What's your most embarrassing "food moment"?



  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Hahaha I love this thread! My worst enemy is the Giant Heath bars! I love them and have a ate a few of those giant bars of chocolate covered toffee goodness. I miss them so now. lol And once after not eating anything all day a few years ago, I ate half of a medium pizza...extra pepperonis, extra cheese, and half of the breadsticks that came along with it! That was embarrassing for sure! I can barely down 1 slice these days if I have it out. :tongue:
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    My roommate reminded me last night of my consumption of an entire box of cheeze its in one sitting.

    This has happened more than once.
  • lalonzo
    lalonzo Posts: 557
    A few years ago me & my husband went shopping (less than 5 mins. away from home) and noticed a pkg of cinnamon nut rolls. We talked about how we used to remember eating them as a child. We decided to buy a pack. We opened them as soon as we drove off to go home and finished the package by the time we got home. - We couldn't believe they were all gone!!! this was several years ago & we were so embarrased :blushing: - we haven't had them since!!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    How about an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting? Birthday cake for breakfast?

    I once (a few years ago) ate an entire jar of cake icing in less than a day. =/


  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    This just happened to me last week...I bought a box of those ice cream filled popsicles (Think creamsicle) thinking that since they are only 90 calories that they would be a good snack...and they were, which is why I proceeded to eat 5 of them in an evening! :blushing: It was my TOM, but still I felt terrible after, especially cause I'm lactose intollerant! :sick: But I soo love ice cream! :sad: So, needless to say I will not be buying this lovely treat again!
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    At my worst (just the end of last year) I would eat a whole box of velveeta mac and cheese in one sitting for lunch. sometimes to change it up, i'd buy TWO boxes of the kraft blue box stuff and eat that for lunch. i have such a love of macaroni and cheese that sometimes i'd eat it for both lunch AND dinner! It's disgusting to think about now! I think one night i had a whole box for an early dinner, and then my hubby asked on his way home from choir if I wanted anything from mcdonalds and i had him get me 2 hamburgers, a large fry, and an m&m mcflurry...just an hour or two after i ate dinner!

    i am terribly ashamed having done that - but i now see that i wasn't the only one, and now i've made the change and moved on! i still treat myself to mac and cheese, but FAR less frequently and smaller portions!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    OK - is this thread making anyone else feel a lot better about themselves??? I swear I thought I was the only person on the face of the earth who ever did stuff like this... I didn't realize that so many other people have done the same types of things...
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    OK - is this thread making anyone else feel a lot better about themselves??? I swear I thought I was the only person on the face of the earth who ever did stuff like this... I didn't realize that so many other people have done the same types of things...

    In a weird way, it did! I look back and laugh at how stupid I was eating what I ate, but i feel a little better knowing that I wasn't the only one going through this...

    Glad to NOT be doing it anymore though! :)
  • calicowgirl0582
    I did the same thing with the gallon of milk when I was pregnant with my son. It was nothing to down the entire gallon in a day . . .I did it for almost the whole pregnancy . . .
  • calicowgirl0582
    Okay, so on Mother's Day (as a single mom, Mother's Day is always really hard and depressing) but in a 2 day span (Mother's Day and the following day) I ate all but 2 slices of a Coconut cream pie . . . so embarrassing! I even told my brother that he was not allowed to have any . .. I still can't believe I did that.

    On a brighter note, a friend of mine dropped off a huge slice of cake for my birthday (a week early). I let my son and niece have a tiny sliver each. I cut the rest in half and gave one to my brother and one to my sister-in-law . . . I did not eat any of the cake!!! So proud of myself!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I bought my first pack of Skinny Cow mint ice cream sandwhiches. I ate one the day I bought them. The next day I had the rest of them in the span of an hour.
    I love those Top Raman noodles, and will dump sour cream on them. I used to eat like 2 of those suckers at a time.
    The worst though was when I made a pan of homemade fried rice with egg and chicken. There were probably 4 servings there, and I indended to share with my roommate when she got home. I ate mine, and went back and started picking at the rice clumps...l kept at it, till there was only a little bit left, than ate that too. I was sooo sick from it.
    Last, I love to bake, and cookie dough is my kryptonite. I will eat so much of it, there is barely enough dough left for 6 cookies.:embarassed:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    How about an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting?

    I used to eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's every day for lunch at work. I only had a half an hour, so I would microwave it to get it soft enough to eat that quickly. My favorite? Pistachio Pistachio. But Chunky Monkey was good too.

    Good times, Good times.... lol
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Lol - thanks all, I laughed so hard at some of these, esp the microwaved Cool Whip and all the cake confessions!

