Need to lose 50 Pounds and I am going Low-Carb



  • Jenn_Lyn1102
    Jenn_Lyn1102 Posts: 219 Member
    Amen!! :happy:

    That is not true... That is nothing to do with low carb... That is the same reason why every diet fails... People lose commitment and focus and fall back into bad habits and that's why they put on weight. Low carb is a very effective way to lose fat and there is no reason why it can't be sustainable in the long run providing you remain committed, which is what is required for any healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • Dawnomite
    Dawnomite Posts: 37 Member
    She said LOW carb not NO carb. BIG difference. I sent you a friend request!!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member

    Are you a doctor? Do you know her medical history? So how do you know LC is the worst thing for her? LC is NOT a diet, its a way of eating for MANY.

    Keto (low carb) is the only thing that has helped my PCOS/Insulin resistance.
    Instead of 3-5 migraines a month - I have had ONE in the last 4. I have had this problem since I was 9 and NO medication worked.
    Instead of being on medication for my osteoarthritis in my hips and degenerative disc disease in my lower back, I do NOT have to take prescription pain pills and now can just use Aleve when the pain gets uncomfortable.
    I have been able to start a C25k program.
    I have battled insomnia since I was a teen. These last 4 months on Keto - I actually get to sleep 5 hours without waking up. Which, isn't a lot, but when you are someone who wakes up every 1-2 hours and tosses and turns all night, its a blessing.
    I have more energy. No more afternoon slumps.
    I have no cravings which is awesome since I battled an eating disorder years ago.
    I find Keto be the easiest way of eating I have ever tried in my whole life.

    If it's so unhealthy why does it work so well to treat cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer and epilepsy? If it was so unhealthy as you stated, Dr. would recommend it to anyone. And they do. And it helps.

    So, go on and tell me how your "diet" or way of eating is so much better than mine.

    What works for you isn't going to work for someone else. Until people on MFP understand that this is not a "one-size-fits-all" website the sooner we can all just agree to disagree.

    Most people here act like they are Drs, Nutritionist, Dietitians, and Scientists - when they aren't. If this is you, stop acting like that. Most of you are just giving out misinformation which only confuses people more. You don't know the persons medical history so stop telling them what they should or should not be doing. Instead, tell them they should go talk to their Doctors. Giving advice is one thing, but telling them something is stupid and unhealthy just shows how smart you really are.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Hey WTG,

    I think people freak when a person says low-carb because we all assume you mean NO BREAD, NO RICE, NO SUGAR EVAR!!!

    And that's just silly.

    I would never say that I do low-carb, but I certainly don't eat as much carbs as before when I'm trying to lose.

    I eat stir fry without rice, I make tacos using seaweed instead of tortillas.

    I still eat rice and tortillas sometimes, just not as much as I did before and I can tell I have improved. I FEEL better and I have lost weight.

    Keeping your calories in check is the realy MUST but set your macros and try to stay in that rance. Play with adding foods to your diary for the whole day and see what you can fit in!

    Carbs are important. All food is important. balance is important.

    so there :):)
  • Jenn_Lyn1102
    Jenn_Lyn1102 Posts: 219 Member
    I am into my 3rd month of the Carb Nite Solution, and I am loving it. It has completely changed my outlook on eating, and making better choices. Carb Nite consists of 30g of carbs a day, then every 4th night you can have a 'Carb Nite'. If you would like me to send you the e-book let me know! Or Google it! Good luck!!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Wait, is low carb under 100g a day? Will that help at all? Curious.
  • runner_gurl76
    runner_gurl76 Posts: 37 Member
    I would also suggest reading The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson (check out his website too -
    His approach is right on.

    I am relatively low carb <60g/day simply by eating meats, veg, and fats.
    If you cut out the processed junk of the SAD your carbs will automatically be lower.
    Hard to eat 200+g carbs from veg and meat.

    Good luck, you can do it!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I am starting back on Low-Carb. I have to lose 50 pounds. What I worry the most about is cooking everything at home. I like to cook, but low carb sometimes can take twice the time and effort. So, I am going to try to make things run smoothly. I know it will get easier with practice.

