bad advice from dr. regarding my young teen daughter



  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    What the NP is advising is dangerous and I really think the NP got too big for her britches and over stepped. NPs are not doctors and dang sure not nutritionists. You daughter is young and if she gets in a pattern of under eating now she could mess up her development. Plus if she damages her metabolism now she will likely have proplems controlling her weight as a grown adult. I was severely under eating when I was a teen and not only did I mess up my metabolism, I also ate so little for so long it weakened my heart (damage is permanent and I have to manage it daily.) I am also now going through fertility issues but I don't have all the facts so I don't know what damage has been done at this point. Still more tests...

    Your daughter is too young and not even overweight! If I were you I would run the NPs recomendatopn by the doctor cleatly this NP should NOT be giving advice on nutrition.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I am the mom of a 14 yr old and I work at a MDs office. A NP is not a doctor, a PA is not a doctor and is not a nutritionist. This N:P overstepped. This person should not have said that in front of your girl who is not over weight per my figuring. PS I am 5ft. Your daughter has more growing to do, and she is not obese. To give a 13 yr old with no weight problem the encouragement to diet at this stage is just wrong. Your girl may go overboard! Too many young people are too worried about their looks; this is not good. Good grief! You might want to find a real doctor to see instead of the NP. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

    In my defense, we went in for a sports physical / well visit so she can try out for Pep Squad at her school. We didn't go seeking nutritional advise.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Thank you guys. I just sat at the appointment listening to all of this and getting more peeved by the minute because I don't see a problem at all. She is pretty curvy and she compares herself to the thinner girls. But I am very pleased by the advice I have gotten here and also thru pm. Thank you so very much!!
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Seek a second opinion. And another vote for trusting your mom instincts.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    The Nurse Practitioner who i see as my general practitioner is amazing. She is supportive and takes the time to talk to me and I do owe some of my success to her support... but... having said that... she knows jack about weight loss other than eat less, exercise more.

    when she tells me that i need to eat breakfast to get my metabolism going for the day, I just smile and nod because no amount of debating with her that this isn't necessary will do any good.
    when i mentioned that i ate fast food once over the course of a month and i was pretty proud of that, she told me i really should cut it out completely if i want to be successful. again, I smiled and nodded.

    It's true that most Drs (and nurse practitioners and physicians assistants, who often work as primary care providers) do not know enough about weight loss and nutrition to give good advice. It's unfortunate.