Running during work lunch break

Hey everyone, just looking for some opinions here.

I'm training myself to run and have started to love it. I can 30+ minutes at a time without any walking intervals and I would like to start increasing my speed as I have a 5k coming up in June. I have an hour long lunch at work and usually walk 50 minutes during it. There are plenty of safe areas to walk/run near my work. I have thought about the idea of running during my lunch break for 30 minutes which would give me enough time to change into running clothes, do a little bit of warm up and cool down walking and change back into work clothes.

My work bathroom is next to our business lobby which means that a decent chunk of my coworkers would see me before and after my run. There are no showers here so I'd be stuck with just being able to wipe myself down, add deodorant and change back into work clothes.

A few months ago I got promoted to the quality assurance team for our department which has caused most of my peers to alienate me. I don't want to be known for being smelly, sweaty or unclean since I can't get a shower in after my run.

For those of you that work in an office environment, do you see coworkers working up a sweat on their breaks? Is running something I should save for after hours?

I know most of you will say not to worry about what other people think but it is important for my advancement in the company to be accepted in the groups and not be known as an outcast.


  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    Honestly? I did this once.... I sweat a lot, and it's stinky sweat. My face turns red and I lose all of my make up. I will never do it again. But a couple of days a week I take a short lunch so I can leave early and get to the gym before all of the other 8-5ers get there.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Personally- I probably wouldn't risk it. If your coworkers aren't into exercise, they may think you're a bit obsessive. I feel it won't do any good and MAY do harm so I wouldn't in your situation.
  • Jaja_Joli
    Jaja_Joli Posts: 17 Member
    I also work in a office and I run and workout on my lunch break.. I just use wipes and change from head to toes… everything comes off. I don’t always have time at night and run 4 times a week and do some classes (boot camp, circuit training 2-3 times a week). Without my lunch break, there is no way I could train the way I do, 4 to 6 hours a week.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I have showers at work, but I still honestly don't want to: change, walk/run, then shower & change in the hour that is my lunch time.

    Part of it has to do with VA summers & high noon sun (I get sunburned easily & badly), other part is I know the Co-workers would "talk" about me being "that" person.... like the One other who Already does That.

    Nope, I walk.... as the weather heats up, I'll walk slower or wait until after work.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Honestly? I did this once.... I sweat a lot, and it's stinky sweat. My face turns red and I lose all of my make up. I will never do it again. But a couple of days a week I take a short lunch so I can leave early and get to the gym before all of the other 8-5ers get there.

    I tend to sweat a lot too and my face can get pretty red. I don't wear makeup. I wish I could leave work early but that is a no go here. Thank you for your input :)
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I have showers at work, but I still honestly don't want to: change, walk/run, then shower & change in the hour that is my lunch time.

    Part of it has to do with VA summers & high noon sun (I get sunburned easily & badly), other part is I know the Co-workers would "talk" about me being "that" person.... like the One other who Already does That.

    Nope, I walk.... as the weather heats up, I'll walk slower or wait until after work.

    I'm worried that they would would talk about me too but I'm pretty sure some of them already talk about me because I walk my entire lunch.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I live in Florida and it is already pretty warm here, so no, I wouldn't run during my lunch break unless I could shower afterward, as a simple courtesy to anyone who had to come near me the rest of the day!

    One thing I would never base my decision on is whether my co-workers were talking about me. My lunch hour is my time and my business. So is yours.

    If it is warm where you are, then running and not taking a shower afterward is a no in my book, if you want to be viewed as professional.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    I work in an extremely formal/conservative office and a lot of my coworkers exercise during lunch. I have before, but I usually limit to weight lifting or yoga or something but that's only because I sweat a TON when I run and continue to sweat for like an hour afterward. Attractive, I know. But, my point is, if you can make it work, then do it!
  • helpers1
    helpers1 Posts: 98 Member
    I work in upper management and run an office of 10+ women. We are in Florida. There is no way I can workout outside. I have a ton of weight to lose - I hired a trainer 3 months ago to train me on my lunch hour 3 x week. I no longer spend that lunch hour hunched in my car eating fast food in some abandoned parking lot to get away from the office. At first I was worried what they would say - now I don't really care. Because no one even knew at first - they even commented to me on how nice I smelled one afternoon (thank you, Secret deodorant spray). I do not shower at the gym - I use dry-shampoo and luckily I have that wild kind of hair anyways, so I can kinda "sjuzz" it in. They started commenting on my weight loss, and I started a weight-loss support group with them a couple weeks ago, and now some of them are also working out at lunch. Embrace your goals!
  • If you had the option to shower or freshen up aftwewards I probably would , but maybe just leave work a little early to go run after work.. good luck with that:smile:
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I'm in QA too. I'm the investigator for my company. I walk briskly during my lunch and I do break a sweat. I change into sweats and a t-shirt and then change back after a good wipe down with some nicely scented body wipes.

