How much do you squat?



  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    Use the free bar on a squat rack please....just for your sake

    Why is the Smith Machine not recommended?

    These posts are pretty snarky, but the point comes across that it doesn't allow you to use true form and does a chunk of the work (stabilizing the weight) for you:

    2 main problems
    -it locks you in a straight up and down motion, this is not natural at all
    -due to the locked on rails motion you do not get any benefits of your stabilizing muscle groups

  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    You are all awesome! Love the info I am receiving! Makes complete sense that the SM isn't as good as doing the free bar. Stabilizing the weighted bar alone requires muscles to be engaged whereas the SM is stable on it's own. I'm a little nervous to switch over to the free bar. I just ventured into the coed area of the gym about 2 months ago or so. Before, I stayed in the women's center for over a year. I focused more on cardio and now I've switched to focus on strength training and muscle building. This is all new to me but I am addicted and love it. I can't wait to see the strength I can build!
  • tsimblist
    tsimblist Posts: 206 Member
    You can find a strength standards chart here for squats:

    It is gender, age and weight graded.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 576 Member
    33 year old, 350 lbs. I'm not 100% dedicated to losing weight - I focus on strength and speed for my throwing competitions.

    I have three styles of squats that I do to keep things balanced:

    - The normal, below parallel squat with controlled speed - I usually go with this style of routine (this was my numbers from this Saturday)

    5-7 at 135 lbs to loosen up
    5 each at 185 and 275.
    2 each at 365 and 455
    1 at 545
    1 at 600 (then another walkout and 2 half-squats at 600 for a PR cameraperson for the gym - definitely felt that in the morning)

    - Speed box squat - slow descent to just below parallel (sitting on a box), then shoot up as fast as possible (if the bar lifts up off my shoulders, it's a good speed):

    5-7 each at 135, 225, and 315

    - Paused squats - just like a normal squat, but I'll hold myself in the down position for 2-5 seconds. This is a "power out of the hole" exercise, as your muscles start to relax a little while you're sitting there, so starting the motion back up is that much harder.

    5-7 each at 135, 225, and 315
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!

    so go over there.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!

    so go over there.

    Agreed. Pretty sure it's not a "men's area" just that mostly men use it. They won't call you names or kick you out :)
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!

    so go over there.

    Agreed. Pretty sure it's not a "men's area" just that mostly men use it. They won't call you names or kick you out :)

    Also, don't be afraid of the "men's area". Frequently I'm the only woman there. They may look, but they aren't judging you! Probably more surprised / pleased to see a woman lifting.
    Men, back me up?
  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    Also, don't be afraid of the "men's area". Frequently I'm the only woman there. They may look, but they aren't judging you! Probably more surprised / pleased to see a woman lifting.
    Men, back me up?

    Correct. Most men don't even squat properly so if you squat properly to at least parallel you are doing better then them!

  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of squatting. :)

    The olympic bar is usually around 45 lbs, at least in my gym it is.

    I started out with just bar, got the perfect form then added on 10 lb plates on each side every couple of workouts.
    I am 106lbs and I do an unassisted squat of 45lb bar + 60lb in plates = 105 (i squat my body weight).

    Now with that said, it's not about the weight more than it is about your form. Don't compromise form for weight. No one is going to care how much you squat, your back and body will care if you do it wrong.

    It also depends on your goals. If you are looking to gain muscle, like me, then I go for heavier weight/less reps. I do 4 sets of 6 reps. If I drop the weight to a 85lb squat I go for 4 sets of about 10 reps.

    You will also want to vary your stance; wide, sumo, close, etc. Works different areas of the lower body.
    You will also want to try various holds: for instance my classic squat I do 105lbs but if I do front squat I do around 65 since it requires my arms to work as well.


    I was guessing the bar was 35lbs or more. I was close! I've watched some video's online for form and info. I'm just so new to it and doing it on my own. Looking for all the info I can get. Thanks for taking time to explain! I've been doing front loading squats too but I've only been holding 10lb plates on the shoulders (to the front) and doing reps of 10 for 3 or 4 sets.

    everyone has to start somewhere, never be discouraged by starting light and working your way up. It's better than the person trying to out do the person next to them and going home to a hurt lower back. Focus on the form. If you have to, set your iphone up and video tape yourself, that's what I did! You may THINK you are doing it right but until you see yourself doing the full motion you won't know. :) Rome wasn't built overnight :)
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!

    make that area yours too girl. i own the "men's" area!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Ok, so today I did reps of 5 for the following.

    10lbs on each for 20lbs
    15lbs on each for 30lbs
    20lbs on each for 40lbs
    25lbs on each for 50lbs
    35lbs on each for 70lbs
    40lbs on each for 80lbs

    Do I add the weight of the bar to each?

    I feel like I have good form. I do not rush the squat. I go parallel or below (at least I think I do).

    Oh...and weigh in at 172.

    Yeah you add the bar.

    I just started with this (discovered assisted squats which solves the back issue...) Did 135 lbs last Mon for 6 reps but I know I can do more.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!

    so go over there.

    Agreed. Pretty sure it's not a "men's area" just that mostly men use it. They won't call you names or kick you out :)

    Also, don't be afraid of the "men's area". Frequently I'm the only woman there. They may look, but they aren't judging you! Probably more surprised / pleased to see a woman lifting.
    Men, back me up?

    I am usually the only girl over there. I do get sorta weirded out when there gets t be more than a few guys around me. Too many people walking back and forth and getting weights and makes me nervous, like I'm in the way. But seriously.....I'm glad I got the courage to do it there instead of being stuck in the freezing ladies room. Plus, more eye candy =) Today there was a gorgeous man near me....ahhhhhhh!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!

    Yeah I don't think it's safe to squat without a rack for any real weight... try Hack Squats instead (hold the bar behind you at waist level; careful with your back and wrists) or use dumbbells at your sides.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    my biggest problem is that i cant actually lift anything heavier than 40lb to put on my shoulders!

    Well, you don't lift it from the ground. You lift it from a rack that you get under....and walk out from.

    we dont have that :( (well not in the ladies area, maybe in the mens) which is really annoying!

    so go over there.

    Agreed. Pretty sure it's not a "men's area" just that mostly men use it. They won't call you names or kick you out :)

    Yeah...we don't bite. I always like to give a thumbs up when I see a lady doing it right and lifting heavy free weights.
  • awppy
    awppy Posts: 4
    Yeah I don't think it's safe to squat without a rack for any real weight... try Hack Squats instead (hold the bar behind you at waist level; careful with your back and wrists) or use dumbbells at your sides.

    How do dumbbells compare to the barbell? I have both, but I don't have a barbell stand to lift from. Is it worth investing in (or building) a barbell stand or would dumbbells be reasonably sufficient?

    I imagine the way you hold them would be different, though.
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I know its been said...don't use the smith machine! Go to that "men's area", I guarantee once you get the hang of it, you'll feel very confident and awesome :)

    Regular olympic bar should weigh 45 lbs. My last squat was 95lbs.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    320 not including the bar, but now that I do dead lifts I prefer going heavy on those and only going up to 225 and going hypertrophy reps and a bajillion sets.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I just bought a squat rack for my home gym, and honestly, I think it's going to be my best fitness investment yet. I've been using kettlebells for goblet squats and front squats for a long time, so I have a lot of strength and good squat form, but being able to do heavy barbell back and front squats (not to mention all the other uses for a squat rack) is awesome.

    You can definitely make it work with dumbbells or kettlebells, though, if you don't have the room or money for a rack. You can't use as much weight as you could with a barbell, but you can still get an effective workout.