I'm shaking my head at this advice



  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    The most frightening part of this entire post.
    I spent my whole half hour busride telling you all this because I am a health advisor and a nutritionist by trade.

    This is why you never trust 'professionals' completely folks. They're just as prone to being complete idiots as anybody else.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    The most frightening part of this entire post.
    I spent my whole half hour busride telling you all this because I am a health advisor and a nutritionist by trade.

    This is why you never trust 'professionals' completely folks. They're just as prone to being complete idiots as anybody else.

    Also not very hard to become one really. I could do that in my lunchtime lol
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    'Vegan' and 'eat chicken/beef' don't really go together haha.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Well 1800-2200 calories is a good level for me to lose weight.

    But I'm 5'9", relatively active and 160lbs.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    The most frightening part of this entire post.
    I spent my whole half hour busride telling you all this because I am a health advisor and a nutritionist by trade.

    This is why you never trust 'professionals' completely folks. They're just as prone to being complete idiots as anybody else.

    Actually I think qualified nutritionists/dieticians are very knowledgable - the problem is with amateur unqualified know-it-all people calling themselves vague titles like health advisers and then taking it upon themselves to tell everyone else what to do.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    My head hurt
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Well 1800-2200 calories is a good level for me to lose weight.

    But I'm 5'9", relatively active and 160lbs.

    Yes but even then, this person is saying ANYTHING under 1800 calories & you will not lose weight you will only maintain. :noway:

    All night I've been pissed off at that person.... all damn night.
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    I am a vegan. I just felt I should take the opportunity to tell you that not all vegans think like this. And we definitely don't all try to "convert" people. In fact, most of the vegans I have met are against pushing their beliefs on others. I just wanted to write that here so people don't get the wrong idea about us. Like anything else, it's the extremists who get the most attention because they are the loudest and put themselves out there the most. But they are rarely an accurate representation of the whole group. Just wanted to clarify. I'll stop rambling now.
  • nicsalt
    nicsalt Posts: 86 Member
    Many people are unaware that any lay person can call themselves a "Nutritionist". There is no certification or regulating governing body for "nutritionists". You can have ZERO training or education and sell yourself as a nutritionist. I would only take nutritional advice seriously if it came from a highly educated, certified, licenced, well-trained professional like a Registered Dietician.

    Also, anyone with half a brain who is mentoring or counselling a client with weight loss needs would emphasize exercise as an EQUALLY important part of their program. If they told me you can lose weight (in a healthy way) without exercise I'd be as skeptical as if they tried to tell me ultra low cal diets or rapid weight loss would be healthy or sustainable. Red flags!!

    In a nutshell, if you eat well but don't exercise you are wasting your time just as it would be a waste of time to exercise and then eat an unhealthy diet.

    I hope your friend sees the light.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I eat 10 eggs a day mostly whites, but I have seen the blood work from people who eat 4 yolks a day and let me tell you. Someone eating a few yolks and a balanced diet is FAR better than the average joe lol.

    I like to call those guys hippies
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    'Vegan' and 'eat chicken/beef' don't really go together haha.

    That's what I was thinking. Personally, I lose best by exercising 30-60 minutes every day and getting around 2000 -2200 calories a day. My net calories are lower though. I like to eat.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    My favorite is the part about your body producing its own fat when you starve yourself.

    Mine too.

    And Microwaves changing DNA.

    I see what they're *trying* to say but... no.


    hands down my favorite response.

    Id be really upset in all honesty if that was my health advisor. That's not advice. If you read it carefully, that's what the individual does to maintain his/her own body weight. Now I'm no expert, clearly, but I do know that each person has an individual chemical makeup and certain are proven to work some folks and not for some. There are lots of variables to consider such as height, diet, GENETICS..etc.

    I really hope your friend just comes to hang out with us in MFP land. :) Good luck
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    LOL I like that this person was giving advice while on the bus. Maybe they should be promoting good health my biking or walking. ;)
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    As a Nurse part of my job is to educate clients on healthy eating for reducing cholesterol, and weight loss.
    Reading this, knowing just how inaccurate the advise was

    Just made me laugh, and laugh...

    I hope no one actually believes any of it!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hmmmm.... I must be a freak of nature because I eat at least one egg almost every day and I've lost 18 lbs in just over 2 months. Can you please tell me what's wrong with me? :huh:

    Since you asked....youre wearing a Steelers jersey
  • nicsalt
    nicsalt Posts: 86 Member
    As a Nurse part of my job is to educate clients on healthy eating for reducing cholesterol, and weight loss.
    Reading this, knowing just how inaccurate the advise was

    Just made me laugh, and laugh...

    I hope no one actually believes any of it!

    I too am an RN and saw through it pretty quickly. There's something to said for the value of Registered health professionals which that person obviously is not. haha
  • sknopster
    sknopster Posts: 11 Member
    Re: pinkraynedrop @ 9:08 pm Eastern 4/24/13

    DEFINITELY AGREE... eat at least 5 times per day... 6 is better. Eat within 30 minutes of waking, then about every 3 hours. I recommend getting a body composition performed (about $60 at a hospital with weight management / bariatric procedures). If you know your At Rest Metabolic Rate (ARMR), then the rest is math... adding and subtracting calories. I attended the gastric bypass meeting which is required for all people who plan to have a gastric bypass. Once I understood that you will have to eat 6 times per day for the rest of your life, and SIP Water constantly, I decided to act as if I had the procedure performed. I lost 90 lbs in 7 months. For the last 5 months I quit using MFP and gained 17 pounds back!! I thought I had trained myself and could keep track in my head... NOPE! This site is my secret weapon!

    The nutritionist said every "meal" I must get 14 grams of protein, avoid sugar, and each of the six meals should be about 4-6 ounces in volume after being chewed (it's hard to imagine, but you get used to meal size). I used to eat 2 times per day, and I swear I am eating more food, better food and even more calories (there is something to the "starvation mode" theory).

    Ever wonder why MFP gives the projection; "If you were to eat this way every day, You'd weigh XXX after 5 weeks"?? Again, it's the math... for every 100 calories per day that you don't consume, you will lose 1 pound is 5 weeks. It keeps it simple... there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound of body fat. 7 days X 5 weeks = 35. 35 X 100 = 3,500 calories, or 1 pound of body fat (gained or lost).
  • sknopster
    sknopster Posts: 11 Member
    My guess is that this "Advice" is coming from a person who has a financial interest in California's farming/produce economy. I have been getting slammed with emails about drinking 8 ounces of Lemon juice per day to cure cancer! And similar "pass this on to someone you love" type spams. Nuts, citrus, vegetables... every one of these "pass this on" emails is tied directly to California's growers. This vegan who eats chicken and beef blew their scheme. Just my opinion from what I have been getting attacked with.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member

    Since I'm allergic to eggs, can someone explain to me (using this logic) why I gained weight eating 2000ish calories a day while not eating eggs?
  • sknopster
    sknopster Posts: 11 Member
    My best advice is to have a Body Composition performed as mentioned above. Once you know your At Rest Metabolic Rate (ARMR), you know what you have to eat to maintain your weight just for your body to function. It's probably around 1,500 to 1,800 or so. Then add to that, the amount of energy (in calories) burned each day during the course of your typical day. Say 500, or if you are disabled, ill, or otherwise immobile then your ARMR is the number of calories you can consume without gaining weight. For every 100 calories per day less than that, you will lose 1 pound in 5 weeks. 3,500 calories in 1 pound of body fat. 7 days per week X 5 Weeks = 35. 35 X 100 calories = 3,500 or 1 pound of weight.