    I think that you should do what is best for you as long as you clean up and don't stink up the place then nobody should be concerned :laugh:
  • Schmidt722
    Schmidt722 Posts: 35 Member
    Ooh, that's tough. Sometimes I swim on my lunch break and come back with "swim hair" and no one bats an eyelash. BUT! I work for a casual company that specializes in sports apparel, so...

    You're going to know your work situation better than anyone else. Since it doesn't sound completely inappropriate (as it might in some careers), if I were you I'd try it once or twice and get a sense for how comfortable you feel keeping it up, and whether or not your post-run "look" could potentially hinder your career advancement. While I can swim on my lunch break at THIS job, I've had others where it really wouldn't be considered okay to come back looking as I do. Try it once, see how it goes?
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    I work in an office and head to the gym on my 1 hour lunch break...get in about 45 minute workout (15 minute goes to driving and changing). I change ALL my clothes before working out, use body wipes, body spray and pressed powder on my face ( I wear minimal make up). I used to walk on breaks (lots of people do that here) but it just wasn't enough intensity and I was just bored of walking.

    I sweat alot and I don't have a problem going back to work other than I think my face is flushed a bit:) In my situation I'm in an air conditioned gym...but I still run at least 30 minutes on the treadmill (or elliptical) and strength train so I'm definitely exerting energy. No one has said anything so far to me and a couple co-workers who know what I'm doing have been really supportive.

    Being able to do this on my lunch break works best for me because morning and evening surround the craziness of toddlers and extracurriculars:)

    Maybe give it a shot a couple times....I'm sorry to here that your work environment/co-workers sound a little rude. Remember to take care of yourself though:)

    Good luck!
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    Well, know I'm going to be one of the ones that says, "Who cares what they think!!!"

    However, since I know you...and I know what you're dealing with...I will say this... plan it right, I think you can do it. What about this? Instead of running for 30+ minutes, maybe try just running for 20 minutes, and work on speed? That way, you have plenty of time to get back to the bathroom, wipe your entire body down with wipes (they sell some GREAT ones at any drugstore or chain store...I'll look some up for you), slap on a bunch of deodorant, brush your hair (would it be possible to bring a hair drier to blast it back in place??), and spray some pretty smelling spray on yourself. You'd have enough time for the redness in your face to fade...then, you can hold your head up high and come back to work.

    Here's how I look at it. You already walk your entire lunch break. Why not bump it up a notch and run? If not run, what about a steady jog? There are a gazillion and two products out there that you can use to get yourself back into "professional mode" in 10 minutes or less.

    What better example can a Quality Assurance rep make than by making assurances that her OWN quality of life is the best it can be?

    Just sayin'!

    Loves you! :-)
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Well, know I'm going to be one of the ones that says, "Who cares what they think!!!"

    However, since I know you...and I know what you're dealing with...I will say this... plan it right, I think you can do it. What about this? Instead of running for 30+ minutes, maybe try just running for 20 minutes, and work on speed? That way, you have plenty of time to get back to the bathroom, wipe your entire body down with wipes (they sell some GREAT ones at any drugstore or chain store...I'll look some up for you), slap on a bunch of deodorant, brush your hair (would it be possible to bring a hair drier to blast it back in place??), and spray some pretty smelling spray on yourself. You'd have enough time for the redness in your face to fade...then, you can hold your head up high and come back to work.

    Here's how I look at it. You already walk your entire lunch break. Why not bump it up a notch and run? If not run, what about a steady jog? There are a gazillion and two products out there that you can use to get yourself back into "professional mode" in 10 minutes or less.

    What better example can a Quality Assurance rep make than by making assurances that her OWN quality of life is the best it can be?

    Just sayin'!

