The thing to do ladies.



  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    I've only been hit on once, it was shortly before I met my husband. I was working a temp job in an insurance office and the "boss" took me out for a "business" lunch and then suggested we spend more time together.
    1. He was my boss technically, so big no-no on the sexual harassment scale :noway:
    2. He was at least 20 years older than me and was just a really creepy guy :sick:
    3. I was nice and politely declined. Thankfully the temp job ended a day later :tongue:
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    This one too


    LOL! Stealing this!
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    I rarely get hit's only when I've lost weight and I'm feeling good about myself that I might get comments from guys. Being the weight I am now, no one looks at me (at least, that's what I think/believe).

    A couple of years ago I went overseas for the first time on my own (had been overseas with family years ago) and had just arrived in Paris. I felt all gross and once I had a shower (and felt clean) I went for a bit of a walk around the area I was staying for a few nights. Some random French guy on a bicycle rode up to me, asked if I spoke French. I spoke in French that I spoke which he said "You're very beautiful." Then rode away. I was dumbfounded as I did NOT feel very beautiful after a long flight, so it was sweet, yet quite bizarre that some Frenchie would do that to a stranger. It makes me smile though.

    Never had the bad ones yet.....yet. Hahaha. I must have a sign on my forehead that say 'eff off, not interested'.

    I'm single and looking. :tongue:
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Ladies, the hardest thing to do is approach you.

    So, about a month ago I was in a store doing some shopping. I noticed an attractive girl. So after talking myself in and out of it, I got up enough courage to talk to her. She was very nice and engaging. Finally, I asked her out and her reply was, “that is so sweet but I have a boyfriend.” Ouch, denied….lol. No seriously she was real cool about it and all I could say was “had to take a shot.” She replied, “I am glad you did, made my day.” Wow, I had never felt that good, being turned down. Also, I have been turned down in much harsher ways. I have gotten the psshhh lip service, rolling of the eyes, the uh oh scary black guy look, the “you have not shot, how dare you even try look,” and my personal favorite, straight being ignored.

    So I would like to ask you ladies something, how do you like being approached? Is there a place, besides work, where a person shouldn’t try? As always I like to give my thoughts first.

    1. I totally understand you should be able to go out and not be “hit on” or approached by some guy you don’t even know.

    2. Do you turn guys down harshly or are you nice about it? Assuming that you are not interested, do guys that you think are unattractive get the same treatment as guys who you find attractive? Meaning, do you turn down the attractive guys in a nicer way?

    3. Do you have a favorite/no so favorite story about how a guy tried to hit on you?

    4. Do you know how hard it is to gain enough courage to talk to you? Be nice to us….lmao

    As usual I am just a curious guy and I love to get different opinions. Let’s keep this conversation light hearted and fun.

    You sound sweet. :flowerforyou:

    I don't get approached by guys very much anymore, so on the rare occasions I do, I'm flattered!
    But I've been "hit on" twice at the grocery store in the past year or so. Both times were after engaging in friendly small talk with strangers--I like to talk! I let them down nicely by telling them that as a middle-aged mother of seven, I'm flattered by their attention. :blushing: And yes, I am married.
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    I always take it as a compliment and am super sweet about it no matter what!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm nice about it as long as the guy's not a creep. Don't be scared! The ones that are rude aren't worth it anyways.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    So I would like to ask you ladies something, how do you like being approached? Is there a place, besides work, where a person shouldn’t try? As always I like to give my thoughts first.

    2. Do you turn guys down harshly or are you nice about it? Assuming that you are not interested, do guys that you think are unattractive get the same treatment as guys who you find attractive? Meaning, do you turn down the attractive guys in a nicer way?

    I don't see a problem hooking up at work...that's where I met my husband back in 2007. :love:

    As far as where I don't want to be approached (or didn't, when I was single), this included places like clubs and bars where I was most likely intoxicated. I'm not into *that* kind of a hook-up, especially when I am having fun with my girlfriends. I prefer to get to know you and you get to know me when we are both acting "normal" so to speak.

    I'd like to think that I was always nice about it when turning someone down, and looks was never THE deciding factor anyway. I know what it feels like to put yourself out there and have someone act mean to you, and I certainly would never want to do that to someone else. I don't get why some girls think they're all that and have to act like they are better than people. Life is too short for that, and some people have feelings that are easily hurt. I don't wanna be the cause of hurt feelings to a stranger, lol.
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    I'm nice about it as long as the guy's not a creep. Don't be scared! The ones that are rude aren't worth it anyways.

  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I could never be harsh to a man who approached me and asked me out, unless he became rude and aggressive and wouldn't leave me alone. I don't get hit on much these days, but I always appreciate a genuine compliment from anybody. I think for men to start out with a nice compliment for a woman is a great way to break the ice. Women love genuine compliments (i.e. "You look very nice today" or "You have a very pretty smile.").

    To answer your question, the attractive and unattractive guys would be treated equally, assuming they were both polite with their requests.
  • lclemur
    lclemur Posts: 11
    sweet story....
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    "MMmmm! Damn girl, you look just like my sister"

    Just. NO

    True story. Gas station in bum**** New Mexico
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    This one too

  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I love being complimented and I take things like that as a compliment and always try to be nice, unless of course the guy says something dirty and crude, then he just gets my number. :laugh:
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Guys don't hit on me. So...I think I would be too shocked to be harsh. I could never be a guy and do the asking. My mom had to bribe me to ask a guy FRIEND to a dance in high school. We were just going as friends, for goodness sake! He was really excited to go when I finally managed to do it, lol.

    So props to you, fellas. :flowerforyou:
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Interesting. I've only been hit on by two men in my life, so this is a whole 'nother culture to me. Always did like social anthropology.
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    I am generally awkward and shy when approached. My face gets really red and I just hope they take that as a compliment and not think that I am being rude, lol. I just don't know how to react because I tend to think men are only interested in flirting to 'hook up'.
  • jfaironair
    jfaironair Posts: 26 Member
    You should try complimenting one woman a day. That way when you really like someone you won't be so nervous. I remember I was walking to lunch with my girlfriends and it was this guy who drove by in a car and said "You are beautiful." He wasn't trying to date me, but he wanted me to know that. That was at least seven years ago and to this day, I remember that.

    The worse way to be hit on is:
    "A Girl",
    "Psss, Psss", Please don't whistle at me!!!,
    "You a fine A@@ch!!!

    I don't know, men can be rude sometimes!!!
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    I've rarely been hit on, but usually I blush and if I'm not interested/not single then I thank them and tell them I'm not single right now.
  • lindsyury
    lindsyury Posts: 20
    I love being hit on, such and ego boost! Hasn't happened since the man started coming to the gym with me though :( sad days.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I never get hit on, I wish I did, would be such an ego boost!!!!!

    But when it used to happen, I just like when guys casually came up and started a conversation, usually about something to do with where we are etc.

    As long as he doesnt creep me out in the first few seconds I will always talk to a guy, even if I do have a partner or something, just because you have a boyfriend isn't a reason to be rude. Same as if you are not interested, just politely say it, don't offend someone. Think of how you would want to be turned down and do it that way!