What's your most embarrassing "food moment"?



  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I ordered a large pizza when I was home alone. I told myself I would eat a few slices and save the rest for later. I finished it within 4 hours.

    Definately been there! I washed it down with 3 beers.
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332

    Samoas! They are def. the crack cocaine of food...

    I must know more about this cookie! LOL. We (in Canada) only get the vanilla/chocolate or peppermint ones.

    Also, the cake icing and marshmallow cream (not together) I love the marshmallow cream and have a huge bag of marshmallows at home ~looks at Zebra Head~ :bigsmile:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I ate an entire bag of "real bacon" bacon bits by myself...by itself.... not even on a salad or anything haha!!!

    And when the kids asked to try some, I told them it was all gone and then pulled the bag out from under my pillow when they left!!! LMMMAAAAOOOO...OH MAN! Fat moment right there for sure!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yeah - I have a few! Way back when, in the year I gained 100 lbs, Pizza Hut had their "buy a medium, get one for $4" deal. 4 - 6 times a MONTH I would order 2 deep pan pizzas and my little boy would eat 1 or 2 slices and when I got done, there would be 2 slices left if I was lucky. A lot of times there was only 1 and that only because I saved it for AJ. And I wondered why I never had any money for anything??

    Oh, same time frame, we were making little french bread pizzas, and I ate a whole loaf of french bread, sliced and turned into mini pizzas. Scary! Good, but scary! I couldn't do it now - and that's a good thing :laugh:
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Off topic a little bit but I miss girl scout cookies SO MUCH! Used to live in the States but moved to NZ when I was 14...oh the thin mints! And the peanut butter ones! Drool...

    We have Girl Guide biscuits here but you can get 2 kinds:

    - Plain (just a plain cookie, like a wine biscuit (don't know if you get them over there?)
    - Plain with a tiny layer of chocolate on the bottom.

    Terrible! I mean, good, because I'm never tempted to buy them and even if I had them in the house I wouldn't eat them, but I miss the real thing :(

    On topic - I can't believe I didn't weigh more than I did, with some of the regular habits I had:
    I used to play soccer on Sunday mornings, we'd finish and I'd be home (and hungry!) by about noon...so probably once every 3-4 weeks I would order a whole large pizza and curl up on the couch and eat the whole thing by myself...
    My husband and I used to order two large pizzas between us for dinner, and sometimes we'd get garlic bread too...

    I was once in a rush between work and classes and had no lunch, so stopped at a grocery store to get something to eat, bought a whole strawberry tea cake (like a coffee cake but with strawberry jam on it basically) and ate the whole thing sitting in my car.
  • Dara80
    Dara80 Posts: 19 Member
    When I was pregnant with my 14 month old, I kicked up with gestational diabetes. Since chocolate was a no no I thought I was being real smart by getting the diabetic/sugar free chocolate. I bought a bunch of it and ended up sitting on the couch munching on it, only to realize I had eaten like 5 packages, or 10 of the peanut butter cups. For those of you who don't know, they use sugar alcohols to substitute for real sugar in that stuff and it can cause some digestive upset. Well,suffice to say, within a couple of hours I was confined to the bathroom and it was a bad bad scene. The worst part was, I continued to eat those dang things...but I only ate two a day after that! LOL After Matthew was born, I couldn't stomach the stuff.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    These don't sound bad at all. I'm not even going to say mine!

    As for the cookies, I hate them! Gross. :) I remember the double dark chocolate ones or the lemon powered ones. They were the best.

    Edit: Gah! Don't mention guacamole! I love, love, love avocados, but they're so fattening. I think a few months ago I "scheduled" a cheat meal for next week and I just remembered it. I might have to splurge a little on guacamole now.
  • MyDream
    MyDream Posts: 72
    definitly been there w/the samoas.

    add in a whole Entenmanns Chocolate frosted cake in a day

    entenmanns deluxe (super huge) cinnamon buns (oh so gooey!)

    of course the large pizza, don't forget the pepperoni w/2 16 oz pepsi....gone in a matter of hours

    and my addiction to the freakin' drive thru..........darn double cheeseburgers

    I'll stop at that, b/c you all get the picture :sad:

    and gee, I always wondered why I was so fat!! :grumble:

    love to you all! :heart:
  • MyDream
    MyDream Posts: 72
    let's not forget ben & jerry's, please...don't ask me to list my favs

    Also want to point out, this is all eaten when no one is home of course. Pretty sad huh?

  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I ate an entire bag of "real bacon" bacon bits by myself...by itself.... not even on a salad or anything haha!!!