    Loves you! :-)

    How is possible that you always have the best advice ever? I loves you!
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member

    How is possible that you always have the best advice ever? I loves you!

    Because I am filled with nothing but pure awesomeness...

    ...and a lot of fat.

    And because you're my BFF, so naturally, these things just happen. ;-)
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I used to walk outside during my lunch, I'd get a bit sweaty if it was hot out, but not too bad. But, running? I sweat like crazy. There is no way I could go for a run outside in anything over like 55 degrees and not come back dripping in sweat. Deodorant wouldn't cut it. My hair gets really gross, and I have short hair! I just know I'd feel gross, which would lead to me feeling self-conscious, if I couldn't shower after a run.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Who cares what your coworkers think and whether or not they're going to talk about you? Is it going to effect your performance? Will you be fired because you went for a run and didn't *gasp!* shower after? When I worked for Corporate America I KNOW people talked about me negatively and I really couldn't have cared less because they weren't my friends and I had nothing in common with them any way.

    With that said where I worked had a gym with showers but there were plenty of people who would work out, sweat and do a wash-up in the sink because they didn't have time to shower and I never thought they were gross or stinky. Heck I did it a few times my self.

    Bring body spray and spray yourself after the run and make sure you put on more deodorant.
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    I run 6-7 miles during my lunch hour 3 days per week. I am not much of a "sweater" but when I come back, I wipe myself with wet wipes, spray on some Dr. Scholl's foot spray (I wear Vibrams), slap on some deoderant and go.

    If I smell a little sweaty, too effing bad. I don't like how some of them douse themelves in perfume either.

  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hey everyone, just looking for some opinions here.

    I'm training myself to run and have started to love it. I can 30+ minutes at a time without any walking intervals and I would like to start increasing my speed as I have a 5k coming up in June. I have an hour long lunch at work and usually walk 50 minutes during it. There are plenty of safe areas to walk/run near my work. I have thought about the idea of running during my lunch break for 30 minutes which would give me enough time to change into running clothes, do a little bit of warm up and cool down walking and change back into work clothes.

    My work bathroom is next to our business lobby which means that a decent chunk of my coworkers would see me before and after my run. There are no showers here so I'd be stuck with just being able to wipe myself down, add deodorant and change back into work clothes.

    A few months ago I got promoted to the quality assurance team for our department which has caused most of my peers to alienate me. I don't want to be known for being smelly, sweaty or unclean since I can't get a shower in after my run.

    For those of you that work in an office environment, do you see coworkers working up a sweat on their breaks? Is running something I should save for after hours?

    I know most of you will say not to worry about what other people think but it is important for my advancement in the company to be accepted in the groups and not be known as an outcast.

    i run during my lunch break - did today actually, 5 miles sweating like a pig. stinky no why because i make sure to give myself enough time to clean up and i pick times where i know i will have at least 10/15 minutes of alone time at my desk even after i come back. i love it and my coworkers all know i go out and run at lunch. it's great because they see the changes in me and will comment on it which then makes me feel great. my office has a small gym that i use (it's me about 7-8 guys that work out almost daily except on nice days then i go for my run), heck even our ceo uses the gym on occasion (which is why we have it).

    my office does have showers in our little locker room (ie the bathroom) but i hardly use them i just buy ponds wipes and wipe down then deodorant and lotion. my coworkers have gotten used to seeing me all red faced when i return but that only lasts for a few minutes.
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I try to run during my lunch break, as I have a hard time fitting it @ home being a single parent taking care of house & stuff. Fortunately we do have a shower, but I still come back red faced and sometimes even with wild hair and no makeup, depending on if I can fit the time in to hair spray and put makeup back on. I think changing ALL of your clothes, and wiping down with wipes and using deodorant and maybe a scented and/or deodorant lotion should be adequate. My coworkers are all very supportive of each other but I am sure I get some whispered comments about the crazy look sometimes! :-) If folks @ your work are not supportive, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. You have to MAKE the time to take care of yourself. No one will take care of you but you.... It is too easy to find "reason" not to exercise, but we all know we need it.... Best of luck!
  • EKN1417
    EKN1417 Posts: 34 Member
    I go to the gym and lift weights or run outside (if it's nice enough) or inside (if its' not) 3 times a week during my work breaks. I am in a very similar situation: no shower. So far, none of my co-workers have said anything. As far as I know, they have no idea what I'm doing during my lunch breaks :)

