How do you keep your sugars low?



  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I agree with you. About a month ago ( before I joined MFP) I decided to eat no refined flour ( meaning all bakery goods) and also avoid all whole meal breads and replaced the calories with sweet potatoes and yams . I have Lupus and RA and even after barely a month I feel noticably better....even though the sugar in the yams uses up all my sugar
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I have reactive hypoglycemia and have to watch my sugar intake. But more importantly, it's what I eat WITH the sugar that's the issue for me. If I'm eating something high in sugars, I have to eat protein with it to avoid a reaction. So I eat a hard boiled egg with the banana, or ham wrapped around pepper jack cheese with an apple.

    In general, it's what you're getting your sugar from that's more worriesome. For instance. If all your sugar comes from maple syrup, granulated sugar and the like, you might need to make some changes. If it's coming from apples and bananas, and you don't have blood sugar issues like I do, then don't sweat it. Most of us aren't on here because of our excessive banana intake. Wouldn't you agree? :)
  • beamteam4
    beamteam4 Posts: 19 Member
    I am new to mfp. And I am learning alot about portion sizes etc. My question is I have been under everyday on my calorie count. But over on my sugar. Will this slow my weight loss down, even though I am under in calories?
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    Although, OP... looking at your diary, I see your coffee had 64 grams of sugar. Hmmmm.

    That would be like 18 teaspoons, or more than 1/4 cup of sugar. If that's true.... holy ****.

    And if it's true, your coffee did not have 154 calories. It had 256 calories from sugar alone, plus the calories from the coffee (maybe 10) plus the calories from the cream.

    24 grams of fat, 64 grams carbs, and 24 grams of fat would actually be 504 calories. Not 154.

    Ok.... I definitely need to get a new coffee in my tracker. Holy hell, there is no way I put 1/4 a cup of sugar in my coffee. I put about a teaspoon and a half to two teaspoons in a 8 ounce cup and use organic nonfat cream. I stop at dunkin donuts about twice a week and get coffee with cream and sugar... But still 1/4 a cup?! :noway:
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    Also definitely making an oatmeal switch, but too frugal to throw the last few packs away. its close to expiration, so i am trying to eat it up, but a more typical breakfast is an egg, wheat toast and veggie sausage or turkey bacon. That paired with a small cup if coffee with cream and sugar still sends me plummeting by 9am. I usually eat sugars with protein. I will have fruit with cheese, or nuts. I need to focus on the refined sugars in the foods I am eating too. Never even thought about my yogurt as a problem because its supposed to be "light" and made with sugar substitute. These are all great suggestions. Need to start incorporating them!