    The books I have read, Protein Power, Why We Get Fat, and Metabolism Miracle. I am a firm believer in Low Carb! :smile:

    Best of luck to you! I am also 'lower carb' ... I try to keep my carbs around 100g a day, and mostly from veggies and some fruits. There is a low-carbers forum group that has lots of good idea. I found a great website for cooking recipes from that group - I have to watch the calories from fat in some of the recipes, but I really like the lasagna, and the cheeseburger pie recipes. It really helps to have some good tasting recipes to try to stay on track. Feel free to friend me if you would like to!
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    I love low carb -- well, that is to say, my body feels so much better when I eat low carb. It is tough to sustain in the long run, but my body feels best with a ketogenic diet: low carb, high fat, moderate protein. Another book you may want to read is: The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living.

    There is a lot of ongoing research about ketogenic diets. Listen to the medical professionals and your body and do what is right for you. You will find so many naysayers here who have a lot of opinions. There are keto groups and low carb groups here at MFP. You may want to do a search and friend some of those people.

    Good luck!
  • Kindone
    Kindone Posts: 138 Member
    I have a dear friend who lost... a whole person.. doing the Dukan diet. She is doing it to the letter and is working toward maintenance now, I believe. I have never seen such a dramatic and constant loss on a person I know in my life. That said, I could never do that plan as I could not give up vegetables every other day and I really can't handle dairy. I am conditioned to avoid starchy carbs as much as possible and I generally keep carbs between 95-150 a day.

    I wish you great success!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    What kind of low carb are you going? I are you doing Low simple carbs or low carb in general? I Eat Low Carb because I am insulin resistant and I still get from 80-150 grams of carb a day. I eat Brown Rice, Wild Rice, one serving of Fruit, and Lots of Veggies for my carbs along with Quinoa. There are lots of recipe's out there that warm up nicely in the microwave. I cook on the weekends when I have time and freeze meals in individual sized servings. I use Skinny Taste and Like the page "Just Eat Real Foods" I get a lot of receipes from there.

    Just remember that good low-carb dieting is not removing all carbs from your diet it is removing the BAD Carbs from your diet.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Wait, is low carb under 100g a day? Will that help at all? Curious.
    Technically there is no medical or scientific definition for low-carb.

    For example, the American Diabetes Association considers "low-carb" under 45% intake of calories from carbohydrate ... which is most-certainly NOT low carb (but that's what they base their 'low-carb doesn't work for diabetes' evidence on.)

    Atkins 'low-carb' uses an induction phase, which is around 20g of carbohydrate a day, followed by a 25-45g phase and a 50-70g phase.

    Most people who are diabetic or insulin-resistant for any other reason have under 100g.

    Those who opt for a more-strict ketogenic approach usually start with 20-30g a day and level off at between 5 and 10% of calories once keto-adaptation is achieved, with a minumum of 65% of calories from fat.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I did low carb (South Beach) when I started in December. I stayed in phase 1 for more than a month because I felt so good doing it. Once I started adding healthy whole grain carbs and fruit back into my diet I found it easy to lose weight. I don't eat too many white carbs and can do without sweets. If it works for you... do it and don't worry about other people!! You are the one living in your body and know what it needs.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    good luck but that has never worked for me...mainly because if u dont do low carb basically forever you will gain back the weight FAST...

    That is not true... That is nothing to do with low carb... That is the same reason why every diet fails... People lose commitment and focus and fall back into bad habits and that's why they put on weight. Low carb is a very effective way to lose fat and there is no reason why it can't be sustainable in the long run providing you remain committed, which is what is required for any healthy diet and lifestyle.

    ^^^Amen to this.^^^ The only way that you would gain weight faster after going off of a lower carb regimen is if you lost more muscle mass on that type of diet (as opposed to a conventional low calorie or low fat diet) and the jury is still out on that one.

    What has been really helpful to me OP is using whey protein for one meal a day (usually dinner). I fix dinner for my husband and he can have whatever he wants (he loves high carb stuff like ravioli or spaghetti for dinner, which is a no-no for me on my plan) and I get a yummy shake that keeps me going till bedtime.

    My favorite is two scoops of (stevia-sweetened) whey protein, 4 oz. of fresh organic strawberries, 1/4 cup of organic full-fat yogurt, 1/3 cup of a cup of avocado (or sometimes organic raw baby spinach and coconut oil) and a cup of water. If you decide to go that route, you should get the best whey protein you can find. I use one that comes from New Zealand and it contains other good-for-you substances. Plus, they test regularly for noxious substances. Most of the best ones now are stevia-sweetened (an herb). I don't particularly care for the taste of stevia but when you get all the other stuff in there, you don't notice. Good luck! :smile:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did low carb (South Beach) when I started in December. I stayed in phase 1 for more than a month because I felt so good doing it. Once I started adding healthy whole grain carbs and fruit back into my diet I found it easy to lose weight. I don't eat too many white carbs and can do without sweets. If it works for you... do it and don't worry about other people!! You are the one living in your body and know what it needs.


