The thing to do ladies.



  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    Nothing better than a guy being himself =)
  • Kiska77
    Kiska77 Posts: 24
    I always try to be nice, until he won't accept that it isn't going to happen. Even if they originally come off as 'creepy', I try to be nice until they give me reason not to b/c some guys are just awkward and don't realize they are being creepy. No reason to be rude unless dude won't back off.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    If the approach is creepy, the rejection will be rude haha

    If it's nice, even if I don't find the guy attractive, it's still flattering and I'll thank them & just say I have a boyfriend

    Last month I was at Home Depot buying paint for my place. First, I was pleasantly surprised and happy to see that the guy working was a good looking (not really my "type" but attractive just the same) since he was the person I'd have to talk to. Even more surprised that my daughter spoke to him b/c she never talks to men she doesn't know.
    Anyways, I pick out the paint, he helps me pick out all my supplies and ever so smoothly, hands me a piece of paper with his number on it saying "well if you ever need any help painting, feel free to give me a call"
    hehe I was so impressed by the gesture and that my daughter was being friendly that I did in fact call him a couple days later.
    We've been seeing each other since haha

    I LOVE THAT!! =)
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I haven't been hit on/asked out on a date in over 4 years. =( Very sad actually. I never really got hit on growing up either having 8 brothers puts a stop to that. I did have 1 guy who was brave enough to try (he did sing to me and ask me out) never really found out what my brothers did to keep him away from me. He still doesn't talk to me to this day!
    Makes me wonder how my Husband got through them all......

    I honestly have never had anyone come up and ask me out on a date. I've had numerous guys tell me that I had a nice butt though....... Not really sure how that's supposed to make me feel lol!!

    I have to admit that I do love when men make comments about women with red hair being gorgeous! =D
  • I have a brother who is 11 years younger than me. Once upon a time, just after his high school graduation, I was at his house and a friend of his told me how much he "likes older women" and "would love to hook up with one." At one point, he even told me he thought I'd be great in bed. I assured him both that yes, I am, and no, he'd never find out. Ugh.

    My favorite way to be hit on, though, is any pickup line on earth, or a guy who notices my shoes. Pickup line of choice tells you a LOT about a guy and usually gives you both a good laugh, and if you notice my shoes you're just plain awesome.
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    It's a huge compliment to me to get hit on. I've been married now for going on 10 years and I have a kid, so it gives the ego a huge boost. I would never be rude about it to the other person though.

    I am also been married to my husband for almost 10 years. I also like being hit on, but I usually tell them I am married. :) It strange when i am w/ my friend & a guy hit on me & my friend like him, but he not interested in her. :) My friend sometimes say that is unfair that you get hit on more than me & you are married. :) I always tell the guys that hit on me that I am married. :)

    I think my confident attracts people or my hair :) Maybe they are noticing my cochlear implants. :)
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    I tend to just tell people that I already have sixteen and a half boyfriends and I live in the woods in a cabin with no phone service. I try to be nice about it and polite and they usually understand my dilemma.

    When it happens while I'm reading. :noway:

    It's an okay compliment and I admire people that have the courage to go out and hit on people.
    I just stare at people I like and hope they make the first move.
    Highly effective.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I don't really get hit on, but if i did so long as the person wasn't creepy i would be polite. No touching and don't be pushy and you should be ok with anyone normal. If you are polite and everything and they are a ***** consider it a close escape :p
  • It's not really where guys approach you, but How! If you go up to a girl very genuine and engage in conversation that will get you everywhere! I don't want to sound rude when I say this, but I think guys need to realize that of a girl is out of your league, she is out of your league! Those beauty and the Beast stories are rare! Guys just look at yourself, and the girl you are thinking of approaching. Think "Is this girl out of my league?" If the answer is yes then you need to start approaching girls on your own level! I get so sick of hearing people say "Oh, he was sweet, atleast he tried!" Like No dude! I would rather you didn't, because that was just awkward for everyone! Sorry rant over! I've had some bad experiences if you couldn't tell! Haha
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    1. I totally understand you should be able to go out and not be “hit on” or approached by some guy you don’t even know.
    2. Do you turn guys down harshly or are you nice about it? Assuming that you are not interested, do guys that you think are unattractive get the same treatment as guys who you find attractive? Meaning, do you turn down the attractive guys in a nicer way?
    3. Do you have a favorite/no so favorite story about how a guy tried to hit on you?
    4. Do you know how hard it is to gain enough courage to talk to you? Be nice to us….lmao

