Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    sorry all - been out for too long - stuff just gets in the way - as for our challenge for July - I am at 172 - 2 pounds to go - I did make the 20 mile a week - whoo hoo!! training has increased to 60-90 min per workout - 5 days a week

    btw - this is sooooooo cool - had someone ask me how old i was the other day - told them 47 and they were like " get-out" i though you were in your 30's ......................
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Hey Guys. New around here but looking for some support and challenges. Looking forward to getting healthier with you all.

    Hey sticky - welcome to the group - i am always up for a challenge - what did you have in mind?
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    To all the weight training guys I con't help but remind you that while amount of weight lifted has some bearing, your form is the most importent thing. Lift slowly and with purpose and you will get the best results. Also from past experience you will have fewer injuries. I had a friend who used to brag about lifting 60 lbs in his curls and doing 5 sets, sounded great until I watched him, He was swinging all over the place and only getting about a tenth of the workout he should have.
    Casper I have never seen this 300 workout, I'll have to check it out thanks.

    Amen to this man - its is all about the form and the endurance not the amount of weight!! I couldn't agree with you more - I take a group power class at my gym twice a week and its all about slow steady endurance and proper form not amount of weight - we had a guy come in the other night that was huge - seen him work the free weights all the time - 15 minutes into the class he was dropping weight off his bar and huffin and puffin............
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Ok, Now for the "poor me" post but if I want answers I have to ask.

    Right now I am pretty much doing strictly 1 hour of elliptical in the morning for "exercise"

    It is easily log-able and that is the time I have allotted. I have tried to get up a bit earlier this week and add a stretch routine and 3 sets on the ab weight machine beforehand.

    Most days,I get off work at 5 and have to be at the park to officiate at 6 or 6:30 and officiate till 9-10 (Between 5-6 is when I eat and get ready)

    I do have Wednesday nights off and occasionally other nights but in-season not many M,T, Th or Fri do I not have games.

    How would you change up your routine to include weight training without giving up on the cardio training?

    Also, I need to incorporate weight training that does not require a spotter as I go alone therefore squats are out.

    I usually try to get to the gym by 6 and leave by 7:35 showered and ready for work. With the streach training I have been trying to get there about 5:40 or so.

    With going to bed in the 11 range (I need time to wind down after officiating) I really don't want to get up any earlier than I am now - 5:15-5:30.
    try some circuit training - also men's health has some great routines for cardio-weight training
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    OK Guys, I am now convinced that CasperO wants me dead! :)

    I cut my cardio workout short today in order to see where I was in relation to be able to even complete the 300 workout much less start timing it. I was embarrassed by my results but now I am convinced that I will complete this as designed.

    Today, as weak as they are, here are my results (I used the weights recommended):

    Chin Ups - 3 (Embarrassing I know) - They want 25
    Deadlifts - 20 - They Want 50
    Pushups - 25 - They Want 50
    Box Jumps - 20 - They Want 50
    Floor Wipers - 20 - They Want 50
    Clean and Press - 20 each arm = 40 - They Want 25 each arm for 50 total
    Chinups - 1 -They Want 25
    Time - 20 Minutes

    Next time I am going to try the modified MensHealth version and build up to the real thing eventually. I just wanted to see where I was the first time.

    Thanks CasperO, I know you want me dead but I am determined enough to not let this beat me and I have been looking for a new goal and you have given it to me on a platter.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You asked pal,,, :smile:

    I envy you. I'm not a member of a gym and just a whole lotta stuff in my life don't really allow me time to do stuff like this. I get out on the bicycle pretty regularly, swim in the river when I can. But a formal - scheduled workout time ain't happening for me right now.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Time was the big factor for me as well, so this one is designed to be quick therefore perfect for my needs.

    In all seriousness, Thanks!

    I have been wanting a true tangible goal for myself ever since I broke the 100 pound mark but was struggling to find one.

    I don't know how long it will take but I want to be able to complete this whatever the time frame may be. And then I want to beat the 18 minute mark listed in the articles.

    I always told my kids, It is better to set your goals too high and just miss them instead of setting them too low and blow them away.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I like the idea of the 300, but would definitely have to do the modified version - thanks for he link, CasperO.