    My downfall was refried bean burritos - I could eat a tin of refried beans and 8 tortillas in a sitting. My poor digestive system :o(
  • Paul76
    Paul76 Posts: 158
    Fast food is my vice. My most embarrassing moment was eating at McDonald's 4 times in one day in order to use some coupons that were expiring the next day. I must have had 5000 calories that day. Ugh.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Mine was just last night. For some reason I decided to scoop out a big tablespoon of peanut butter and top it with semi-sweet chocolate chips and 5 minutes later I went back for another one.....then one more. :embarassed: :embarassed:

    I paid for though, I had a horrible stomach ache all night.
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Ok the peanut butter and chocolate chips sounds soo good! Thank god I don't have any choc chips LOL.

    Hmmm ok so I used to eat whole packages of peanut butter oreos in one day, half for breakfast and the other half later in the day.

    I had 6 crispy creme donuts in one sitting

    Me and my best friend used to go to Olive garden 1-2 times per week, and would always eat the salad, breadsticks with alfredo dipping sauce, chicken alfredo PLUS dessert.

    Me and said best friend used to go to burger king every day before high school for breakfast.

    I would eat a whole order of dessert breadsticks with icing from Domino's plus 2 pieces of pizza....just a month ago.

    Ok so these are things that I used to do, mostly in high school. I have lost a significant amount of weight twice in my life and gained in back in between those times. I vowed I would never do those things again, and of course did. Now it scares me so much that I will never be able to keep this as a lifestyle change. It really is like a disease and I'm an addict. I don't deprive myself...like I still have my sweets, but now it's skinny cows, and 100 cal packs.

    SO....here's hoping I NEVER go back to eating that way. It's not worth it, and it's sooo unhealthy! Seeing my weight go down and my pants size go down is soo much more rewarding that empty calories! Let's do this!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I bought a box of 100 calorie ice cream sandwiches.

    I ate the box that evening. All 20 of them. I felt terrible that my boyfriend didn't get to eat any so I went to the store and bought another box to disguise the fact that I ate them all. I had 6 out of that box, too.

    Terrible day, but SO DELICIOUS!
  • nahhan12
    Well you're talking to a prior binge eater here..so really I can't remember my very worst food moment. However, one particular day sticks out in my mind back when I was in Middle School. I ate an entire box of goldfish (the jumbo gallon or so sized cardboard kind) in one sitting! I didn't even realize, I wasn't emotional, they're just that tasty!

    My second most memorable "food moment" was one morning in high school. For breakfast I had two peanut butter and banana sandwiches, two packets of brown sugar oatmeal, and two tall glasses of milk. I would have eaten more but it was time to go to school and I didn't want to be late!

    Everyone on here seems to have sweets as their food moment, but mine are definitely carbs...crackery bready carbs!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I think I'm kind of a freak, I don't think of them as embarrassing. I tell them in stories to friends, with pride. lol

    A few of my favorites:
    I used to regularly eat an entire loaf of Sweet French Bread with a container of Ranch Dip for lunch while in high school. Because the entire meal came to less than $2 and I could afford it and it was filling.

    I once at entire package of Double Stuff Oreos on a dare at a party when I was in college.

    The hubby and I can easily polish off an entire large New York style pepperoni pizza in one sitting (half each, though we could both eat more) and also have garlic knots with it and canolli for dessert.

    On a recent trip to Disneyland I had two 6,000 calorie days, where I was pretty much eating decadent Disneyland awesomeness every hour on the hour. (and I logged every bite lol)

    While in pasadena in November, for lunch at the Yard House, I ate over half a platter of their chicken nachos, half a serving of their sweet potato fries, a cup of tomato bisque and en entire bbq bacon cheeseburger. And then continued to nibble fries off my friends plates when they were finished. May fat totals for that day are through the roof. :D

    Those are the best of the best, I think. But I have others. I actually just told a tale to some coworkers about a night in San Diego that I ate so much I had to lean against a pole to stay upright.

    I watch Man vs. Food on the Travel Channel and constantly evaluate which of the challenges I think that I could honestly do. lol
  • mistawalka
    mistawalka Posts: 108 Member
    hmmm - not so much a weight-loss embarrassing food moment but food related none the less...

    We go hammered (that's very merry) at the casino watching a footy grand final then ended up at a fancy restaurant we had won vouchers for - ordered a large steak and two dozen oysters before falling asleep on the toilet. my caring friends retrieved me only after they had finished their meals and once my dinner had been doggy bagged we left to find taxis home. Whilst head down in the bushes outside techni-colour yawning I misplaced the doggy bag and ended up home and hungry.