    1. It's a compliment being hit on. Sometimes the timing isn't very good, like when you're in the middle of a conversation with your friends. :)
    2. Depends, if I sense they're creepers I'll be a little harsher. If they're sweet about it I'll definateley let them know I appreciate it!
    3. Staring, eyecontact by a cute guy.. *shivers*
    4. We don't bite :)! Maybe we're a little uncomfortable with it too! Then again, speaking for myself, if I'm attracked to a guy, I'll let him know ;).
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    It's not really where guys approach you, but How! If you go up to a girl very genuine and engage in conversation that will get you everywhere! I don't want to sound rude when I say this, but I think guys need to realize that of a girl is out of your league, she is out of your league! Those beauty and the Beast stories are rare! Guys just look at yourself, and the girl you are thinking of approaching. Think "Is this girl out of my league?" If the answer is yes then you need to start approaching girls on your own level! I get so sick of hearing people say "Oh, he was sweet, atleast he tried!" Like No dude! I would rather you didn't, because that was just awkward for everyone! Sorry rant over! I've had some bad experiences if you couldn't tell! Haha

    Wow out of your league? I am at a lost for words. Who makes up this league? What if the guy is just a super awesome person? So I am guessing you mean looks? Beauty is subjective, right?
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I don't mind if they're nice about it. I usually just say thank you, but I'm married. I absolutely cannot stand the "Hey ma, you got a man?" crap. Especially when it comes from like 18 year old KIDS. Ahhhhh. That makes me sound old but really. What girl likes that?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    It's not really where guys approach you, but How! If you go up to a girl very genuine and engage in conversation that will get you everywhere! I don't want to sound rude when I say this, but I think guys need to realize that of a girl is out of your league, she is out of your league! Those beauty and the Beast stories are rare! Guys just look at yourself, and the girl you are thinking of approaching. Think "Is this girl out of my league?" If the answer is yes then you need to start approaching girls on your own level! I get so sick of hearing people say "Oh, he was sweet, atleast he tried!" Like No dude! I would rather you didn't, because that was just awkward for everyone! Sorry rant over! I've had some bad experiences if you couldn't tell! Haha
    not meaning to sound rude (ok, that's a lie, i'm ok with sounding rude) but not everyone is as shallow as you are.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's not really where guys approach you, but How! If you go up to a girl very genuine and engage in conversation that will get you everywhere! I don't want to sound rude when I say this, but I think guys need to realize that of a girl is out of your league, she is out of your league! Those beauty and the Beast stories are rare! Guys just look at yourself, and the girl you are thinking of approaching. Think "Is this girl out of my league?" If the answer is yes then you need to start approaching girls on your own level! I get so sick of hearing people say "Oh, he was sweet, atleast he tried!" Like No dude! I would rather you didn't, because that was just awkward for everyone! Sorry rant over! I've had some bad experiences if you couldn't tell! Haha

    I completely disagree. It happened to me. Look at me, I am gorgeous. My wife is hideous. Some mornings I can't even make eye contact. But I love her. Hmmmm.........
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    It's not really where guys approach you, but How! If you go up to a girl very genuine and engage in conversation that will get you everywhere! I don't want to sound rude when I say this, but I think guys need to realize that of a girl is out of your league, she is out of your league! Those beauty and the Beast stories are rare! Guys just look at yourself, and the girl you are thinking of approaching. Think "Is this girl out of my league?" If the answer is yes then you need to start approaching girls on your own level! I get so sick of hearing people say "Oh, he was sweet, atleast he tried!" Like No dude! I would rather you didn't, because that was just awkward for everyone! Sorry rant over! I've had some bad experiences if you couldn't tell! Haha

    I completely disagree. It happened to me. Look at me, I am gorgeous. My wife is hideous. Some mornings I can't even make eye contact. But I love her. Hmmmm.........