    I will probably never go back to eating much grain because, other than rice or steel-cut oats, it doesn't appear to agree with me. My arthritis has been amazingly better since I cut out gluten (I cut out wheat first and now I've cut out rye as well). Even though I only ate one piece of rye bread a day (at the most) I can totally tell the difference since I cut that out as well--must be the gluten as my chronic digestive problems have gone away as well. Not everyone needs to do that though.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi I'm also looking for some buddies on here, I have about 30lb to loose and am doing reduced carbs, its worked for me so far and I've lost about 25lb. Only just really got into using myfitness pal a couple of weeks ago. I registered a couple of years ago but it wasn't as user friendly then. I set myself quite a low calorie level and bump it up with exercise, this makes me do more so I can eat more.

    Have you set your macros to losing 1/2 pound per week? That is usually what they advise here for being within ten pounds of your goal weight.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I am getting to suggest something a little different - not low carb but lower carb...

    By this I mean about 100g or so on non training days. This will be enough to keep liver glycogen topped up (for both men and women as the storage capacity is roughly the same) which effects stuff like CNS and brain function.

    This gives you wiggle room for maybe a few sweet treats you make like but will help you focus on keeping the amount of fresh veg high in your diet and helps with cravings.

    On training days then add in about 30 - 50g more carbs if you are involved in high intensity training (like weights or HIIT) or long endurance work. Calories will rise therefore.

    I don't see much compelling reason to drop below this unless you have a specific medical reason and you won't experience the downsides of keto diets (such as the transition period which I understand can be horrendous.)

    Good luck whatever you do!
  • wildfirediva
    The grill, crock pot and pressure cooker are my favorite tools in the kitchen.

    My nutritional regime is constantly getting tweaked. However I feel better on a Lower Carb (definitely under 175 usually less- mostly higher fiber, nutrient dense fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, some beans and grains) . My protein macro is 100+g of Protein a day. usually strive for 1g/lb of lean body mass.

    Very Low Carb (VLC)/Keto can work for many people. I loved its ability to help break my sweet tooth and go back to it occasionally for 3 weeks to help balance out.

    Pay attention to your body's signals. In doing that you will find the magic ratio of what will work for you. Just do your research as the are many resources out there. Find what resonates with you and go from there.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    Yes, pizza beer and wine is MUCH healthier..
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Please ignore everything this spammer says.
    low carb sometimes can take twice the time and effort.

    Sounds like a good reason not to do low carb to me.

    Life's too short to make eating twice as hard as it needs to be.
    Well, when a person is insulin-resistant it's worth the effort. Honestly, I've been low-carb (to ketogenic levels) for 2 and a half years and don't find it takes any more time or effort than any other style of healthy eating.

    It takes more time and effort than pulling through McDonald's 3x a day, sure, but if you're insulin-resistant and need to watch your carbohydrate intake then you do what you need to.

    That being said though, you could still eat low-carb and eat fast-food multiple times a day if you want... Burgers without buns, salads without croutons and full-fat dressings and cheese, (extra full-fat dressing), subway turned into a salad instead of in a bun, get a few cheap tacos and throw it in a bowl without the tortilla, etc... Tom Naughton did exactly that in his documentary "Fat Head", eating nothing but fast-food and staying well under 100g of carbohydrate a day, losing weight and improving his health tremendously.

    There just doesn't need to be THAT much effort put into eating low-carb once you realize all the possibilities.

    I would agree totally with what albertabeefy has said. Once you get into the swing of things, it isn't difficult. And it helps you to avoid trouble. I already know what I'm not going to eat before I go to a party, etc. instead of having to obsess over " is that 1/2 cup or 1/3 of a cup---wah!...where's my food scale?!" I just eat a normal portion of salad, seafood, meat, vegetables, etc. and skip the cake or pie. I then just nurse a cup of decaf or tea while they're stuffing their faces full of dessert. :wink: Simple, easy...