    Umpire, if your gym has a supported pull up/dip machine, hammer out supersets of those and you will feel the burn and be able to maintain good form. I am thinking of renewing my gym membership just for that machine! :bigsmile:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm ahead of you guys by a few hours, so I'm posting my progress for the 4th of July challenge first:

    SW May 21, 255.0 Goal Weight : 245
    May 28 - 253.5
    June 4 - 251.5
    June 11 - 252
    June 18 - 249.8
    June 25 - 248.7

    My revised walk/bike/hike target is 200 miles and I've covered 162 so far.
    I have a good chance to reach the distance, but will probably miss my weight loss goal by a few pounds.
    The final outcome depends on this weekend. I'll be travelling to the north of the country for a family reunion and lots of food and alcohol are in order. We're considering a hike to the summit of Mt. Vermion (6,750 ft) on Saturday, though I'm not sure whether this is really going to happen or it's just talk. We'll see.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Check in time!

    Height 5'10"
    SW May 21, 255.4
    May 28 - 253.8.
    June 4 - 251.0
    June 11 - ???
    June 18 - 251.2
    June 25 - 249.8

    Goal: 245

    Dinos, looks like you are about a week ahead of me in terms of weight loss! :bigsmile:

    I'm going to get close to my weight goal, but I don't expect to hit it. C25K is another story. I seem to have hit a wall with the long intervals in weeks 7 and 8. I don't know if it is physical or mental. I may go back a week or two and repeat for a while or I may switch to the 8K program which is a little faster, but has shorter intervals with recovery periods. I don't want to stop running, but C25K has become a source of frustration.

    Looking back over my data, my weight loss has slowed in conjunction with my running. I'm not saying that running is keeping me from losing weight - my eating hasn't been the greatest for a long time - but there's a correlation, so I am also considering taking a cue from Dinos' cycling by focusing on mileage and time instead of sheer intensity. I'll let you know.

  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Weight check-in:

    5/21: 153
    5/28: ??? - was sick
    6/04: 152
    6/11: 151
    6/18: 147.7 - GOAL REACHED
    - 6/21: 147
    6/25: 149, +2 lb gain

    So I gained 2 lbs since Monday. It's probably water, I've been lifting heavy this week and I've stopped doing cardio during the week, only doing cardio during the weekends. It's weird to be tracking by weight at this point b/c the goal is to build more muscle at this point. I'm eating more larger meals, but keeping to the healthy stuff, chicken breast, brown rice, green beans, skim milk & protein shakes... Actually, it's kinda hard to ensure I'm getting muscle mass gains vs fat gains, I guess it's gonna be the mirror - maybe I should start taking weekly pictures, measure biceps, back, shoulders, etc and strength by how much I can lift.
  • summersmi
    summersmi Posts: 50 Member
    Hey I checked out the 300 workout thing and then went to the actual site for the gym the cast worked out in. On the gym's page it says that what mens health put up is not the actual workout but a test goal for the cast and crew. Meaning they used a variety of different workouts to be able to get to the point they could pass the 300 challenge. Here is the link so you can read for yourself. Look at the pictures also they are great.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Check in Time. After a week of not eating very well but getting my exercise in, I was surprised to see that I have only gained a 1/2 pound. I came in at 175.5 this week. I am hoping to lose another 2 this week but I haed out camping on Wednesday and get back on Sunday, so it will be tough. I will post my final results on the 5th.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I've been thinking about the 300 workout and my own goals. It'd be awesome to be as ripped as the guys in 300, but I think I have to build a base before I can be a bad *kitten* :bigsmile: Thanks, Summersmi for the link to gymjones (can't believe someone picked that name, hope they don't serve Koolaid...)

    I don't want to build muscle - I am 5'10" with have a 46 inch chest as it is (started at 50...looks like someone needs to have his suits altered...) my thighs are 26" and my waist is 40.5", I'm pretty balanced. I just need to get the jiggly parts to stop jiggling... and lose the man boobs :wink: don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. :laugh:

    So the idea of functional exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, builds endurance, and shreds fat is perfect for me. I'm looking at this workout as it is body weight focused and seems like it would compliment running and martial arts nicely. It looks like a really good core workout which is an area I've always felt weak. Incorporating this for eight weeks or so should help get me closer to the possibility of the 300 challenge.

