Losing Weight At A Desk Job HELP!



  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    There are videos on Sparkpeople that give you ideas on exercises you can do while sitting at your desk. http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/videos-detail.asp?video=103
  • bearsmom82
    bearsmom82 Posts: 72 Member
    Park further away from the door and never use the elevator. Have a big water cup/bottle.

    The stairs are your friend. Walk up and down the stairs, and use the bathroom a few floors up or down from your office. Only a little bit of extra work, but day after day it adds up. Of course, that's assuming you're getting in a decent walk/run/workout or whatever kind of activity you like best :-)
  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    I've never done this, nor do I think I ever will, but I know that some people will trade out their office chairs for exercise balls.
  • Pinkgirl319
    Pinkgirl319 Posts: 80 Member
    I walk with a coworker at lunch if its nice out we walk outside or if not we do laps around the building for 20 minutes and squats in an empty conference room. Also you can do leg raises with a ream of paper sitting on your calves under your desk. When I cover reception and no one is around I do squats up there too! You are right every little bit helps. I also had to teach myself that just because there is free food does not mean I need it or want it.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I'll workout in the morning before work. I like to lift, so then I get to rest my muscles and let them repair while I'm sitting on my butt all day. Also, plan your meals ahead, working in an office can wreck havoc on your diet.

    ^^ I do my workouts early before work too. And I also lift.
    Hey I've been known to do jumping jacks and squats in the bathroom. But I do think people need to know having a desk job is not a handicap, it doesn't prevent you from being a fit person. Walk, move, stretch during work hours it's great for your circulation. But don't cheat yourself by skipping a proper workout!

    I have been known to do squats in the bathroom too!!! Not jumping jacks, though, I usually hide in one of the bigger closets around here and do those! hahaha :laugh:
  • debbie19612
    debbie19612 Posts: 5 Member
    I try and get out and do a power walk at lunch time. I work just off the shopping street, so instead of heading straight out there, I detour out and walk around town and come back in the other end, Try and get some hills in there too. If your office is on more than one floor, take the stairs. Use a photocopier on another floor.

    I try to 'lay off' the snacks, if I get peckish, will have a cup of green tea to take the 'edge' off, or do something to keep the brain active.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I walk with a coworker at lunch if its nice out we walk outside or if not we do laps around the building for 20 minutes and squats in an empty conference room. Also you can do leg raises with a ream of paper sitting on your calves under your desk. When I cover reception and no one is around I do squats up there too! You are right every little bit helps. I also had to teach myself that just because there is free food does not mean I need it or want it.
    I'm so doing the ream of paper thing... I can probably do a few squats too since my desk is in the corner.
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    Skip coffee and take walks instead, work exersize into your lunches and just have a quick bite to eat, walk to work. That's what I've been doing anyways and I feel 10x better even with 8 hour desk days. Also have one of those hand flexor spring things but it's more of a joke than anything.