    And when the kids asked to try some, I told them it was all gone and then pulled the bag out from under my pillow when they left!!! LMMMAAAAOOOO...OH MAN! Fat moment right there for sure!

    haha! I thought I was the only one who ate salad toppings by themselves. Mine is an entire box of croutons. I ate them like they were chips, dipping them in ranch!!! Holy smokes I dont wanna think about how horrible for me that was!!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Edit: Gah! Don't mention guacamole! I love, love, love avocados, but they're so fattening. I think a few months ago I "scheduled" a cheat meal for next week and I just remembered it. I might have to splurge a little on guacamole now.

    The right kinds of fat are good for you and avocado is definately one of them. When I'm not traveling I eat half an avocado almost every day.

    In grade school I was caught (more than once) hiding in my closet eating a jar of cake frosting.

    My boyfriend invited over his boss and her husband recently. When they arrived her husband recognized me. Apparently my pizza a day habit made me notorious at Domino's (he used to be one of their delivery drivers).
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    UGH mine was just yesterday.....So I've got this honey bun right?? And I was SO hungry and that's the ONLY thing that was in my house that didn't have to be cooked....I'm so behind on my grocery shopping lol....so anyways I'm sittin there stomach growling, and I keep looking at the honey bun....and I could just TASTE it....so finally I opened it and took a big bite...but mid chew I realized I really didnt want the honey bun....so I kept chewing, and then spit it in the trash....and I did that with the whole thing....i think I had a real problem yesterday lol

    LOL, that is funny!!
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    Well I can think of a few. One is when I was in New York last year having the worlds best cheese cake at Roxy's in Time Square. It was such a big piece and so amazing that my daughter and I went back for a second piece just a few hours later.

    Or there is the time my mom and I ate nothing for super but several batches of fresh fried french fries!! We still laugh about that.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I have gotten a box of special k bars from Costco and eaten so many at once that I lost count. I am a binge eater and it can get really bad. I could top most of these but I will let you all have your moment, lol.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I got sick last October and I was really worried about what it was because I was so dizzy when I walked so I was pity parting like crazy. My bf and I had just bought a box of ice cream sandwiches. We had each had one so there were about 8 left. I ate the whole box that day.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    LOL Barney, that was seriously funny!! (oh and so so so true - love those purple boxes!!) You made my morning! LOL keep up the good work!
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    OMGoodness the coolwhip thing...I am laughing so hard I am crying! I have to stop or I will wake the house up!! LOL I have never heard of that one!!

    Used to be a serious chocoholic....My name is April and I am a recoverED chocoholic! LOL!!
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    My worst was a long time ago. We had moved from London to the south west UK and for 3 years I had no McDonald's because the closest was now 120 miles away instead of half a mile away.

    So...three years...I pass my driving test.... guess what happened?

    Took my brother with me and we drove 120 miles... here it comes :embarassed: .... I had 5 burgers, 2 chips and 2 larges cokes. HE had 6 burgers, 2 fries and 2 large cokes :drinker:

    After we finished I turned straight around and headed back home. A 240 mile round trip to stuff my face full of something I had missed badly for 3 years.

    Damn... I had it bad then :laugh:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I've had several of these, lol. As a former bulimic, I could pack away some FOOD! When I binged, I would do it on fast food so that I could be on the move and not get caught...... (Also, this was back in high school, more than 12 years ago)

    Heres how it would go...

    First stop: McDonalds
    2 Cheeseburgers, a small fry, and large coke. Oh, and an apple pie, sometimes a hot fudge sundae.

    Next: Burger King
    BK Broiler combo, king sized with a coke
    Chicken tenders with bbq sauce
    Hershey and or Reese pie

    Next: Taco Bell
    Nacho Bell Grande
    10 tacos

    Finally: Wendy's
    Jr Cheeseburger Deluxe
    5 piece nugget with bbq sauce
    Large Dr. Pepper and sometimes a Frosty

    Yes, that is totally disguisting and yes, I could do it in just under 2 hours and make it home for dinner and my mom never knew! O, and I was a vegetarian, but during a binge, anything was fair game. People could see me pack away such deadly amounts of foods and were impressed because I barely weighed 100 pounds.

    Lately, the worst I've done was polish off 4 bags of Lays potato chips with ketchup during the WEEK of my period. (Not in one sitting, over the course of 6 days, not that that makes it any better..... Binging isn't the same when I can't throw up afterwards. Twisted, yes. Thats the way we think though......