    Does anyone here have experience with plyometrics? I want to incorporate that as well explosive strength is a good thing to have for martial arts, football, anything!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Morning Weigh in on my 39th Birthday 6/28/2010: 229.4
    Gain of 2.6 from last week but still over 100 from my 38th birthday which was my original "Big Goal"

    I have decided to stay with my normal cardio workout on M/W/F and on Tu/Th/S cut it in half and start trying to complete 300. I am going to start tomorrow with the "Alternate Plan" and go from there.

    Thanks for all the support guys.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Great job Ump, you've lost a middle schooler. I had a student in my motorcycle class this weekend that probably weighs less than what you've dropped. Kewl.

    Late checkin on the 7/4 challenge. My goals were to get the last few pounds off to make the weight goal and to get a little more off of my waist. Well,,, I'll prob make the pounds but the waist ain't budging. I don't know if I can get there, I'm stretching the tape over hipbones. (and that's pretty kewl,,, :smile: ).


    SW - 204
    Goal - 200 flat
    CW 6/28 - 201

    Starting waist - 34"
    Goal - 32"
    Current,,, still 34", dangit.

    Labor on gentlemen, endeavor to persevere. I had a student in moto class this weekend who's a gymrat at 6% bodyfat and I saw what REAL abs look like. I'm kind'a recharged by that, and I don't teach for the next 5 weekends so I have more time. I'm gonna work on it. :smile:
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Hey guys, I have good news to report! I got up this morning and decided to try on a pair of size 40 pants that I've been using as a test of how much weight I have lost. This morning, they fit. :bigsmile: Being a skeptic, I tried on three other pairs - they all fit. Sooo I decided to take 15 minutes to move the 44's out of my closet and into the spare bedroom and to move the size 40's into the bedroom. It feels good to have them in the closet.

    Suppose this means I should buy a pair of sze 36's to keep testing myself :wink:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member

    Labor on gentlemen, endeavor to persevere. I had a student in moto class this weekend who's a gymrat at 6% bodyfat and I saw what REAL abs look like. I'm kind'a recharged by that, and I don't teach for the next 5 weekends so I have more time. I'm gonna work on it. :smile:

    This morning I ran into Sophocles, an old friend of mine. (Not the ancient dramatist, I'm not that old. :tongue: )
    At age fifty he is competing in body building championships, has under 5% body fat and his abs are freaking scary. He looks like Conan the barbarian. Very impressive. Comparing this to my 23% BF, I look like a blob.

    I gave it some thought. Frankly, I don't really care for this extreme figure and I don't want to spend the rest of my life in the gym, eating grasshoppers and anabolics. What for? Even women are not attracted to this kind of herculean body. Right now I'd be very happy to work myself below 17% BF and tone my abs and upper body. :smokin:

    Chris, better buy yourself a measuring tape.
  • Robs_Journey
    Morning Weigh in on my 39th Birthday 6/28/2010: 229.4
    Gain of 2.6 from last week but still over 100 from my 38th birthday which was my original "Big Goal"

    I have decided to stay with my normal cardio workout on M/W/F and on Tu/Th/S cut it in half and start trying to complete 300. I am going to start tomorrow with the "Alternate Plan" and go from there.

    Thanks for all the support guys.

    Nice job Ump!! I hope to have the same results with the challenge I am starting. My weigh in on my 42 birthday (6/27/2010) was 254. It was also the first day of my personal 365 day challenge to change MY lifestlye.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I gave it some thought. Frankly, I don't really care for this extreme figure and I don't want to spend the rest of my life in the gym, eating grasshoppers and anabolics. What for? Even women are not attracted to this kind of herculean body. Right now I'd be very happy to work myself below 17% BF and tone my abs and upper body. :smokin:
    A year ago I might have said the same - You might rethink that when you get there,,, we'll see. I'm around 13%-ish, and 80% satisfied, but I want to cut a little more.