  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    never approach a girl at the gym. i don't mind getting hit on and i am very nice- depending not on looks- but i would definitely let hugh jackman down in the nicest way ever. lol.
    it depends on how respectful the guy is, if he is a jerk- i will treat him like a jerk. the way you asked that girl out seems pretty respectful and sweet. girls like that. guys think we are all complicated and mysterious but the truth is- we honestly like nice and respectful guys. maybe dumb girls like complete jerks or *kitten* but real women- like men who are confident and respectful to women. best of luck!
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i gave an anecdote earlier but not really a position: there is NEVER any harm in telling a woman you think she's attractive, as long as you do it respectfully. look her in the eye, speak the truth, and use your manners. if you do this and a woman is rude or blows you off, forget about her, she's a b!tch.

    by the same token there is never any harm in asking someone out in this manner--worst she can do is turn you down, and if you've approached with respect and manners you can reasonably expect respect and manners in the turn-down. again, if you're appropriate and you get blown off flippantly, forget about the b!tch. for reals.

    i think i speak for a lot (but certainly not all) of women when i say that getting hit on/asked out in a nice way is usually a pleasant pick-me-up, **regardless** of whether we are remotely interested in accepting the offer. just getting the offer is a boost. sometimes we get nervous and don't know how to handle it. (it happens on both ends, you know.)

    i don't care how fat or smelly or gross you are: if you look me in the eye and use your big boy words and the manners your mama taught you to tell me you think i'm pretty and would like to go out, and i am NOT going to roll my eyes at you. i am NOT going to be rude. i AM likely to turn you down if you are either fat, smelly, or gross, but i'll be humane about it. and i will NOT give you a hard time for trying. we all have a right to go after what we want in life, regardless of what we look like or how much money we make or whatever other bs reason you can think of...

    no one is out of anyone's league, ever, because we all have the capacity to make different choices, everyday. that means we can change and become different people.

    you will get rejected. you can't let that stop you or slow you down. you just have to accept it and roll on. and there are some b!tches out there, fo sho. please don't let them discourage you. i hate them too.

    "I think you're very pretty/beautiful/attractive/interesting/whatev -- are you seeing anyone?" I think is probably the best thing i could hope to hear. it's direct and to the point, sets the tone clearly and puts the ball in my court immediately, no messing around. i don't like it when guys want to chit chat coyly forever, without ever even asking me if i'm available. it makes me want to be the one to get it out there, like "Hey, i can see where this is going--i should let you know, i already have a boyfriend" or whatever. just don't put me in that position. if you're going to strike one up, YOU'D better know where you are going--or not--with this first.

    Good luck!
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    So you don't believe in "the chase."

    Of course I do, but I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said? You can chase and be normal!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    i gave an anecdote earlier but not really a position: there is NEVER any harm in telling a woman you think she's attractive, as long as you do it respectfully. look her in the eye, speak the truth, and use your manners. if you do this and a woman is rude or blows you off, forget about her, she's a b!tch.
    why is she a b!tch? the attention is uninvited, so perhaps it is intruding on a particularly difficult time. maybe her mother died this morning, maybe she was abused and is inwardly freaking out, maybe she is being pestered by some guy at work and it has her on edge.

    are you always polite to telesales people? even if you're having a terrible day and the last straw is someone trying to sell you something you've never asked to buy?

    when you're just walking up to strangers you have to bear in mind that you have no idea what they're dealing with today. a better attitude is to forget about her, she's a stranger.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I hate being approached randomly. Why? Because the guy is just interested in my looks. They don't know me. It creeps me out. I am not very nice if a guy approaches me like that but I AM not mean unless they are rude about it..I just say no I am not interested. I know some women say they are sorry they have a bf, but I am not. I love my bf. I probably wouldn't be interested in a weirdo coming up to me in the market even if I didn't. If its a man I know that says something I will be nice and just say look we are friends. But there are times when strangers are very forward and I don't like that.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I guess I can see how some women with low self-esteem might take being hit on by creepy random guys as a compliment but I have been pretty all my life, I don't need reaffirmation of that by strangers. I frankly don't care if someone I don't know thinks I'm attractive. I would rather them keep it to themselves and save themselves the trouble and save me the creepiness. If I'm buying soymilk its not a cue to ask for my number or tell me I'm pretty. but hey I guess maybe some guys can be nice, it seems most I encounter are the creepers
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I guess I can see how some women with low self-esteem might take being hit on by creepy random guys as a compliment but I have been pretty all my life, I don't need reaffirmation of that by strangers. I frankly don't care if someone I don't know thinks I'm attractive. I would rather them keep it to themselves and save themselves the trouble and save me the creepiness. If I'm buying soymilk its not a cue to ask for my number or tell me I'm pretty. but hey I guess maybe some guys can be nice, it seems most I encounter are the creepers
    this is pretty much it.
    ...except for the soymilk. that stuff is gross.

    these days in only date people i meet online. it means the person has more interest in my brain than my bust size.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    these days in only date people i meet online. it means the person has more interest in my brain than my bust size.

