Do you hold a water bottle when you run?



  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I chew gum when I run to combat dry mouth (nose has been stuffed since the Nixon Administration...).

    I too agree we are conditioned to think we need to drink.

    Heatwave days notwithstanding, I run 10-12 miles without drinking all the time. But when my wife walks a mile or two, she bring a water bottle. Why? Because she thinks she needs to drink.

    People wear Camelbaks for 5Ks, I might drink once during a half marathon - go figure.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    For distance people, has anyone successfully gotten a GU down their throats without water? Just curious...heard it could be done, not trying to find out personally.

    I have. lots of times.

    On one occasion I took it at mile 16 of a 20 miler and it gave me the s**ts for hours afterwards.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Are there any drinking fountains near your route? I run in a park that has a few here and there. When school is out, I'll grab some at the high school.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    For my speed walking 5k's I park my car right dab at the starting line, I must have gum to chew & balm on my lips to prevent dry mouth & lips then I take off. Halfway thru I stop at my car take 2-3 sips of water, stretch, then I'm off to do the other half! I wear a cuff on my upper arm that holds my MP3 and Cell phone. Car keys on string around my neck. This works for me! How cool to know they have belts you can buy to hold stuff, I might have to check those out :laugh:
  • I find that just using a 1.5 liter camelback unit carried on the back works great with short runs. The water moving back and forth is a lil annoying but that goes away.
  • chrisrobbins9041
    Straigtht up my high school baseball coach is trying to make us run with little 16 oz water bottles and he says its supose to help u have better arm strength and strenghthen ur rotator cuffs i honestly dont see how 16oz will do that i mean if we had 20 pound waits in each hand yea i get his logic
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    depends on where you run I guess

    My brother's girlfriend is a long distance runner and she had her route mapped out and on the way home from work she would stop and stash a bottle of water on the side of the road (of course you could only do this if you lived in the country where you knew your neighbors lol)

    maybe purchase one of those camelback things as suggested previously
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I wouldn't waste my money on the running belt. The ones I've had move around and bounce too much, I spend more time preoccupied about my belt than getting a good run in.

    I would get a good armband for your phone so you can have both hands free. I've had one from Arm Pocket that I like ( and currently use some other product that's just a spandex cuff with a pocket for my phone/iPod (the brand escapes me and I'm too lazy to go looking). Nike has a new one that's a forearm sleeve with a pocket big enough for an iPhone or iPod.

    Then, if you want to carry a cheap-o water bottle until you're ready to run longer without one (personally, anything less than an hour, I don't bother, just properly hydrate ahead of time), you won't have a horrendously expensive belt that you don't use (like I have).
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    For 30 minutes, you shouldn't need to carry water. Seriously. Drink before, drink after.

    And get rid of the phone as well. Just run. You may actually improve if you lose all the unnecessary baggage. I'm pretty sure that whatever important text message or phone call can wait 30 damn minutes.

    How long are you running for?

    There's belts you can get that have holders for all sorts of bits and bobs you might need. Or else jackets/ vests with pockets.

    Right now only a half hour. Hoping to increase that. I did find a handheld one that the previous poster mentioned, the Nathan hand held. Maybe that could work for me.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I was literally using an over the shoulder handbag and used it messenger style backwards until my last run where I go my backpack styled bag out but I'm either going to buy a form of belt or a proper backpack when I can afford it. :)
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    For 30 minutes, you shouldn't need to carry water. Seriously. Drink before, drink after.

    And get rid of the phone as well. Just run. You may actually improve if you lose all the unnecessary baggage. I'm pretty sure that whatever important text message or phone call can wait 30 damn minutes.


    Some people are actually need water on them, especially beginners like myself and you can get a armband to put your phone in. I use mine for C25K and music. I also put it on mute to not be distracted by phone calls and text messages.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    For 30 minutes, you shouldn't need to carry water. Seriously. Drink before, drink after.

    And get rid of the phone as well. Just run. You may actually improve if you lose all the unnecessary baggage. I'm pretty sure that whatever important text message or phone call can wait 30 damn minutes.


    Some people are actually need water on them, especially beginners like myself and you can get a armband to put your phone in. I use mine for C25K and music. I also put it on mute to not be distracted by phone calls and text messages.

    Man can survive without water for 3 days. Surely there is no "need" for water on a 30 minute run. That being said, if you "want" to take water with you, then by all means do so.
  • kesciamuhammad
    kesciamuhammad Posts: 27 Member
    I run in Memphis, TN in the summer in 95 degree weather and the humidity to match, I definitely take water. In fact, I've been out without and complete strangers have shoved bottles into my hands. That being said, I have two different belts, both Nathan's. Get to a runners store and try out several different configurations, to see what works best with your phone. I think my next step will be a hydration vest for longer distances. Good luck!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Not outside there is a water fountain at about my 2 mile point get a drink continue on come back get another then home. WHen its hot out anyways. At the gym i use treadmill and yes I have a water bottle with me. And I hydrate plenty during the day so even in the heat I dont need much just a sip or two.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    For 30 minutes, you shouldn't need to carry water. Seriously. Drink before, drink after.

    And get rid of the phone as well. Just run. You may actually improve if you lose all the unnecessary baggage. I'm pretty sure that whatever important text message or phone call can wait 30 damn minutes.


    Some people are actually need water on them, especially beginners like myself and you can get a armband to put your phone in. I use mine for C25K and music. I also put it on mute to not be distracted by phone calls and text messages.

    Man can survive without water for 3 days. Surely there is no "need" for water on a 30 minute run. That being said, if you "want" to take water with you, then by all means do so.
    Totally agree I don't take water on runs below around 90 minutes unless it's over around 20 degrees C (the hottest it gets here is around 25) then I'll happily run an hour without water. To answer the question no I don't carry one in my hand that would just be annoying I have a water bottle belt (or whatever you call them.)