Beautiful Blues 5/18/10



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Got in home a few hours ago, and need to catch up on posts. Yesterday and today was going really good in terms of eating until people invited me to go out to restaurants. It's really hard to stay on track when eating out. I really prefer to eat at home because of this. Anyhow, people are commenting on how fit I look- yet the scale doesn't move- so something must be working. Today I'm counting as my exercise a 15 minute walk. Missed Plyo- aghhh.. I'll make it up tomorrow.

    Take care all!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just stopping by to tell you all goodbye for a little bit. I am leaving in the morning, and camping at the lake until Sunday night. I told my husband today that I am taking steaks to grill for our anniversary tomorrow night, and actually plan to eat one for the first time in about 18 months. But no potato - I bought fresh broccoli and tomatoes to cook with some dill and lemon pepper.

    I am hoping for good weather. Forecast is for about 90 every day, and 65 at night, with the usual midwest "chance of thunderstorms." I'm sure that we won't get the snowstorm that we had last trip, but hoping for no tornadoes. They always kind of put a damper on the festivities while we look for cover.

    I will really miss logging, since I am not even pre-logging like I usually do, but have my menu made and know that I am planning to eat good foods that will be in my plan. I will see you all next week, and until then, Here's to smart choices!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Debnu- Congrats on the weight loss, your hard work is paying off. Let me know how you like the free standing pull up bar. I just received my new bands with higher weights from beachbody. I hope those do the job for me.

    Mary- Happy anniversary and wish you a good trip free of storms. I know you will do great while there since you have your meals planned out.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hiya Blues.

    Have a great time Mary.

    Deb good luck with the pull up bar. I finally decided to use my Weight set that was sitting there, and I do pull downs instead of pull ups. (same muscles)
    Well I'm admitting to myself that I gained 5 lbs on vacation and honeymoon. It was worth it. I had my bad last weekend with a few treats.

    I haven't restarted P90x yet because it's been so nice here in Toronto, and I've gone out for some wogging. Today, just finished 6 kms (4 miles) in 44 mins. Previous time 48 mins. Eating lots of protein this time around is feeling good.

    I made cottage cheese pancakes this past weekend... AWESOME and easy.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mary I hope you have a great time! Happy Anniversary!

    Peter and Mayra, I hope I like the pull up bar too. My husband hates the ones that hook on the door jamb so I ended up with this one. It is my favorite out of what I have seen so we'll see. Here is the link if you want to see it.

    I think I can use it for quite a few things.

    Peter I really think it is ok to splurge--at times anyway. Life isn't worth living, if you don't take advantage of it. Awesome time on your wogging!

    It is raining here today. I am wondering if summer will ever come--but I guess it will and then I will be wishing for fall. :wink:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    this week...its seems to be flying by. I walked over 15 minutes today while shopping...will be making up today's workout this week. Wish you all a good night and awesome job everybody on working out every day!!!!

    Good night!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The week really is going fast! I just did shoulders and arms. I think that is one of my favorites. It is kinda fun to be able to lift 12 lb weights. :) I only did that for a few but cool none the less! I will get the new board up today! Lets bring it!