No face pics????

HilDawg31019 Posts: 25 Member
Why do so many people cut their faces out of the pictures.


  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    Because they're here to lose weight and I'm guessing like anonymity of not having a face?
  • tiddlebit11
    tiddlebit11 Posts: 182
    Just so that if someone i currently know happened to be on here they wouldnt know it was reasons in a lot of ways i guess :P
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Because it's totally understandable. No one has to do anything they feel uncomfortable doing. They may have a reason to do with their job for one where they don't want anyone to spot them. Why does it concern you I wonder?
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    i don't want to end up on the interwebz
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Because...why do you care??
  • Power_Man77
    Power_Man77 Posts: 207
    Because it's totally understandable. No one has to do anything they feel uncomfortable doing. They may have a reason to do with their job for one where they don't want anyone to spot them. Why does it concern you I wonder?

    Agree, so many employers going on line and checking on people. Don't need the drama. How many people have gotten fired from stuff they put on Facebook.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    . No one has to do anything they feel uncomfortable doing.

    That's a lie. My mum always made me eat green vegetable.. :grumble:

    I concur.
    i think its to show off their hot bodies.
    this is after all a weight loss site. But then again it comes across as complete vanity so i kind of understand where you are coming from. Some people like to remain anonymous also.
    I keep my beautiful face and my body in all of my pictures! :blushing:
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Maybe they like the anonymity...either that or they're serious butterfaces.
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    Because they're here to lose weight and I'm guessing like anonymity of not having a face?

  • __Aid__
    __Aid__ Posts: 72 Member
    because they hate there own photos . See i got my face on my pic ! :happy:
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Maybe they like the anonymity...either that or they're serious butterfaces.

    Would bang.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Maybe they like the anonymity...either that or they're serious butterfaces.

    Uh, , , what's a butterface?
  • HilDawg31019
    HilDawg31019 Posts: 25 Member
    Just a question. Just thought if the Message Board was asking would you date this person, or what celebrity does this person remind you of etc. that it would be a much easier question to answer with a face. No biggy. Again just a question.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Maybe they like the anonymity...either that or they're serious butterfaces.

    Would bang.

    *Swoon* you old romantic!
  • __Aid__
    __Aid__ Posts: 72 Member
    Just a question. Just thought if the Message Board was asking would you date this person, or what celebrity does this person remind you of etc. that it would be a much easier question to answer with a face. No biggy. Again just a question.

    Guess it makes it more of a challenge and encourages profile creeping
    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    Because they're here to lose weight and I'm guessing like anonymity of not having a face?


  • nightdragon70
    nightdragon70 Posts: 94 Member
    With mine, the size of the pic made the profile "thumbnail" cut off the top automatically, but if you go to the profile you see the full pic

    I do think with a lot of people though, it's a safety thing, or like a previous poster said, most are here for weight loss, so the rest doesn't matter
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    same reason they wear clothes. They're hiding what they don't want you to see.
  • triskaidekaphile13
    triskaidekaphile13 Posts: 92 Member
    That's me. No pictures of me on the Internet anywhere. I sometimes think losing over 112lbs in total since I started my weight loss journey is enough to stop people recognising me as I don't look the same at all!
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Just for you I put up a face picture.

    No really, you.
