiny kathy's va-jay-jay is?
    Melissa: oh god i know, its hysterical right?
    Susan: hey is it chilly in here?
  • jayrae87
    jayrae87 Posts: 36 Member
    If you don't like it, change elsewhere. Pretty simple. I imagine when I'm older I won't give two sh**ts what some kid thinks of my body. That said, some people aren't confident enough in their own bodies to show it off to people or are just private people. There's nothing wrong with that, either. To assume the naked guys are trying to catch a glimpse of you is pretty absurd and borderline sounding a tad homophobic. Get over yourself.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    just bump!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    LOL why do people always think it's 'fear'?

    I grew up with 8 sisters, NEVER had any privacy. I could live the rest of my life without ever having to dress in front of another woman, another person, EVER.

    Plus, I like to thoroughly dry my parts. I'm not comfortable toweling off thoroughly in front of others. I also apply lotion liberally after I shower and I don't feel comfortable doing that in front of some stranger. Nor do I want to see some stranger lotioning her bum or inner thighs or whatever. Egads.

    If people minded their own business and gave you a bit of space while you did these things I might feel differently, but NO people always stare and try to engage you in conversation while you're trying to dry your crack. It's disconcerting to me.

    I'm thankful that my gym has privacy stalls.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I came here for the naked fellas :devil:
    ...and was completely bummed. :grumble:

    Miz... how do we keep ending up in the same threads... disappointed with no fun pictures to entertain us... :laugh: :laugh:


    There, that's a little better

    The thread title is grossly misleading.

    3 pages in and this is the first pic, and he's not even naked.

    This is a clear violation of the trade descriptions act.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    I keep my socks on
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    sadly guys do get judged by the size of their stuff

    its not like in a womans locker room

    Susan: did you see how tiny kathy's va-jay-jay is?
    Melissa: oh god i know, its hysterical right?
    Susan: hey is it chilly in here?

    No, it's more like "I've heard it's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway".
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    Changing your clothes is one thing but having a full on conversation when it only takes a second to put on some pants is weird.

    :indifferent: My hunsband says the same thing. My family joined a LARGE gym and our boys go in the mens locker room with my husband-- I'm sure my imagination doesn't even come close to what my 4th grader is seeing in there :noway:
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Wow I go to bed and already this thread is up to page 8 gonna have some good reading material for later on.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    As a bonafide old fart, I gotta tell ya', it's really "freeing" when you stop fretting about what other people think about you. Although I do prefer to drape a towel over myself in the locker room back and forth from the shower.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    In before the lock!!

  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    sadly guys do get judged by the size of their stuff

    its not like in a womans locker room

    Susan: did you see how tiny kathy's va-jay-jay is?
    Melissa: oh god i know, its hysterical right?
    Susan: hey is it chilly in here?

    In my opinion, both men and women are super sensitive about being judged by others. For guys it is size I guess, for women it is every single square inch of our bodies! We cannot see how tiny Kathy's va-ja-ja is :happy: BUT Kathy might be insecure about the size/shape/color of her breasts etc....

    Personally I have nothing against nudity. BUT for some reason the locker rooms tend to get little bit too much sometimes. I used to belong to a very high end all women's gym in Cambridge, MA (lots of liberal, crunchy granola types = hairy) and let me tell you, ... it is really hard to get down to your business when you have a girl talking to you with her boobies and full bush half a foot from your business ... if you know what I am talking about :glasses:
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I was at a very high end country club as a guest and feeling very out of place. After the golf tournament I was waiting in line for the showers and an older member with a very impressive member says to me:

    "You know it's funny, you can't wear a hat anywhere inside this place but it's perfectly acceptable for me to stand here and talk to you with my d*ck in your face."

    It was in fact funny, but also an odd thing to say to a stranger.
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    As a bonafide old fart, I gotta tell ya', it's really "freeing" when you stop fretting about what other people think about you. Although I do prefer to drape a towel over myself in the locker room back and forth from the shower.

    Exactly. Older people just don't care. I kinda respect that.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Omg I tried a bigger gym, they had a locker room rather than private changing rooms. You would go in to change and there were naked old guys chatting it up every time. I would get done working out and the same naked old guys were still naked and chatting with other people. I was sure they just hang out in there naked all day!

    It's worse when one of em puts their leg on the bench and starts semi lunging while carrying on a conversation

    my husband hates this too- and my neighbor said that one time he was sitting on the bench so he could put on his shoes, a naked guying did that one leg up semi-lunging thing right next to him and was umm apparently rather gas-y
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