Any other swimmers out there?

I always hear about runners and running marathons but I never hear about swimmers. I say we get together and show them we are out there :)

I always wondered what people meant when they get in a "zone" whist working out and it relieves stress. With swimming I do! I just started back up again about 2 weeks ago but I'm already addicted and can't wait to get in the pool.

Lets share some positive energy and tell us what you love about swimming :)


  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    I love swimming! I do lots of pool swimming but am also aiming to get back into open water once it warms up enough to swim (I live in Scotland) I am doing a 2 mile event in Loch Lomond in august so thats what I am targetting atm.

    I am still concentrating a lot on my stroke and have to count lengths, so my zone is concentrating on those things, i don't think about anything else when i am swimming unless there are idiots in the lane with me!
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    I'm a swimmer! Though I don't go as much as I would like to (money and time restraints).

    Next weekend I am taking part (with my daughter and others from our school) the Marie Curie Cancer Care 1.5K Swimathon challenge. :)

    In the past I've completed the 5K individual challenge.

    I feel like I can relax and think in the water whislt swimming - especially in a quiet/not noisy session.

  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    I swim, but I don't know if that qualifies me as a "swimmer". I do laps 2- 3 times a week and have been for about a year now. My distance has improved vastly since starting and I can really see the changes in definition in my arms and back. The reason I don't consider myself a swimmer is because I don't have good form and can't quite master the breathing thing so I sort of do my own thing and use a snorkel. I look like a fright but I get my exercise in and my heart rate up. :o)
  • hammomh
    hammomh Posts: 43 Member
    I've just started training for The Great North Swim in June. Never done open water swimming before, currently just training in a pool at the moment .

    I wouldn't really call myself a swimmer yet, but am getting there. Trying to get into the pool more each week so I am ready for this swim!
  • bojkoj19
    bojkoj19 Posts: 37 Member
    Oh this is great! I agree with all of you! I feel so relax and don't think about anything else :) The time flies!

    I live in Malaysia next to the ocean but I still like to go to the pool mainly because I am scared of jellyfish. But in two weeks there is a 6K swim from an Island to the mainland. I would like to try to work up to that but I think I'll have to do it next year cause I just got back into swimming a couple weeks ago and still have to do some more open water swimming I prefer lakes as opposed to the sea the currents and under toe can really push you.

    Weighinginwit - you still are a swimmer ;) There is this great magazine I just picked up yesterday that has some GREAT advice on improving your form and technique. It's a magazine from the UK from the makers of Triathlon plus.

    To everyone - What does your workout look like? I alternate between laps with three different strokes and water aerobics for an hour.

    Great knowing I'm not the only one addicted to swimming ;) Have a wonderful day to everyone!

    Good luck to all who are training I'll be cheering for you :)
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    I'm a summer swimmer. While my gym has an indoor pool, I don't find it appealing in the cold of winter. I love it though. I don't compete at all, i do it purely for the enjoyment and stress relief.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Swam and played water polo competitively decades ago. Just started getting back into the swim of things this past December and have now joined a masters water polo program. Having a blast.

    FYI there is a Swimmers group here on MFP that you might want to check out and join:
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Swimmer - yes.

    Competitor? Forget it. I've been working on form, and it's been slowing down my swims. I've only recently managed to get the full 4 sets of laps (100 m each of free style, back stroke, breast stroke, butterfly) crammed back into an hour.

    Right now I'm trying to add distance for each stroke, and improve the butterfly even more. Mine still feels like it ought to look like an inchworm flopping down the lane.
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Loo, pops over to swimmers group

    Re: workouts, I can only d freestyle so. Don't do anything else but I try to go 3/4 times a week and vary between distance and short and long intervals. ATM I am concentrating n getting up to 2 miles and stroke technique, speed can come later
  • shannond113
    shannond113 Posts: 7 Member
    I too am a swimmer! I swam in high school many years ago and recently got back in the rec center has water aerobics before lap swim, so I consider that a warm-up and then my main workout is switching between free, breast, and backstroke. Sometimes I will do 100m or 200m of each or a ladder swim (1,2,3,4,3,2,1). Open lap swim is only 45 min so sometimes I need to get creative. I would love to hear others workouts!
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Here's a better link to that Swimmers Group main page:
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Gee some of you are SERIOUS swimmers lol

    I will generally go 40 mins int he pool but have noticed the number of lengtsh I am swimming in that time has increased (so I guess I'm swimming further).

    I try to do 10 lengths front crawl, 10 lengths breast stroke and one length out of 10 will push myself really hard. I hate swimming in busy lanes because I'm medium fast swimmer and rather bump into people in front or get scared people behind will bump into me lol.

  • mikeatmichael
    mikeatmichael Posts: 92 Member
    I swim 2-3 times a week on my lunch hour. I do 36 laps (1 mile) freestyle in about 36 minutes. I'm not trying to get faster or anything, I just concentrate on my form and try to get a good aerobic workout.

    Form and efficiency is more important in swimming than in any other aerobic activity. I changed from breathing on my left side only to alternating a couple years ago and it took me more than 6 months to get used it, but now that it comes naturally the laps are easier. A guy that swims at the same time I do some days is a swim coach and has given me a few tips to work on in my stroke.
  • bojkoj19
    bojkoj19 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the link Skinnybubbaga! And it's great reading all the posts! I think if you get into a pool more then one day a week you are a swimmer ;) So keep it up and have fun!
  • RecoveringToHealthy
    RecoveringToHealthy Posts: 51 Member
    I love swimming! It's my favourite workout :smile: unfortunately, I can't do ir right now because I have eczema on my legs. The chemicals makes it worse, and I don't want people to see it because it look rather nasty. I hope it heals soon so I can start again! :sad:
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    I've only recently added the butterfly. When I was still in grade school or middle school, and taking lessons at the local Y, I got through all the patches except the last because I never could seem to get the coordination for the butterfly. I could get the arms, or I could get the legs. Putting the two together at that time just flat escaped me. And, as I'm trying to get work-study at the school gym, I'd like to be able to certify for life guard (better hours, to say the least!) I figured I probably ought to really work on that last stroke, because way back when, it was one of the requirements for the certification. Kind of hoping not, but the challenge has been interesting.

    Before I could even struggle down the lane flopping along, I was using side stroke to fill that slot.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    I swim about twice a week for cross training and for some stress relief
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I played water polo in college as well as ran cross country but I was so slow in the pool I had remedial swimming lessons. Now I have injured my hip or si joint so cannot run or bike. I've been swimming for a year and the best feeling is when I am a little spaced out but just swimming freestyle very smoothly for 30-40 minutes. It's very meditative.
  • cincigina
    cincigina Posts: 57 Member
    I am a swimmer too. I swam in high school but I was slow and still am. I just enjoy free style and breast and will generally swim for 30 minutes twice a week. I can get about 1000 yards completed in that time frame. I find it very relaxing and a nice alternative to the treadmill.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    I live in Malaysia next to the ocean but I still like to go to the pool mainly because I am scared of jellyfish. But in two weeks there is a 6K swim from an Island to the mainland. I would like to try to work up to that but I think I'll have to do it next year cause I just got back into swimming a couple weeks ago and still have to do some more open water swimming I prefer lakes as opposed to the sea the currents and under toe can really push you.

    Omg this sounds so cool! (The race, not the jellyfish :0) I was a pretty good competitive swimmer in HS. I don't do it as much now d/t time constraints, but I'm trying to get back into it. This summer by me there is an aquathlon series (5 events) that I have my eye on. Never tried open water, though-- little scared!