    Some tips:
    -Is there a park close to you with bathrooms you can change in? I've found it easier to change NOT at work. I leave work in my normal clohtes and change somewhere else. If a park bathroom is not available, you coudl try changing in your car, gas station bathroom, wherever you can make it work. I often go to my work bathroom to change into a sports bra under my nromal work clothes to make the process easier.
    -work with a messy hairstyle to begin with. Loose curls, braids, etc all hold up better than stick straight hair in my experience during a sweaty workout. Oh, and BRING DRY SHAMPOO. Best invention ever.
    -Leave yourself plenty of time to cool down after your run. You will be sweaty and your face will be red. Make sure you have time to cool down and recover so you look normal by the time you get back to work. You may have to stop 5 minutes early to make sure this is possible.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    Kind of ironically, yesterday was "my half hour lunch/leave at 4:30 go go train" day (I do boot camp 2 days a week). I was in the bathroom, having already changed and was putting my hair in a ponytail. Two "women" were in there washing their hands and they were whispering to eachother. Then all of a sudden one of them turned to me and said "Can't you do all of that after you get to the gym?" I quickly responded "Where I workout, we don't have locker rooms", grabbed my stuff and walked out. I felt like kind of a bad *kitten* :smokin:
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    I prefer to go to the gym on my lunch instead of the evening when I get off work. I work out 30-45 minutes and definitely break a sweat. I dont have time to shower at the gym so I do as others have suggested . . . . . wipe down and change back into my work clothes.

    I'm fortunate that I have an office, but since I dont smell after my "bird bath" and deoderant, I would also work out at lunch if I had a cubicle.

    Forget what others think - do whats convenient for YOU.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I work in an office environment. At lunch I usually ride my bike for 45 minutes and get sweaty. No showers here either. I bring a wash cloth, towel and deodorant to work to clean up with. There is no odor for anyone to notice. I've done it for years.
  • I LOVE RUNNING. I run everyday during my lunch. We have treadmills here in our PT department, but I am sure you could run outside. Its just too hot in the summer. I come into work 20 minutes early and I run for 60 minutes. I sweat ALOT but I keep hydrated. I bring a change of undies, baby wipes, deodorant and whatever other necessities I need. I really dont care what my coworkers think, though I will admit lately there seem to be more people walking and using the treadmills downstairs. Hmmm I wonder why? No I dont stink! I shower before I come to work and I make sure to also bring a little bit of powder. Now mind you I live in the desert. I also run on the weekends outside so at this point I clock 24-30 miles a week. My advice is to do what is right for you. Your co-workers are not the ones that are going to take care of your health. You may even inspire others to make a change. I spoke with my CAO and asked if I could come in earlier to increase my run time. He was fine with it and guess what, he is now taking walks at lunch. PS When I get back from my run, Im ready to conquer anything they throw my way. BTW I eat after I run.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    At my last job, I used to run during my lunchbreak but we had showers. At my current job there are no showers hence I don't run at lunch. I wouldn't do it unless I could have a shower.
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    I run almost every day during my lunch break. It is my thing...I've done it for over 3 years.... everyone knows where I go during lunch. I work in a financial institution with a very conservative dress code.... and it has never, ever been an issue when I return from my lunch break in my workout gear... sweating and looking like a wet cat before I hit the locker-room. In fact, I am admired for it. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people in my 3000 employee campus know me for my running at luch break routine and will talk to me about how much they admire the freedom I feel to get sweaty during business hours.

    Just be prepared. You will need an extra set of undies and you will probably need to shower, but baby/wet wipes can help you not to smell, but not so helpfull to cool down your body temp.

  • sarahroseconroy
    sarahroseconroy Posts: 37 Member
    I often run in my break and i feel the more often i do it the better i am at being in a routine with it, i run for 30 mins then spend the other 30 wiping, changing sprayng perfume and eating my lunch, if anyone says anything they are only jealous that they arent doing it :) the best thing is at 5pm you can head home and put your feet up! win win situation!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I would do it!!! I walk to work everyday (late mornings) and I sweat on the way. When I get to work, I turn on my desk fan to cool down and spray a little body spray and that about does it. I have also gone outside during lunch and completed 30 minutes of ball exercises and I come back in and do the same thing. I have a whole office of women who would tell me if I did not smell good. I would go for it.