Anyone doing C25K



  • stevetroupe
    stevetroupe Posts: 16
    Hi all
    My first post.
    Started C25k on Saturday, 1st & 2nd run were hard but OK, did 3run last night and only got half way through it, i got a bad pain in the back of my leg.
    Im running on the treadmill at the gym and was wondering if it's any easier on the legs running outside.
    I guess it depends on where you run. If you run on the road, it's for sure rougher than the treadmill. If you can run on a dirt track designed for running then it's a little easier on the joints. Maybe your going to fast or maybe you need an extra day in between runs in the first few weeks. If you can't finish a day, no big deal, tackle it again until you can. There's no rush when your racing yourself!
  • deeds2785
    deeds2785 Posts: 70 Member
    On week 3 day 2! :) does the leg pain go away? lol adding on that extra minute seemed brutal...
  • stevetroupe
    stevetroupe Posts: 16
    On week 3 day 2! :) does the leg pain go away? lol adding on that extra minute seemed brutal...
    It gets better. My legs actually feel better after about the 7 minute mark of the longer runs. Go figure!
  • kegger1997
    kegger1997 Posts: 74
    starting week 2 today