    Me too, almost exclusively! I actually like it better because of this...a man just coming up to me and asking me out means it is ALL about looks. No thanks. If he comes up and has a conversation, gets to know me a bit and THEN asks me out, cool. Unfortunately it never happens that way.
  • I hardly ever get hit on or if I do I have no idea that is what they are doing. I'm super oblivious to if someone is hitting on me usually unless they just come up to me and ask me to take off my clothes. Then I get it and oblige if they made me laugh in the process.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    I hardly ever get hit on or if I do I have no idea that is what they are doing. I'm super oblivious to if someone is hitting on me usually unless they just come up to me and ask me to take off my clothes. Then I get it and oblige if they made me laugh in the process.

    **walks up to AmyDawn** You can take your clothes off now!! :laugh:
  • I hardly ever get hit on or if I do I have no idea that is what they are doing. I'm super oblivious to if someone is hitting on me usually unless they just come up to me and ask me to take off my clothes. Then I get it and oblige if they made me laugh in the process.

    **walks up to AmyDawn** You can take your clothes off now!! :laugh:

    Yes, Cat. *Amy gets naked* Now you need to get naked, too. I don't like to be the only one naked in the bar.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    So I would like to ask you ladies something, how do you like being approached? When I was single I wished that guys would just come up and say hello without any cheesy/stupid/creepy/aggressive/hostile lines.

    Is there a place, besides work, where a person shouldn’t try? Anyplace a woman is with her kids. You should never hit on a woman around her kids. Also, never hit on a woman at a funeral. Basically anyplace a woman has on that 'Don't bother me face' and such. If you don't know what this is, learn about body language.

    1. I totally understand you should be able to go out and not be “hit on” or approached by some guy you don’t even know.
    Why thank you for understanding.

    2. Do you turn guys down harshly or are you nice about it? I'm rather curt, because I am married! I wear my wedding rings, there is no mistake about it, so I find it really rude and outrageous that someone would decide to hit on me anyway. When I was single I would decline nicely, but many men got angry/disturbed/irate when rejected, so I started preemptively being rather rude after that.

    Assuming that you are not interested, do guys that you think are unattractive get the same treatment as guys who you find attractive? Meaning, do you turn down the attractive guys in a nicer way? Nope, actually in my experience attractive men tend to be the creepy ones and the aggressive ones who need to be soundly and thoroughly rejected to get the point.

    3. Do you have a favorite/not so favorite story about how a guy tried to hit on you? Some gross old man licked his tongue around at me when I had my newborn son strapped to my chest *shudder*. Another time some creeper followed me and my daughter (she was around 4 at the time) half a block, we had to run into a Wendy's where the fool followed us! The police were called, he kept insisting to them he 'didn't do anything' he just wanted my number. Various times being followed around a store/dance club/coffee shop. Um, if I say no the first time, following me around will NOT make me change my mind!

    4. Do you know how hard it is to gain enough courage to talk to you? Yes I know, but so what? No matter how hard it is, it is still 1000 times easier than being on the receiving end. Men complaining about this...have you ever heard the expression, 'First-World Problems'? you know, it's like listening to Americans complaining that they got a latte at Starbucks and it was too cold when you live in a country that struggles to provide basic food. I guess this is a 'Man Problem'. Yes, it sucks that sometimes you approach women and get shot down. Tough life LOL
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    "Hello, how are you? You look beautiful today, could I ask you out on a date?"


    For me it's irrelevant though, but it is nice to be hit on despite having to respond "Practically married, but thank you for asking."
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    So you don't believe in "the chase."

    Of course I do, but I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said? You can chase and be normal!

    I think you said accept no for an answer. I just meant so you don't like being chased. It was kind of a joke.